If druids ever get a third tree...

I dont want generic mass + prr and mrr.

I want nice defenses but in fun and different ways.

Like -

1. Defender pet- If you get fatally killed pet takes the blow instead and die but you back with full Health.
2. If pet up and can help you you get + something and something and even other fun somethings.
3. Rage- if pet dies you dont get sad and lose things you get upset and get + x% damage in y seconds.
4. Better pet that even help you in a small way in r4+. (Maybe undying pet but doing **** damage or whatever- i want to have pet out 100% of time and not just have it as flavor/in Town)
5. Maybe get a second pet- if not more lag cause of this?
6. Boosts to wolf bear and ele forms. (Maybe those belongng in other 2 trees)

And- more fun and good spells- !!
And- update pet AI to be less suicidal.

All in all focus on pet and maybe cc and healing. Not just more of prr and mrr, as many other have stated be sure druid is different from other classes MORE after third tree gets out and not less.

(For me you could do arty tree and druid tree in same time. Get them both focusing on pets and have similarities and some big differences. And be sure both pet types get around even in strenghts and weakneses but in a tad different ways.)