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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Eldritch Knight - Some Buff idea to make it competitive.

    These are just spitball ideas. I personally feel like every tree should be able to be usable without heavy multiclassing. Right now, EK feels far too much like it should just be a FIGHTER enhancement tree than a WIZARD or SORCERER one. That being said, I don't know the balance ramifications of just saying 'rework it to be a Fighter tree'.

    - The Changes -

    [Note: Everything in the core enhancement tree scales 100% with spell power]

    Core 1: Level 1
    Eldritch Cleave: Change 0-2 Force Damage per character level to 1d2 per character level, +1 per Wizard or Sorcerer level, whichever is higher. (So 30d2+25 at level 30). Change +1[W] damage to +2[W]. Cooldown changed from 12 to 10 seconds.
    Passive: Stays the same.

    Core 2: Level 3
    Spell Sword, Choose One: Imbue damage stays the same, no longer cost spell points, change 0-2 bonus elemental Eldritch Cleave damage to 1d2 per character level, +1 per Wizard or Sorcerer level, whichever is higher. No longer can imbue ranged attacks.
    Passive: Remove +% arcane spell failure (they are receiving something later). Change +10 Force spell power to +10 Force AND +10 whatever imbue you have enabled.

    Core 3: Level 6
    Spell Sword, Choose One: Change Imbue damage increase to 2d6 (as oppose to 2d4).
    Passive: Same as above. Change +10 Force spell power to +10 Force AND +10 whatever imbue you have enabled.
    New Passive: Eldritch Cleave damage force increase to 1d3 damage (Equaling 30d3+25.) Eldritch Strike cooldown is now 8 seconds.

    Core 4: Level 12
    Spell Sword, Choose One: Change Imbue damage increase to 3d6 (as opposed to 3d4).
    Passive: Same as above. Remove +% arcane spell failure (they are receiving something later). Change +10 Force spell power to +10 Force AND +10 whatever imbue you have enabled.

    Core 5: Level 18
    Spell Sword, Choose One: Change Imbue damage increase to 4d6 (as opposed to 4d4).
    Passive: Same as above. Change +10 Force spell power to +10 Force AND +10 whatever imbue you have enabled.
    New Passive: Eldritch Cleave damage force increase to 1d4 damage (Equaling 30d4+25.) Eldritch Strike cooldown is now 6 seconds.

    Core 6: Capstone
    Eldritch Blade:Changes in bold (to save on space).
    Your Eldritch Strike now grants you a Power Charge for each enemy damaged. When you have 20 Power Charges, you can activate Eldritch Blade to gain these benefits.
    Eldritch Power: +10% melee damage, +10% doublestrike, +20% Melee Alacrity +20% Eldritch Strike damage, +20 Universal Spell Power, Duration 30 seconds, Cooldown 3 minutes. In addition, all nearby allies gain a 30 second buff that lets them benefit from your imbue damage.

    Passive: Your weapon gains a stacking +1 bonus to Critical Multiplier and +1 Threat Range. +2 Int, +2 DCs of Evocation spells

    [Note: Everything in the core enhancement tree scales 100% with spell power]

    Tier 1 Enhancements
    Improved Mage Armor: Now a toggle for the Mage Armor spell, with the added bonus +3/6/10% AC, +3/6/10 PRR, +3/6/10 MRR.
    Toughness: Changed to +10/20/30 HP
    Item Defense: Unchanged
    Battlemage: Unchanged, with the addition with 3 points in it "your intimidate cooldown is reduced by 10%".

    Tier 2 Enhancements
    Improved Shield: Still requires Improved Mage Armor. Now a toggle for the Shield spell with the added bonus, add +1/2/3 to the enhancement level of your shield or orb.
    Shield Training: You gain proficiency in all shields except for tower shields. You no longer have arcane spell failure with Shield and gain 25% arcane spell failure reduction for Tower Shields.
    Light Armor Proficiency: You gain proficency in Light Armor, and no longer have arcane spell failure in Light armor.
    Martial Training: Name changed to "Eldritch Weapon Training". You gain +2% doublestrike and proficiency with all martial weapons. Shields and Orbs are considered Spellcasting Implements, giving you a bonus to spell power.
    Wand and Scroll Mastery: Unchanged.

    Tier 3 Enhancements
    Arcane Barrier: Now requires Improved Shield, when you are reduced below 50% HP, you gain the effects of Radiant Forcefield and Lesser Globe of Invulnerability for 7/14/21 seconds. This effect has a cooldown of 150/120/90 seconds.
    Elemental Resistance: Mostly unchanged. +2/+4/+6 Resistance to Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, and Sonic, however, you gain a bonus to the opposite of whatever imbue you have active equal to double your shield's or orb's enhancement level (if you have a +5 shield equip and have the Fire Imbue active, you gain +10 cold resist).
    Critical Accuracy: Unchanged.
    Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence, Choose one: Unchanged.

    Tier 4 Enhancements
    Shield Striking: Renamed to Eldritch Combat Tactics.
    • If you have a Shield equip, you gain: On Hit: +10%/+15%/+20% chance to proc an immediate Shield Bash attack with an equipped shield. Your shield bashes apply 50% imbue damage.
    • If you have an Orb equip, you always benefit from your Orb Blocking bonuses.

    Medium Armor Proficiency: Required Light Armor Proficiency, You gain proficiency in Medium Armor, and no longer have arcane spell failure in Medium armor.
    Critical Damage: Unchanged.
    Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence, Choose one: Unchanged.

    Tier 5 Enhancements
    Improved Tenser's Transformation:
    • Requires Arcane Barrier. Still a Toggle. This version of Tenser's Transformation has no negative effects (no -2 DCs, ect).
    • Your Mage Armor toggle now gives an additional +5% AC, +10 PRR and +10 MRR.
    • Your Shield toggle now gives an additional +1 enhancement level to your equipped shield or orb

    Eldritch Shield: Every 6/5/4 seconds while you have a shield or orb equipped, you gain Temporary Hit Points equal to 10x the enhancement bonus of your equipped shield. (At best this 150 false health at level 30 using at +15 shield more with earlier enhancements).
    Still Spell: Now requires Medium Armor Proficiency enhancement. You gain a reduction to Arcane spell failure equal to your Wizard or Sorcerer levels, whichever is higher. You are always under the effects if the Quicken metamagic (with no increase to spell cost).
    • Renamed to Eldritch Combat Mastery. Grants 3/6/10% doublestrike, and your Eldritch Cleave attacks gain an additional 10/15/20% doublestrike and do +1/2/3[W] damage.
    • With 3 points in Eldritch Combat Mastery you gain: your Eldritch Cleave AND your Eldritch Tempest attacks deal +1 critical multiplier and have +1 critical threat range.

    Eldritch Tempest:
    • Perform Perform a spinning melee attack, dealing weapon damage equal to your Eldritch Cleave weapon damage to all nearby enemies.
    • If any foes are struck by Eldritch Tempest, your weapon also releases an explosion of magical force, dealing an additional 1d6 Force damage per character level + and additional +1 force damage per 5 Wizard and Sorcerer to all nearby enemies. This additional force damage is affected by your spell power (Maximum +5[W]; 30d6+5 Force)
    • Activation Cost: 40/30/20 Spell points. Cooldown: 40/30/20 seconds.

    This is probably super overpowered in some places, but this is less for the effects and more the ideas to be thrown out there.

    In the end, here are some major end game things were are looking at going pure Wizard or Sorcerer

    Normal Attacks: +4d6 Elemental Damage, +1 Critical Multiplier, +1 Threat Range, 20% Bash Chance + 50% of 4d6 Elemental damage.
    Eldritch Cleave: 6 Second Cooldown, +5[W] damage, 30d4+25 Force AoE, 30d2+25 Elemental AoE +2 Critical Multiplier, +2 Threat Range
    Eldritch Tempest: 20 Second Cooldown, +5[W] damage cleave, 30d6+5 Force AoE, +2 Critical Multiplier, +2 Threat Range
    Tensers Transformation Enhancement tower: +15% AC, +20 PRR, +20 MRR, +3 Enhancement Bonus to Shield/Orb, + no negative Tensers Transformation
    Armor Proficiency: Medium Armor Proficiency with no arcane spell failure using those armors, Proficiency in all Shield Towers and no arcane spell failure using those shields, +25% Arcane Alacrity with 25 levels of Wizard or Sorcerer, +25% Arcane Alacrity while wearing a tower shield.
    Eldritch Shield: Every 4 seconds, gain 200 False Hit Points (if you are using a +15 Shield or Orb with all the enhancements to boost enhancement level).

    Overall, these changes should still do less damage than most caster and melee builds as a pure build, but should function as a true mix of melee and caster capabilities.
    Last edited by TMTrainer; 06-29-2017 at 11:57 PM.

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