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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maelodic View Post
    Just like you build for any spell. Conjuration gear and force SP/crit will work to make this move go far. Works well with my build feats, and then you have to pick between the extra DC of TS, extra damage and survivability of ES, or a bit of both and lots of other goodies with SE
    I tend to just wear the Slavers gear from 8 to 20 because that boosts all spell DCs and has a bit of spell pen too. Panasophic Circlet at 13 gives all the Spell Power you need. Then I assume I just need Lore items.


  2. #22
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasparion View Post
    I tend to just wear the Slavers gear from 8 to 20 because that boosts all spell DCs and has a bit of spell pen too. Panasophic Circlet at 13 gives all the Spell Power you need. Then I assume I just need Lore items.

    That'll work.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  3. #23
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    If it doesn't have Wail of the Banshee it sucks!

    Just kidding, nice build, but I do love Wail, a lot. But it was better when I was bursting up close, so I guess it will probably not be useful now.

  4. #24
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitering View Post
    If it doesn't have Wail of the Banshee it sucks!

    Just kidding, nice build, but I do love Wail, a lot. But it was better when I was bursting up close, so I guess it will probably not be useful now.
    The only real non-optional spell in the spellbook is Evards, really. I have always considered spell lists fluid and just "suggestions." They're still pretty easy to swap out if you need to "respec" it.

    Gonna hijack your comment to word-vomit about insta-kills with this build:

    I plan on picking up wail and FoD while leveling to cap, the spell list I have assumes non-workable necro dcs but you usually can make them work while leveling. I also usually level in Soul Eater because wave hits like a truck and you can work FoD even with the lack of necro DC investment. I generally use FoD on casters either way, I just don't like the lower odds at higher levels without the investment.

    Converting this build to a necro build is also really easy, and people who have all the bells and whistles will have a workable necro DC without changing feats- but PW:K tends to fill the void without it, unless you'd like to do high skull reapers.

    This build works in fiend pack if you want the insta-kill too - it's not necro DC dependent (10 + Warlock level + Charisma Modifier) so you can have a lower cooldown insta-kill and still throw out reliable CC- but you give up PW:K, free confusion/charm, Mass Suggestion in your spell list for free, and will based pact damage that is of a type that isn't resisted nearly as much.

    Disjunction can remove deathblock and make insta-kills work as well. I normally just try and catch the target of the insta-kill before they buff themselves with deathblock.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  5. #25
    Community Member huey9187's Avatar
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    Default gear setup

    whats ur gear set up for lowbie and end game?

  6. #26
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huey9187 View Post
    whats ur gear set up for lowbie and end game?
    I don't really have an endgame gear setup for this yet unfortunately. I'm just returning to the game now and endgame has changed.

    Lowbie ends up being pretty easy post level 4, as long as you have:
    -Acid spell power item
    -Force spell power item

    Really everything else takes a back seat. After level 4 in tainted scholar on reaper 1, everything just drops in a couple blasts.

    Mid levels you'll want to shoot for:
    -Acid spell power
    -Light spell power (utterdark blast, consume, stricken)
    -Force spell power (faltering blast, tenticles)
    -Acid/Light/Force Crit
    -100% fort
    -CHA Item
    -CON Item
    -Conjuration item

    Have those basics down and it's pretty smooth sailing throughout the leveling process as long as you are abusing web, tenticles, and your near infinite spell point pool in reaper.

    If you're worried about slotting - turn on Faltering Blast and then just use Acid and Force spell power/crit, swap out for light spell power/crit and utterdark blast for boss fights.

    You can generally get all this naturally through loot gen. I've been impressed - my current life, I've used my TR cache very little because the loot gen drops usually gives me the stats I need over time.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  7. #27
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    Default Pin in shiradi?

    first - thank you for posting this build, my first (and only warlock) was the more typical jump in and burst and was getting a bit boring. have really enjoyed playing this build though still learning the ropes of what works best in different situations but that's a good part of what makes it so much fun

    one minor thing I haven't figured out, as I just started working my way up the Shiradi destiny, why are you taking Pin? unlike nerve venom which says it works with offensive spells, Pin states only ranged and thrown attacks. does it work with spells or were you using that as a filler to get to the higher tiers?

  8. #28
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kendo View Post
    first - thank you for posting this build, my first (and only warlock) was the more typical jump in and burst and was getting a bit boring. have really enjoyed playing this build though still learning the ropes of what works best in different situations but that's a good part of what makes it so much fun

    one minor thing I haven't figured out, as I just started working my way up the Shiradi destiny, why are you taking Pin? unlike nerve venom which says it works with offensive spells, Pin states only ranged and thrown attacks. does it work with spells or were you using that as a filler to get to the higher tiers?
    Mostly just filler, honestly. It's a solid no-save CC option but swapping is a bit too cumbersome in normal play especially since you're missing out on both damage and CC by interrupting blasts.

    Feel free to take that tree as you will - Prism, Rainbow, Double Rainbow, Nerve Venom is really all that's required.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  9. #29
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    You suggest 'Empyrean Magic' as a twist, but as far as I can tell the only one ability that would make it proc is the coocoon?
    Could you please explain that to me?

  10. #30
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adurna View Post
    You suggest 'Empyrean Magic' as a twist, but as far as I can tell the only one ability that would make it proc is the coocoon?
    Could you please explain that to me?
    Stricken and Consume are alignment spells, which also count as "light" spells.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  11. #31
    Community Member Rakstelon's Avatar
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    Thanks for taking the time and effort to post this build, had me giggling reading it lol.
    I've just picked up DDO and have always loved my ranged classes, so after reading this, decided to give it a try and see how it works out.
    Will leave some feedback as I level up and check back often for any changes,

    Again thanks Maelodic
    Last edited by Rakstelon; 02-20-2018 at 02:45 PM.

  12. #32
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rakstelon View Post
    Thanks for taking the time and effort to post this build, had me giggling reading it lol.
    I've just picked up DDO and have always loved my ranged classes, so after reading this, decided to give it a try and see how it works out.
    Will leave some feedback as I level up and check back often for any changes,

    Again thanks Maelodic
    Thanks! It certainly feels like a ranged class with some bonkers CC and AOE. DDO has a lot of trash clearing and I hate being slow at that, that so this build is designed to mitigate that with as little reliance on spell points as possible while staying safe and awesome.

    I don't tend to make a ton of changes to my builds as they are tested generally in epics and I run a lot of TR lives - I trust what I experienced after a lot of fine tuning in those levels a lot more than my own logic during the leveling process.

    Either way, happy hunting. The only level this build sucks in is level 1, and then level 4 it gets nuts. If your reaper skull count stays below 5-6 endgame, this build is still very strong and very, very helpful.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  13. #33
    Community Member Olds-cool's Avatar
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    If you were about to embark on a TR and were going to part of an all 'forged group that intends to run mid to upper reapers from the harbor on... would you make any particular adjustments?

    I'm asking for a friend... I see him in the mirror all the time
    Olds, Proud Member of The Silver Legion on Cannith

  14. #34
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Ah man love all forged teams def

    Need 1 wiz or sorc for mass repairs each other ez

    keep it tight masses on the tank

    R3s best but r5 n up the lack of repair amps gonna hurt
    Damonz Cannith

  15. #35
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    I am still seeing this build linked all over the place especially on reddit, maybe because of the extremely marketable name, so I've updated it with both how it ended up after running it quite a bit as well as updated for the new Feydark Illusionist tree.

    • All hail color spray
    • GOO still great and the synergies are off the chain. Cold pact also good
    • Dragonborn was always better than drow what was I thinking my god
    • I'll never give up evards you can't make me
    • Enlightened Spirit still garbage for this playstyle

    Happy giggles
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  16. #36
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    Do you have any gear progression recommendations both heroic and epic?

    As a new player, I am doing some sharn at 15+

  17. #37
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paragoons View Post
    Do you have any gear progression recommendations both heroic and epic?

    As a new player, I am doing some sharn at 15+
    Gonna lay out my heroic path because I've done a few lives. I generally run on R1 the whole way through.

    1-3 Lootgen. I also use the nicked orb from low level sharn at this point. The impulse orb from Borderlands is great until Slavers gear, as well.
    4 Lootgen
    5 Corrosive Forum Post. Can start introducing some Fey gear if you have it. Corsair's set can be pretty helpful too for just general things you may not have access to.
    6 Illicit Warding Armor from The Price of Freedom is real good here. I use it until level 10.
    8 Slavers gear, a lot of which I just use until 20. Charisma, Impulse, Radiance, Fortification, Sheltering, etc - just all the good stats. Spinnaret is super good for the level.
    10 Beacon of magic set. Burnscar sash takes care of acid SP and slavers takes care of the others so I have a macabre and barovian scepter that I put on. Summoner's spectacles are super good for making sure your evards never fails, and Reflective Bloodstone is good for both phantasmal killer and feydark's color spray.
    15 I have the Esoteric initiate set which I use here. Since the goggles give potency and the majority of stats on the macbre scepter are replicated here I also use the creeping dust conduit from sharn. Stone shoes are also good here.
    17 Feywild Dreamer set if you prefer it over Esoteric Initiate here. The cloak in that set is great for bolstering everything but necro. Feywild is a bit better defensively due to slightly higher stats and being light armor- it's also better for damage potential due to the crit increase.

    I haven't farmed out my epics gear yet. I plan on doing that this life. Gigglelock is optimized for being undergeared in epics so it's a good build to farm out the gear on and still be able to contribute to groups. Realistically I'll use level 21 borderlands gear for the slots that aren't covered by Feywild Dreamer while I slowly farm the endgame stuff. Most of the good gear is concentrated around levels 28-30 so it's pretty much just all endgame loot stuff. I might run slavers at cap a bunch and make some placeholder gear until I can farm the real good stuff from Feywild.

    For endgame stuff, slarden has a pretty good layout here (I also prefer Carceri Storm for endgame gearing, I like GOO more for leveling and being undergeared)

    My general leveling for enhancements tends to be:
    1-4 First three points go to illusory weaponry from Feydark Illusionist and the fourth goes into the aura. I use the barb hirelings to carry me through these levels while contributing via the summoned weapons. Extra points go into SE for Consume/Strickened as they hit hard at these levels.
    4-10 I refund everything and put it all into Tainted Scholar at level four, being sure to prioritize the damage boosts. They're extremely effective at this level and offset the lack of single target. After all the damage boosts in TS I grab Color Spray.
    10-12 If I'm soloing a lot, I switch to SE up until cone with color spray and put the rest into TS damage boosts. If I'm grouping a lot I stick with chain to be as effective at max range as possible. Cone is a lot better for the larger groups that RL and Slavers have at this point.
    12-20 I switch depending on my mood, honestly. If I'm soloing I basically stay the course and put points into damage stuff in both TS and SE - cone is more valuable for soloing when you have agro. Chain is better at staying as long range as possible - long range is also where Consume and Stricken are less effective so I just lean in and pick up as much damage from TS and Feydark as I can. If I'm super confident in my ability to lock everything down I also tend to just stick with chain.
    Before I had heroic gear and some reaper points farmed out, if you want to still solo R1 then ES is the way to go here. Permanent Displacement+CON temp HP+extra tankyness+bursts that scale well with metas work really well for undergeared characters but you'll still need groups for Sharn. I really only recommend going with ES if you're undergeared as SE and TS both make properly geared characters shine more and also enable play that's a lot less risky.
    Last edited by Maelodic; 03-15-2021 at 11:07 AM.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  18. #38
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Changed the enhancement layout of the feydark version to also include cone.

    I still mostly prefer chain when in groups for the range and safety, but soloing without cone sucks.

    Also updated some of the notes and such with updated experience coming back to play this build again.

    Another edit:
    Updated spell list. Switched out Dimension Door for Dark Discorporation - discorp is incredible for traps.
    Last edited by Maelodic; 03-30-2021 at 10:50 AM.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

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