How do you optimize your PRR MRR AC and saves for your rogue in heroics, epics and end game.
Also why go light armor vs cloth other than named loot with certain effects.
DPS part I got ... Unfortunately glass cannon I also got.
How do you optimize your PRR MRR AC and saves for your rogue in heroics, epics and end game.
Also why go light armor vs cloth other than named loot with certain effects.
DPS part I got ... Unfortunately glass cannon I also got.
Robes/Cloth - No inherent PRR, MRR capped at 50 for the character.
Light Armor - PRR = BAB*1, MRR capped at 100 for the character.
It's a pretty big deal overall for a solo character looking to build up some PRR and any significant MRR.
in low heroics, I use the frozen tunic--PRR won't be much more then in light armor.
Parasitic breastplate can be fashioned to boost your saves. Keep up protection from evil, ideally improved defensive roll from TA tree.
Assassins are about avoidance so ofc aggro control, stealth, bluff (shiv/improved feint) and using your dodge boost clickies. You can rotate the clickie with SD's improved invisi & meld.
Otherwise, assassins are squishy which makes them dangerous--if you know your enemy has a gun, you wear bulletproof; an assassin imaginatively uses many techniques in his or her arsenal of tricks to compensate for vulnerabilities.
I have been trying to build alternate assassins lately--Prowler for more speed & extended dragonmarks of displacement; 18/2 ranger (unnamed) for faster stealth speed & extra feats
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Gear past lives and a few relevant enhancements. For rogues I dont use selected feats for prr/mrr at any point in leveling or the final build. If I am playing on my main character Its the only time past lives are relevant. Divine epic past lives are nice to have on a dedicated rogue character but so are some more offensive epic past lives. So there is a real trade off in epic pls unless you are getting them all. In which case this would be my main character at my leveling pace.
So for my dedicated rougey character it comes down to gear. I dont worry as much about mrr since I focus on the best reflex saves I can maintain. So I want to have slaver crafted or canith crafted or named item bonuses with enhancement insightful and quality prr stacking. My slavers named and crafted items, both heroic and epic have slaves endurance bonuses on them because it is useful for any build if I am swapping gear between characters. So there is often a artifact bonus too. Mythic or reaper bonuses also stack and are a nice bonus but I wont re design my gear equipped around mythic and reaper bonuses.
Last edited by Jetrule; 07-15-2017 at 06:43 PM.
Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion
If you're playing in a group your best defences by far are aggro management and good positioning. You can still play very aggressively this way; it doesn't mean hiding down the back and just doing the occasional assassination.
Three items which have been enormously useful to my rogue are boots with FoM, a spell absorb item (PLIS or Jeweled Cloak) and a LGS triple positive weapon for the temp hp proc. These make up for his ordinary fort and will saves and mean the occasional hard hit, like when some careless or panicking group member kites a swinging mob onto you, can just be shrugged off.
He also has a bunch of displacement clickies and makes liberal use of web and glitterdust traps. The pace of group play can be a little too quick to mess around in combat with traps, but in a weak or slow group, when things go bad, or when soloing they are fantastic.
At least in epics ... Improved invisibility (T4 SD), eternal displacement pot, shadow form, improved uncanny Dodge ... Pretty much keep my miss chance at ~ 70% depending on my baseline Dodge chance.