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  1. #81
    Community Member Thoden's Avatar
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    I saw those too, C-Dog, but I'm not sure the +4 armor and immunity to magic missiles is worth losing evasion (oh, I guess there's the 2/4/6 PRR too, but still not worth it, imo). I've played this build up to 30 twice now (once as a gnome, once as a drow), and it seems pretty solid as-is.
    Balladeer Blackcloud (don't step on my Blue Slaad shoes!), Phantom Company (now you see us, now you don't).
    My Alts on Sarlona include Archi Medes, Pythagoras (Knows the Angles!), Techmech, Deepshade, and Doctrine.

  2. #82
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    <nods> Yeah, requiring Medium Armor is a dealbreaker, I can see that. And casting (Night)Shield from a scroll, while a pain, is easy enough.

    Question - you didn't choose to take Spellcraft, which (ifaiu) increases Rune Arm blasts - and would improve spells if you had any offensive ones. What's your thinking there, just the least painful of several painful options to cut, or RA blasts not contribute that much to this build? (Imbues are not improved by Spellcraft, so those are automatic and unchanged either way, afaiu.)

    If a build that had +1 more Skill Point (Human or starting 18 Int) or just a bigger Int tome, would that then be the go-to choice?
    Last edited by C-Dog; 04-30-2018 at 08:49 PM.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoden View Post
    I saw those too, C-Dog, but I'm not sure the +4 armor and immunity to magic missiles is worth losing evasion (oh, I guess there's the 2/4/6 PRR too, but still not worth it, imo). I've played this build up to 30 twice now (once as a gnome, once as a drow), and it seems pretty solid as-is.

    You get much more than that as you gain access to Heavy armour. It requires a switch in thinking from light evasion build to heavy tank build, but I think it's viable. Further investment in the tree yields more benefits as reinforced armour gives you +50%AC from Armour, which will incidentally also enable you to pick up core 3: Curative admixture - cure serious wounds which will also give +10hp, +5 positive spell power and +5 Repair spell power. This gives you more self healing (and party healing) abilities and less evasive abilities.

  4. #84
    Community Member Swimms's Avatar
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    Thank you for the build, I have been playing it the last few lives as I work through my racials and its a lot of fun. I am running with a buddy so clear speed has not been an issue but I could see where the build could slow down if running solo without reliable AOE damage until IPS at 14.

    Don't get me wrong, the single target DPS is sick and the utility and survivability are excellent, I have all the pertinent PLs for maximizing damage but without my friend cleaving everything it seems like it would be a tough slog to solo with only single target dps until you get IPS. Would it be possible to accelerate getting to IPS and if so, what would that look like?

    I am currently running with three set bonuses in Silent Avenger, Adherent of the Mists and Renegade Champion using Stormreach Guardian Crossbow for the artifact bonus to crit multiple on 19-20. The base DPS on Fatal Flaw is better but the crits with running Stormreach Guardian are nice, I have been swapping between them as of level 14 and the DPS is just nuts. Thanks again for the detailed build information.

  5. #85
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swimms View Post
    Thank you for the build, I have been playing it the last few lives as I work through my racials and its a lot of fun. I am running with a buddy so clear speed has not been an issue but I could see where the build could slow down if running solo without reliable AOE damage until IPS at 14.

    Don't get me wrong, the single target DPS is sick and the utility and survivability are excellent, I have all the pertinent PLs for maximizing damage but without my friend cleaving everything it seems like it would be a tough slog to solo with only single target dps until you get IPS. Would it be possible to accelerate getting to IPS and if so, what would that look like?

    I am currently running with three set bonuses in Silent Avenger, Adherent of the Mists and Renegade Champion using Stormreach Guardian Crossbow for the artifact bonus to crit multiple on 19-20. The base DPS on Fatal Flaw is better but the crits with running Stormreach Guardian are nice, I have been swapping between them as of level 14 and the DPS is just nuts. Thanks again for the detailed build information.
    The way to accelerate IPS is by taking more fighter levels (which many in this thread prefer) and taking those first. You can't get it at 11 with all fighter levels or with splashing any monk, rogue, artificer levels since the latter 3 classes have BAB 0 at level 1. So splashing ranger is a way to get it at level 11. With 4 artificer and 8 fighter you can take it at level 12. So 10 ranger, 6 fighter, 4 arti gets you IPS at level 11 with a slighly deferred evasion and deferred trapping/arti levels. Others have suggested they prefer that split or something similar in this thread.

    If you want a 2 splash evasion and arti levels the fastest you can get it is level 13 which is definitely do-able (level 1 arti is 0 BAB and monk/rogue level 1 is 0 BAB). In my case I wanted to take improved precise shot with my arti feat so I effectively deferred it one level to do that. It's fairly easy to re-work the levels and take it at level 13 with arti and rogue/monk levels. Or give up/postpone evasion entirely and take it at level 12.

    There are several alternative splits suggested by posters in this thread that you might want to consider to accelerate IPS. In my case I felt level 12 and 13 quests go fast (and I generally avoid the new quests with bloated hp and more mobs) so it works ok for me. I also think more fighter levels vs. arti levels is arguably better for a racial TR and would make it easier to get IPS at 13. I was trying to make this build work for some epic levels as well which is the reason for more arti levels, but really for a 1-30 life you would want to go great crossbow with 10 rogue, 4 arti, 6 fighter or some split that gives you +1 crit multiplier from fighter and the feats + tier 5 mechanic + endless fusilade + improved evasion or more armor piercing. Or any of the many variations of 5+ rogue, 6+fighter, 4+arti that gets you the key things that make the build work.
    Last edited by slarden; 12-19-2018 at 08:32 AM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  6. #86
    Founder Epitome's Avatar
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    Haven't played in 3 or maybe 4 years? Anyways when I left I was missing only 9 heroic lives in terms of past lives. Now it appears I'm missing 30 Racial PLs and 6 new iconic PLs (deep gnome and Aasimar Scourge).

    Thinking up picking back up the game again solo for awhile and working on a slow Racial PL grind for now while also obtaining Rxp.

    So does this build still hold well through any changes/updates to the game? Planning on giving this a go for 1-20 Racial PLs for now.
    Xevlen . Jibcutter . Pipehitter . Seanconnery-
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  7. #87
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Welcome back!~
    Quote Originally Posted by Epitome View Post
    Haven't played in 3 or maybe 4 years? Anyways when I left I was missing only 9 heroic lives in terms of past lives. Now it appears I'm missing 30 Racial PLs and 6 new iconic PLs (deep gnome and Aasimar Scourge).
    AND there's both another class and race on the horizon! Joy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Epitome View Post
    So does this build still hold well through any changes/updates to the game? Planning on giving this a go for 1-20 Racial PLs for now.
    Yeah, none of the important facets of this build have had a significant change (and few of the unimportant ones either!).

    The Arti "Renegade Mastermaker" tree came out, but that was dismissed as non-relevant to this concept (as the best it has to offer involves medium/heavy armor, so takes away Evasion - it's discussed in this thread a few pages back).

    And the new Patron trees (Falconry, Inquisitive) don't offer more than you lose.

    Go for it.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    When I went to make mine I used a character planner and started w/ the original from the OP in this thread - for those who prefer that layout, here's a token of my appreciation, that same original version from the OP, but in char-planner format (99.9% original, at least - perfection not guaranteed, but I tried)...
    Building on this (Thanks C-Dog), I came up with this as an attempt at taking the build all the way to 30. Any helpful comments or corrections would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Slarden's Reaper Original
    12/6/2 Artificer/Fighter/Monk
    Lawful Neutral Human

    Level Order

    1. Artificer. . . .6. Monk. . . . . .11. Artificer . . .16. Fighter
    2. Artificer. . . .7. Fighter . . . .12. Artificer . . .17. Artificer
    3. Fighter . . . . 8. Artificer . . .13. Artificer . . .18. Artificer
    4. Fighter . . . . 9. Fighter. . . . 14. Artificer. . . 19. Artificer
    5. Monk. . . . . .10. Artificer . . .15. Fighter. . . . 20. Artificer

    . . . . . . . .32pt . . 34pt. . .36pt . . Tome . . Level Up
    . . . . . . . .---- . . ----. . .---- . . ----. . .--------
    Strength. . . . 10. . . .12 . . . 14. . . . . . . . 4: INT
    Dexterity . . . 16. . . .16 . . . 16. . . .+5. . . .8: INT
    Constitution. . 16. . . .16 . . . 16. . . . . . . .12: INT
    Intelligence. . 16. . . .16 . . . 16. . . . . . . .16: INT
    Wisdom. . . . . .8. . . . 8 . . . .8. . . . . . . .20: INT
    Charisma. . . . .8. . . . 8 . . . .8. . . . . . . .24: INT
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28: INT

    . . . . . A. A. F .F. M .M. F .A .F. A. A. A. A. A. F .F. A. A. A. A
    . . . . . 1. 2. 3 .4. 5 .6. 7 .8 .9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    Concent . 4. 1. . . . 3 .1. . .2 . . 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. . .1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 23
    Disable . 4. 1. . .2. . .2. 1 .1 . . 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 . . 2. 1. 1. 1. 23
    Search. . 4. 1. 1 .½. ½ .1. 2 .1 . . 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 . . 2. 1. 1. 1. 23
    Spot. . . 4. 1. . . . 3 .1. . .2 . . . .3 .1 .1 .1 . . 1 .1 .2 .1 .1 .23
    UMD . . . 4. 1. . . . . . . . .3 .1. 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. . .1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 23
    Jump. . . 1½ ½ .4. 1 .1. . . . . .3. . . . . . . ½. 3 .2. . . . . .18
    Open Lo . 4. 1. . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1. 4. . .1 . . . . . 2. . .2 .16
    Perform . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
    Repair. . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
    Tumble. . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    . . . . .32. 7. 6 .6. 8 .8. 6 .9 .7. 9. 9. 9. 5. 7. 7 .8 10 10. 5. 7
    Max . . .32. 8. 6 .6. 8 .8. 6 .9 .7. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 7 .8 10 10 10 10


    .1. . . . : Point Blank Shot
    .1 Human. : Least Dragonmark: Passage
    .3. . . . : Skill Focus: Use Magic Device
    .3 Fighter: Rapid Shot
    .4 Fighter: Precise Shot
    .5 Monk . : Precision
    .6. . . . : Insightful Reflexes
    .6 Monk . : Dodge
    .9. . . . : Combat Casting
    .9 Fighter: Weapon Focus: Ranged
    10 Arti . : Improved Critical: Ranged
    12. . . . : Mobile Spellcasting
    14 Arti . : Improved Precise Shot
    15. . . . : Weapon Specialization: Ranged
    16 Fighter: Mobility
    18. . . . : Quicken Spell
    20 Arti . : Shot on the Run
    21 Epic . : Combat Archery
    24 Epic . : Overwhelming Critical
    26 Destiny: Holy Strike
    27 Epic . : Blinding Speed
    28 Destiny: Doubleshot
    29 Destiny: Embodiment of Law
    30 Epic . : Epic Reflexes
    30 Legend : Scion of: Ethereal Plane


    1. Repair Light Damage (1), Conjure Bolts (1), Enchant Weapons (1), Enchant Armor (2), Resist Energy (19)
    2. Repair Moderate Damage (8), Elemental Weapons (8), Byeshk Weapons (10), Admixture: Cure Moderate Wounds (14)
    3. Repair Serious Damage (12), Adamantine Weapons (12), Admixture: Cure Serious Wounds (13), Admixture: Remove Disease (19)
    4. Cold Iron Weapons (17), Armor of Speed (18)
    5. Radiant Forcefield (20)

    Enhancements (80+1 AP)

    Battle Engineer (40 AP)
    • Battle Engineer, Infused Weapons, Infused Armor
      1. Crossbow Training, Field Scrapper III
      2. Crossbow Training, Wracking Shot III, Caustic Shot II, Extra Action Boost III, Action Boost: Power III
      3. Crossbow Training, Shatter Defenses II
      4. Crossbow Training, Endless Fusilade, Agility Engine III
      5. Reconstructed Crossbows, Thunder-Shock: Crossbow, Unlock Potential, Tactical Mobility

    Kensei (17 AP)
    • Kensei Focus: Crossbows, Spiritual Bond, Strike with No Thought
      1. Extra Action Boost III
      2. Improved Dodge III, Ascetic Training: Agility III
      3. Athletic Mastery II

    Harper Agent (12 AP)
    • Agent of Good I, Intelligence
      1. Harper Enchantment, Strategic Combat
      2. Know the Angles III
      3. Strategic Combat

    Stalwart Defender (6 AP)
    • Toughness, Stalwart Defense
      1. Durable Defense III, Stalwart Defensive Mastery I

    Arcanotechnician (4 AP)
    • Arcanotechnician
      1. Wand and Scroll Mastery III

    Human (1 AP)
    • Defense Boost

    Shintao (1 AP)
    • Bastion of Purity

    Leveling Guide
    1. Hrp0 Agent of Good I; Hrp1 Harper Enchantment
    2. Hrp1 Strategic Combat; Hrp2 Know the Angles I, II, III
    3. Hrp0 Intelligence; Hrp3 Strategic Combat
    4. Arc0 Arcanotechnician; Arc1 Wand and Scroll Mastery I, II, III
    5. Shi0 Bastion of Purity; BE0 Battle Engineer; BE1 Crossbow Training
    6. BE1 Field Scrapper I, II; (Bank 2 AP)
    7. SD0 Toughness; SD1 Durable Defense I, II, III; SD1 Stalwart Defensive Mastery I; SD0 Stalwart Defense
    8. BE0 Infused Weapons; BE1 Field Scrapper III; BE2 Crossbow Training
    9. BE2 Action Boost: Power I, II; BE3 Crossbow Training
    10. BE2 Extra Action Boost I; (Bank 2 AP)
    11. BE2 Extra Action Boost II, III; (Bank 2 AP)
    12. BE0 Infused Armor; BE4 Crossbow Training; BE4 Endless Fusilade; BE2 Caustic Shot I
    13. BE2 Wracking Shot I, II, III; (Bank 1 AP)
    14. BE4 Agility Engine I; BE3 Shatter Defenses I; BE5 Reconstructed Crossbows; BE5 Unlock Potential; BE5 Thunder-Shock: Crossbow
    15. Ken0 Kensei Focus: Crossbows; Ken1 Extra Action Boost I
    16. Ken1 Extra Action Boost II, III; Ken0 Spiritual Bond
    17. Ken2 Improved Dodge I, II; Ken0 Strike with No Thought; BE2 Action Boost: Power III
    18. BE4 Agility Engine II, III; BE2 Caustic Shot II; BE3 Shatter Defenses II
    19. Ken2 Improved Dodge III; Ken2 Ascetic Training: Agility I, II, III
    20. BE5 Tactical Mobility; Ken3 Athletic Mastery I, II

    Destiny (24 AP)

    Legendary Dreadnought
    1. Extra Action Boost III, Constitution
    2. Damage Boost III, Constitution
    3. Critical Damage III, Haste Boost III, Constitution
    4. (none)
    5. Advancing Blows, Devastating Critical
    6. Master's Blitz
    Last edited by Garorg; 04-26-2019 at 11:18 PM. Reason: Was looking over this again and realized I had left Harbinger of Chaos on the Feat list with a Lawful character. Fixed.

  9. #89
    Community Member vampiregoat69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Level 2-9 Suggested Cannith Crafted Gear. Use random gear if you can't make these, but make leveling your cannith crafting should be part of your plan as finding the exact gear you need for each level range is tough.
    Helm: Int/Accuracy
    Necklace: Spell Saves/Spot
    Trinket: Strength / Tendon Slice (or alternatively Strength / Ranged Alacrity)
    Cloak: Mysterious Cloak (starting at level 7) [Feather Fall + Master's Gift Augment]
    Belt: Dodge / False Life
    Ring 1: Constitution / Sheltering
    Gloves: Doubleshot / Healing Amp
    Boots: Rock Boots at level 4
    Ring 2: Charisma / Protection
    Bracers: Resistance / Fortification
    Armor: Fearsome / Invulnerability with Master's Gift Augment (level 1 only - I don't upgrade) until level 7 then I start using Frozen Tunic
    Goggles: Seeker / Deadly (Swap goggles: Search/True Sight and Disable/Open Lock)
    Weapons: By Level
    Rune Arms: By Level (Concentration crafted on)
    Quiver: Upgraded Quiver of Alacrity if you have it (Striding 30% and Ranged Alacrity 10%)
    Elite Spider Cult Mask if you have it (+1 to skills)

    Vorpal weapons: Try and grab every vorpal weapon you can (mostly from end rewards). They are extremely powerful with repeaters since it has 3-4 chances per attack. If it takes more than 4-5 hits to take down enemies vorpal is almost always the way to go. The extra base damage and kill chance is worth more than any prefix+suffix in this game.

    If you are lucky enough to find a level 4 keen /vorpal with slot add ghostbase augment and you are set for most quests in the game for several levels. Check your end reward lists they drop in the harbor quests as end rewards.

    LEVEL 1
    Class: Artificer
    Race: Any
    Feats: Point Blank Shot (General)
    Starting Stats (36 pt build) - Generic - tweak as needed for each race

    Str: 14
    Int: 16
    Wis: 8
    Dex: 16 (you will need +3 tome to get improved precise shot and +5 tome to get combat archery at 21)
    Con: 16
    Char: 8

    Alternatively you can max int to 18 and start strength at 8 but realistically carrying capacity is a real issue during heroic leveling. I ran with Int 18/St 8 and Int 16/St 14 and noticed no difference other than load issues. Starting with a strength of 8 requires keeping small stacks of potions and scrolls and swapping quest-specific weapons between quests.

    Skill Points (28)
    - Concentration +4
    - Disable Device +4
    - Open Lock +4
    - Search +4
    - Spot +4
    - UMD + 4
    - Tumble +1 (2 points)
    - Jump +1 (2 points)

    Spells Added:
    - Conjure Bolts
    - Enchant Weapon

    Weapons (used level 1 for Kobold's New Ringleader Only):
    - Light / Keen (Kobolds)
    - Ghost Touch / Lawful Outsider Bane (Reapers)

    Note: If you have a min level 1 festival icy burst lacerating weapon this is good for the early levels and can replace other weapons.

    - Fearsome / Invulnerability with Master's Gift Slotted - used until Level 7. Ideally with first stone of change hardening ritual.

    Other Gear:
    - upgraded Quiver of Alacrity if you have it (or ranged alacrity item from old cannith crafting - these are nice to have but not necessary)
    - Deadly +1 item
    - Necklace of Contemplation
    - Boots of the Long Step
    - Harper Pin, Greater (Favor Reward)
    - Cursed Blade of Jack Jibbers

    That is all I use for level 1 and then I start using gear level 2

    Consumables to Add:
    - Potions of Blindness Removal (Jalin Kalabrey Potion Vendor Center of Marketplace)
    - Potions of Poison Neutralization (Jalin Kalabrey Potion Vendor Center of Marketplace)
    - Potions of Disease Removal (Jalin Kalabrey Potion Vendor Center of Marketplace)
    - Potions of Lesser Restoration (Jalin Kalabrey Potion Vendor Center of Marketplace) - Note these are near useless in reaper but only option until level 5
    - Potions of Curse Removal (Jalin Kalabrey Potion Vendor Center of Marketplace)
    - Potions of Cure Serious Wounds (Elmar Flask Guild Potion Vendor House K)
    - Potions of Haste (Elmar Flask Guild Potion Vendor House K)
    - Potions of Heroism (Elmar Flask Guild Potion Vendor House K)
    - Scrolls of Cure Moderate Wounds (Aulandar Thistlecrown House J House of Wizardry)
    - Scrolls of Nightshield (Lorna Wyrmtouched Arcane Scroll Vendor Level 1 Center of Marketplace)
    - Small stack of scrolls of jump (Lorna Wyrmtouched Arcane Scroll Vendor Level 1 Center of Marketplace)
    - Scrolls of Blur (Morna Wyrmtouched Arcane Scroll Vendor Level 2 Center of Marketplace)
    - Eternal Flask of Free Movement (available from remnant vendor at times)
    - Eternal Flask of Stoneskin (available from remnant vendor at times)
    - Scrap Metal From a Forge (Taniera Grisvill Artificer Scroll Vendor House Cannith)
    - Don't forget to set your racial enhancement points if you have any from past lifes

    Self Healing on 3 skulls:
    Cure Serious Wounds Potions: 8-12 life
    Cure Moderate Wounds Scrolls: 5-7 life (these are for healing others rather than self)

    I usually just run Kobold's New Ringleader on 3 skull reaper. Then repeat on Elite, Hard and Normal as needed until you reach level 2. Level up immediately there is no reason to bank xp.

    LEVEL 2
    Class: Artificer
    Feats: None
    Stat Increase: None

    Skill Points (8)
    - Concentration +1
    - Disable Device +1
    - Open Lock +1
    - Search +1
    - Spot +1
    - UMD + 1
    - Jump +.5 (1 point)

    Spell Added:
    - Enchant Armor

    Enhancement Point Spend:
    - Harper: Agent of Good,
    - Harper: Harper Enchantment
    - Harper: Strategic Combat I
    - Harper: Know the Angles x3

    Weapons Added/Upgraded:
    - Good / Undead Bane

    Other Gear Added/Upgraded:
    - Cannith Crafting Gear Added
    - Rune Arm Added (Flame Warden from Waterworks or Thought Spike from Redemption)

    Consumables Added/Upgraded:
    - No Changes

    Self Healing on 3 Skulls:
    Cure Serious Wounds Potions: 8-12 life
    Cure Moderate Wounds Scrolls: 5-7 life (these are for healing others rather than self)

    LEVEL 3
    Class: Fighter
    Feats: Rapid Shot (Fighter Feat), One of Completionist/Barbarian Past Life/Skill Focus UMD/Toughness (General Feat).
    Stat Increase: +1 to each stat where you have a +1 tome or better

    Skill Points (5)
    - Search +1 (2 points)
    - UMD + 1 (2 points)
    - Jump +1

    Enhancement Point Spend:
    - Harper: Intelligence (Core 2)
    - Harper: Strategic Combat II

    Weapons Added/Upgraded:
    - None

    Other Gear Added/Upgraded:
    - Upgrade Rune Arm to Flicker (Seal of Shan-to-Kor end reward and/or Candlelight (Catacombs end reward)

    Consumables Added/Upgraded:
    - Scrolls of Cure Serious Wounds (Aulandar Thistlecrown House J House of Wizardry) instead of Scrolls of Cure Moderate Wounds

    Self Healing on 3 Skulls:
    Cure Serious Wounds Potions: 8-12 life
    Cure Serious Wounds Scrolls: 9-13 life

    LEVEL 4
    Class: Fighter
    Feats: Precise Shot (Fighter Feat)
    Stat Increase: Intelligence +1 (Level Up)

    Skill Points (6)
    - Disable Device +1 (2 points)
    - UMD + 1 (2 points)
    - Jump +2

    Enhancement Point Spend:
    - Arcanotechnician: Archanotechnician (Core 1)
    - Arcanotechnician: Wand and Scroll Mastery x3

    Weapons Added/Upgraded:
    - Cannith Crafting Level 4 Weapons have 2 dice instead of 1
    - Cannith Crafting Clothing and Jewelry upgraded
    - Light / Bludgeoning as general purpose weapon
    - Light / Keen
    - Ghost Touch / Lawful Outsider Bane for reapers
    - Metalline / Aligned

    Other Gear Added/Upgraded:
    - Set your Reaper Points - you can start using these at level 4.

    Consumables Added/Upgraded:
    - None

    Self Healing on 3 skulls:
    Cure Serious Wounds Potions: 8-12 life
    Cure Serious Wounds Scrolls: 18-25 life

    LEVEL 5
    Class: Monk
    Feats: Precision (Monk Feat)
    Stat Increase: None

    Skill Points (6)
    - Concentration +3
    - UMD +1 (2 skill points)
    - Spot +1

    Enhancement Point Spend:
    - Shintao: Bastion of Purity (Core 1)
    - Battle Engineer: Battle Engineer (Core 1)
    - Battle Engineer: Crossbow Training (Tier 1)

    Weapons Added/Upgraded:
    - None

    Other Gear Added/Upgraded:
    - Upgrade Rune Arm to Chimera's Breath (Sentinel's of Stormreach end reward)
    - Cannith Crafting Clothing and Jewelry upgraded
    - Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
    - Visor of the Flesh Render Guards (I carry 5 of these all the way to cap - they weight 1/10 of a pound each)

    Consumables Added/Upgraded:
    - Scrolls of Cure Critical Wounds (Aulandar Thistlecrown House J House of Wizardry) instead of Scrolls of Cure Serious Wounds
    - Scrolls of Restoration (Aulandar Thistlecrown House J House of Wizardry)
    - Scrolls of Stone Skin (Taniera Grisvill Artificer Scroll Vendor House Cannith)
    - Web traps (made with web scrolls, magical trap parts, mechanical trap parts - situationally useful)

    Self Healing on 3 skulls:
    Cure Serious Wounds Potions: 8-12 life
    Cure Critical Wounds Scrolls: 25-35 life

    LEVEL 6
    Class: Monk
    Feats: Insightful Reflexes (General), Dodge (Monk)
    Stat Increase: None

    Skill Points (5)
    - Concentration +1
    - Spot +3
    - UMD +1 (2 skill points)

    Enhancement Point Spend:
    - Field Scrapper x2 (leave 2 open for defensive stance next level)

    Weapons Added/Upgraded:
    - None

    Other Gear Added/Upgraded:
    - None

    Consumables Added/Upgraded:
    - No Changes

    Self Healing on 3 skulls:
    Cure Serious Wounds Potions: 8-12 life
    Cure Critical Wounds Scrolls: 25-35 life

    LEVEL 7
    Class: Fighter
    Feats: None
    Stat Increase: +1 to each stat where you have a +2 tome or better

    Skill Points (6)
    - Concentration +1 (2 skill point)
    - Jump +2
    - UMD +1 (2 skill points)

    Enhancement Point Spend:
    - Stalwart Defender: Toughness (Core 1)
    - Stalwart Defender: Durable Defense x3
    - Stalwart Defender: Stalwart Defensive Mastery x1
    - Stalwart Defender: Stalwart Defense (Core 2)

    Weapons Added/Upgraded:
    - None

    Other Gear Added/Upgraded:
    - Cannith Crafting Clothing and Jewelry upgraded
    - Mysterious Cloak added (feather fall +master's gift slotted)
    - Frozen Tunic replaces fearsome/invulnerability armor

    Consumables Added/Upgraded:
    - Scrolls of Raise Dead (Aulandar Thistlecrown House J House of Wizardry)
    - Scrolls of Teleport (Franz Alastor House K Arcane Scroll Vendor)

    Self Healing on 3 skulls:
    Cure Serious Wounds Potions: 8-12 life
    Cure Critical Wounds Scrolls: 26-37 life

    LEVEL 8
    Class: Artificer
    Feats: None
    Stat Increase: +1 Intelligence (Level Up)

    Skill Points (9)
    - Concentration +1
    - Disable Device + 4
    - Search +3
    - UMD +1

    Spell Added:
    - Elemental Weapons

    Enhancement Point Spend:
    - Battle Engineer: Field Scrapper x2
    - Battle Engineer: Crossbow Training (Tier 2)

    Weapons Added/Upgraded:
    - None

    Other Gear Added/Upgraded:
    - Frozen Tunic upgraded from level 4 version to level 8

    Consumables Added/Upgraded:
    - Two-Headed Coins (Taniera Grisvill Artificer Scroll Vendor House Cannith)

    Self Healing on 3 skulls:
    Cure Serious Wounds Potions: 8-12 life
    Cure Critical Wounds Scrolls: 26-37 life

    LEVEL 9
    Class: Fighter
    Feats: Combat Casting (General), Weapon Focus Ranged (Fighter) - before commenting on Combat Casting see notes in Level 12 section for explanation
    Stat Increase: None

    Skill Points (7)
    - Concentration +1 (2 points)
    - Jump +3
    - UMD +1 (2 points)

    Enhancement Point Spend:
    - Battle Engineer: Action Boost Power x3
    - Battle Engineer: Infused Armor (Core 3)

    Weapons Added/Upgraded:
    - Cannith Crafting Weapon Upgrade (3 dice instead of 2)
    - Chaotic/ Construct Bane,
    - Metalline / Aligned

    Other Gear Added/Upgraded:
    - None

    Consumables Added/Upgraded:
    - Scrolls of Heal (Aulandar Thistlecrown House J House of Wizardry)
    - Scrolls of Greater Heroism (Franz Alastor House K Arcane Scroll Vendor)
    - Scrolls of True Seeing (Franz Alastor House K Arcane Scroll Vendor)

    Self Healing on 3 skulls:
    Heal Scrolls: 128 Life

    For Level 10 see the next section - I meant for this section to be 1-9. Starting at level 10 a bonus slot is available in Cannith crafting.
    Not sure why you took field scrapper as you do not even use sunder on a ranged monk:+1/2/3 to Sunder DCs makes no sense. Also says x2 then at lvl 8 take it 2more times which that is impossible when it only goes to +3

  10. #90
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vampiregoat69 View Post
    Not sure why you took field scrapper as you do not even use sunder on a ranged monk:+1/2/3 to Sunder DCs makes no sense. Also says x2 then at lvl 8 take it 2more times which that is impossible when it only goes to +3
    It's for the thundershock tier 5 ability which is based on sunder. One of those should just be +1- probably just a typo.

    This isn't really a ranged monk - I just have 2 levels for 2 feats and evasion. It's more of a artificer repeater build with some splashing.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  11. #91
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vampiregoat69 View Post
    Not sure why you took field scrapper... Also says x2 then at lvl 8 take it 2 more...
    Btw, both of these points are addressed in the thread. Read the whole thing for more information.

  12. #92
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default Rearranging Enhancements for Inquisitive for Epic levelling.

    Thanks Slarden for your build.
    I've decided to take it to 30 and run a couple of epic lives and I am having great fun with the Inquisitive tree.
    It significantly increases the DPS, but I also understand its not FTP.
    And Ratcatcher is still an awesome lvl 8 crossbow at lvl 25 - It crits on a 14+ and does an extra multiplyer on top of most other crossbows.

    Even with only putting 2 points in Inquisitive - Dual wielding Xbow, it seemed to be as effective with ratcatcher as some of the good lvl 14/15 repeaters. With a full investment in the Inquisitive tree and 27 points in Battle Mechanic it's a big step up. You overcome no thundershot with 19/20 knockdown - no save.

    Keeping points in SD for the 25 PRR, I had to sacrifice insightful Int Damage, so Ive taken the spell and replaced an early optional feat with Extend to increae the duration of insightful reflexes and armour of speed spells.

    21· · Epic(1) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Combat Archery
    24· · Epic(4) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Overwhelming Critical
    26· · Epic(6) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Holy Strike
    27· · Epic(7) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Blinding Speed
    28· · Epic(8) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Doubleshot
    29· · Epic(9) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Embodiment of Law
    30· · Epic(10)· · · · ·Epic Feat: Epic Reflexes
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Legendary: Scion of Arborea


    Enhancements: 80 APs, Racial 1, Universal 1
    Gnome - Points spent: 1
    1 Core ·(1) Perseverance I
    Harper Agent - Points spent: 7
    1 Core ·(1) Agent of Good I
    2 Tier1 (2) Strategic Combat I
    3 Tier1 (2) Harper Enchantment
    4 Tier2 (1) Know the Angles
    5 Tier2 (1) Know the Angles
    Battle Engineer - Points spent: 27
    1 Core ·(1) attle Engineer
    2 Tier1 (2) Weapon Training I: Crossbow Training I
    3 Tier1 (1) Field Engineer
    4 Tier1 (1) Field Engineer
    5 Core ·(1) Infused Weapons I
    6 Tier2 (2) Weapon Training II: Crossbow Training II
    7 Tier1 (1) Field Engineer
    8 Tier2 (2) Extra Action Boost
    9 Tier2 (2) Extra Action Boost
    10 Tier2 (2) Extra Action Boost
    11 Tier3 (2) Weapon Training III: Crossbow Training III
    12 Tier2 (1) Wrack Construct: Wracking Shot
    13 Tier2 (1) Wrack Construct: Wracking Shot
    14 Tier2 (1) Wrack Construct: Wracking Shot
    15 Tier4 (2) Weapon Training IV: Crossbow Training IV
    16 Tier4 (1) Agility Engine
    17 Tier4 (1) Agility Engine
    18 Tier4 (1) Agility Engine
    19 Tier4 (2) Battle Mastery: Endless Fusilade
    Stalwart Defender - Points spent: 6
    1 Core ·(1) Toughness
    2 Tier1 (1) Improved Stalwart Defense I: Durable Defense
    3 Tier1 (1) Improved Stalwart Defense I: Durable Defense
    4 Tier1 (1) Improved Stalwart Defense I: Durable Defense
    5 Tier1 (1) Stalwart Defensive Mastery
    6 Core ·(1) Stalwart Defense
    Inquisitive - Points spent: 41
    1 Core ·(1) Inquisitive
    2 Tier1 (2) Dual Shooter
    3 Tier1 (2) Law on your side
    4 Core ·(1) Hit the Streets
    5 Tier2 (1) Wand and Scroll Mastery
    6 Tier2 (1) Wand and Scroll Mastery
    7 Tier2 (1) Wand and Scroll Mastery
    8 Tier2 (2) Crossbow Adept
    9 Tier3 (2) Crossbow Adept II
    10 Core ·(1) Mind Like Iron
    11 Tier2 (2) Observation
    12 Tier3 (1) Improved Observation
    13 Tier3 (2) First Things First: Ask Questions First
    14 Tier2 (2) Improved Law
    15 Tier4 (2) Crossbow Adept III
    16 Core ·(1) True Seeing
    17 Tier4 (1) What Later?: Shoot Later
    18 Tier4 (2) Greater Law
    19 Tier4 (2) Inquisition Style: Martial Inquisition
    20 Tier1 (1) Eye for Accuracy
    21 Tier5 (2) No Holds Barred
    22 Core ·(1) Undaunted
    23 Tier5 (1) Inquisitor's Path: Jaded
    24 Tier5 (1) Improved Uncanny Dodge
    25 Tier5 (1) Diplomatic Immunity
    26 Tier5 (2) Arresting Assault
    27 Tier3 (2) Ability Score I: Intelligence
    28 Core ·(1) Master Inquisitive

    Anyway this was purely to add some feedback to assit with anyone wanting to run this build into epics and share my experience.
    Last edited by Cambo; 07-03-2019 at 07:14 AM.
    Cambo Neebong "Waylander of the Stolen Blade", well borrowed really...
    Lover of Loot, All Things Shiny and Participant in R.O.G.U.E Part Quatre Stealth Challenge.
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  13. #93
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cambo View Post
    Thanks Slarden for your build.
    I've decided to take it to 30 and run a couple of epic lives and I am having great fun with the Inquisitive tree.
    It significantly increases the DPS, but I also understand its not FTP.
    And Ratcatcher is still an awesome lvl 8 crossbow at lvl 25 - It crits on a 14+ and does an extra multiplyer on top of most other crossbows.

    Even with only putting 2 points in Inquisitive - Dual wielding Xbow, it seemed to be as effective with ratcatcher as some of the good lvl 14/15 repeaters. With a full investment in the Inquisitive tree and 27 points in Battle Mechanic it's a big step up. You overcome no thundershot with 19/20 knockdown - no save.

    Keeping points in SD for the 25 PRR, I had to sacrifice insightful Int Damage, so Ive taken the spell and replaced an early optional feat with Extend to increae the duration of insightful reflexes and armour of speed spells.

    21· · Epic(1) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Combat Archery
    24· · Epic(4) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Overwhelming Critical
    26· · Epic(6) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Holy Strike
    27· · Epic(7) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Blinding Speed
    28· · Epic(8) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Doubleshot
    29· · Epic(9) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Embodiment of Law
    30· · Epic(10)· · · · ·Epic Feat: Epic Reflexes
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Legendary: Scion of Arborea


    Enhancements: 80 APs, Racial 1, Universal 1
    Gnome - Points spent: 1
    1 Core ·(1) Perseverance I
    Harper Agent - Points spent: 7
    1 Core ·(1) Agent of Good I
    2 Tier1 (2) Strategic Combat I
    3 Tier1 (2) Harper Enchantment
    4 Tier2 (1) Know the Angles
    5 Tier2 (1) Know the Angles
    Battle Engineer - Points spent: 27
    1 Core ·(1) attle Engineer
    2 Tier1 (2) Weapon Training I: Crossbow Training I
    3 Tier1 (1) Field Engineer
    4 Tier1 (1) Field Engineer
    5 Core ·(1) Infused Weapons I
    6 Tier2 (2) Weapon Training II: Crossbow Training II
    7 Tier1 (1) Field Engineer
    8 Tier2 (2) Extra Action Boost
    9 Tier2 (2) Extra Action Boost
    10 Tier2 (2) Extra Action Boost
    11 Tier3 (2) Weapon Training III: Crossbow Training III
    12 Tier2 (1) Wrack Construct: Wracking Shot
    13 Tier2 (1) Wrack Construct: Wracking Shot
    14 Tier2 (1) Wrack Construct: Wracking Shot
    15 Tier4 (2) Weapon Training IV: Crossbow Training IV
    16 Tier4 (1) Agility Engine
    17 Tier4 (1) Agility Engine
    18 Tier4 (1) Agility Engine
    19 Tier4 (2) Battle Mastery: Endless Fusilade
    Stalwart Defender - Points spent: 6
    1 Core ·(1) Toughness
    2 Tier1 (1) Improved Stalwart Defense I: Durable Defense
    3 Tier1 (1) Improved Stalwart Defense I: Durable Defense
    4 Tier1 (1) Improved Stalwart Defense I: Durable Defense
    5 Tier1 (1) Stalwart Defensive Mastery
    6 Core ·(1) Stalwart Defense
    Inquisitive - Points spent: 41
    1 Core ·(1) Inquisitive
    2 Tier1 (2) Dual Shooter
    3 Tier1 (2) Law on your side
    4 Core ·(1) Hit the Streets
    5 Tier2 (1) Wand and Scroll Mastery
    6 Tier2 (1) Wand and Scroll Mastery
    7 Tier2 (1) Wand and Scroll Mastery
    8 Tier2 (2) Crossbow Adept
    9 Tier3 (2) Crossbow Adept II
    10 Core ·(1) Mind Like Iron
    11 Tier2 (2) Observation
    12 Tier3 (1) Improved Observation
    13 Tier3 (2) First Things First: Ask Questions First
    14 Tier2 (2) Improved Law
    15 Tier4 (2) Crossbow Adept III
    16 Core ·(1) True Seeing
    17 Tier4 (1) What Later?: Shoot Later
    18 Tier4 (2) Greater Law
    19 Tier4 (2) Inquisition Style: Martial Inquisition
    20 Tier1 (1) Eye for Accuracy
    21 Tier5 (2) No Holds Barred
    22 Core ·(1) Undaunted
    23 Tier5 (1) Inquisitor's Path: Jaded
    24 Tier5 (1) Improved Uncanny Dodge
    25 Tier5 (1) Diplomatic Immunity
    26 Tier5 (2) Arresting Assault
    27 Tier3 (2) Ability Score I: Intelligence
    28 Core ·(1) Master Inquisitive

    Anyway this was purely to add some feedback to assit with anyone wanting to run this build into epics and share my experience.
    This looks great - thanks for posting it! Yes, I think inquisitor with a light or heavy crossbow is the best dps for epics and level cap. I've been looking at bringing Randslar to cap with the build, but was thinking 16 arti/ 2 fighter/ 2 monk might be better at cap for deadly and reconstruct. This information is very helpful as I've been wanting to run the build at cap with inquisitor for quite a while now.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  14. #94
    Community Member Timmeke123456's Avatar
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    Question My thought of mind.

    This might be a silly question but why do you implement the dragonmark of passage? Only for the spell expeditious retreat or am I missing something?
    Last edited by Timmeke123456; 07-07-2019 at 06:11 AM.
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  15. #95
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timmeke123456 View Post
    This might be a silly question but why do you implement the dragonmark of passage?
    I do not take it since this is a build specifically for racial tr so it's designed to work with any race. Someone posted their own variation of the build with human and took dragonmark of passage. Dragonmark of passage gives dimension door which is a rare scroll not obtainable from a vendor. I've taken it many times when human and on a build without dimension door.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  16. #96
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timmeke123456 View Post
    This might be a silly question but why do you implement the dragonmark of passage? Only for the spell expeditious retreat or am I missing something?
    Yeah, as S said. DD allows MUCH faster completion of certain quests, and is also a great "panic button" if things go badly (like suddenly facing 2-3 reapers, etc.) It also speeds up questing in general by allowing quicker exit from most quests once finished, which is a small but overall time-saver, which can add up for those who are doing many TR's.

    It's not in the original, but this build is strong enough to allow some personal variation (like the bottom, separate part of my post, where I wanted a diff class for TR).

    Btw - the original is on page 1 of this thread (and a character planner version here). Garorg's and Cambo's versions, above, are examples of such personal spins.

    (np G!)

  17. #97
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    This looks great - thanks for posting it! Yes, I think inquisitor with a light or heavy crossbow is the best dps for epics and level cap. I've been looking at bringing Randslar to cap with the build, but was thinking 16 arti/ 2 fighter/ 2 monk might be better at cap for deadly and reconstruct. This information is very helpful as I've been wanting to run the build at cap with inquisitor for quite a while now.
    Ok so importantly I found out extend does not work with deadly or armor of speed +(might have been common knowledge...), so its a wasted feat. luckily this build is full of feats.
    Im on my second Epic TR, and its cutting it up really well. I've kept the SD portion as it does seem to make a difference in early Epics.
    Blinding speed Epic Feat obviously removes the need to use blinding speed.

    The level 24 thrunderforged Crossbow is nice for DR breaking (slotted with ruby of good) - without artificer casting (i can never remember what works when), and Ratcatcher holds its own until level 24.

    About the only issue I have with this build is the need for a good jump item or pots , oh and ive mucked around with twisting consectrate and heal component so i can cast while attacking and keep up the early epics I ran divine crusader as it saves the need to kite a lot.

    I just made a Heroic Radiance greensteel HXB and wil probably do the next life as ranger/rogue/arty for the added sneal attack. Blinding gives some protection against being hit too.

    One of the best things about inquisitor is the Law damage, it's not range or aggro dependent runs with 200% Ranged Power, and isnt blocked by DR.

    I've been thinking about farming the xbow from Zawabis revenge, and the shard to make a lvl 20 sentience accepting crossbow with extra crit multiplyer, but it seems like a lot of work when Ratcatcher is running fine.

    Anyway this thread has some nice discussion on inquisitor artificer -
    Last edited by Cambo; 07-09-2019 at 03:35 AM.
    Cambo Neebong "Waylander of the Stolen Blade", well borrowed really...
    Lover of Loot, All Things Shiny and Participant in R.O.G.U.E Part Quatre Stealth Challenge.
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  18. #98
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cambo View Post
    Ok so importantly I found out extend does not work with deadly or armor of speed +(might have been common knowledge...), so its a wasted feat. luckily this build is full of feats.
    Im on my second Epic TR, and its cutting it up really well. I've kept the SD portion as it does seem to make a difference in early Epics.
    Blinding speed Epic Feat obviously removes the need to use blinding speed.

    The level 24 thrunderforged Crossbow is nice for DR breaking (slotted with ruby of good) - without artificer casting (i can never remember what works when), and Ratcatcher holds its own until level 24.

    About the only issue I have with this build is the need for a good jump item or pots , oh and ive mucked around with twisting consectrate and heal component so i can cast while attacking and keep up the early epics I ran divine crusader as it saves the need to kite a lot.

    I just made a Heroic Radiance greensteel HXB and wil probably do the next life as ranger/rogue/arty for the added sneal attack. Blinding gives some protection against being hit too.

    One of the best things about inquisitor is the Law damage, it's not range or aggro dependent runs with 200% Ranged Power, and isnt blocked by DR.

    I've been thinking about farming the xbow from Zawabis revenge, and the shard to make a lvl 20 sentience accepting crossbow with extra crit multiplyer, but it seems like a lot of work when Ratcatcher is running fine.

    Anyway this thread has some nice discussion on inquisitor artificer -
    Thank you for the update. I did put ranks into jump. There should be ways to get to a max jump.

    I am looking at a different direction and going 16 arti / 2 fighter / 2 monk for running at level cap so I can give the party deadly weapons. Epic storm is a really good level 20 weapon. If you already have the seal you can get the shard as a 20th completion. It might be worth it if you have alot of epic lifes to run. Ratcatcher is really good also although you lose the sentient.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  19. #99
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    how would u change your level split for inq? or would you?

    sry was going through all the replys and probably missed it.

    running a pure drow arti right now, and damage is great survivablity is only ok.

  20. #100
    Community Member Tlorrd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post
    how would u change your level split for inq? or would you?

    sry was going through all the replys and probably missed it.

    running a pure drow arti right now, and damage is great survivablity is only ok.
    You're survival is better with pure arti. 30+ APs in Inq, and then use 30+ for RM tree rather than BE tree. 2 reconstructs and 2 radiant forcefields will get you through pretty much everything.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    The devs got bamboozled by the forum warriors.

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