Looking to buy or trade for some TF Ingots.
Looking to buy or trade for some TF Ingots.
Hmm, not a lot of action. Uh... I have lots of useless stuff? Like dragon scales and uh, plat, and a few old shroud ingredients...
I have all the scales I need for my tier 2, but still need almost 200 TF ingots. :^P
Could be that most folks find themselves in that situation. If you need less than
50, you may just want to farm them from Thunderholme rares.
Yeah, it sure seems like the trade options are pretty much nonexistent. I need a lot of ingots; I want to make a couple 3 items or so eventually.
I missed the window of opportunity on this stuff and it has now completely closed and been boarded over!
Thanks anyway, though!
Main characters, Tymout, Tymkul, Tymbom, Tymantha etc...
The Ghallanda Fellowship (of which Tyrs is a member) runs the Dracolich raid every Wednesday and Sunday nights at 8PM Eastern.
I realize this isn't an ideal time for EU folks, but that's your best bet if you can swing it once in a while, and the folks that run it
are super nice, and very patient for those of us who struggle with the jumping room, etc. Not that I know anyone like that... ;-)