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Thread: LFG Warlock

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default LFG Warlock

    It's been a long time since I played last, I'm currently clearing quests on hard with a Warlock/Warrior lvl 6. I am looking at going all the way to 30 and hopefully raiding. On my down time I enjoy theory crafting new characters and finding little nitchs in the game. I have never ran with other people in a party and have soloed up till now and continue to do so. If you willing to chance this let me know.

    I am looking for an active Guild that mainly speaks english, has a voice coms, and is willing to put up with stupid questions as I level up.

    What I offer, I'm on daily, play for extended periods of time, a friendly voice on coms.

    Other answers to the inevitable questions: Yes I'm well over 18, Pie, Ranged mostly, yes I'm open to suggestions, CTZ, Random play hours, play 4 hours per day average, and a dog.

    Hopefully this post is noticed... It looked a little dead in here.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Default Guilds

    Hi. There are a number of active guilds on Wayfinder. I suggest checking with Your Part Time Guild, which may be a good fit for you. Also Tea Party of Teabags, Knights of Power and several others are active with lots of experienced members who are usually happy to share their insights.

    Lots of experienced players are running heroics now to get reaper points. Keep your eyes open for LFM's.
    Last edited by JQP; 07-17-2017 at 11:58 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Thanks for the reply

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