Its nice to have it again!
But we had no notice about week one.
In DDO Store Sales & Promotions only DDO Store Sales: July 7th - 13th and DDO Store Sales - June 23rd - 29th are announced, missing June 30th - July 6th.
Its nice to have it again!
But we had no notice about week one.
In DDO Store Sales & Promotions only DDO Store Sales: July 7th - 13th and DDO Store Sales - June 23rd - 29th are announced, missing June 30th - July 6th.
our fearless leader might have had fireworks on his brain or pesky kolbolds sabotaging the work space.
but point is cordo does not post it on that topic every week check the weeks that have been published. they are usually in his weekly ddo chronicle but even that has a week off occasionally.
on login there is the login in box for name and password showing quick headlines of ddo news
and of course the first loading screen before you pick your toon some times shows a splash screen of sales
but all of these this can miss a week here or there. take a look in the ddo store it self but right now store is broken for many and if it broken for you well you had no way of purchasing them if you knew what they are.
im sorry if this cookie is a Queen Lailat, the Marilith Cookie , i wish you a Thelanis, the Faerie Court Jelly Cake