Lots of good stuff.
Lots of Lynnabel QOL fixes, bravo!
Here's my favorite:
Not a single quest named "The X of Y," and further cluttering the LFM creation panel. Nice.Five new quests are available for preview! All of "Third Time's a Charm", "Graveyard Shift", "Records of the Past", "Strike Back", and "Desire in the Dark" can be accessed by speaking to the NPC Asta the Deep Minded, located outside the tavern within the Tethyamar Mining Outpost.
- Random loot's descriptions have been improved. Numerous descriptions have been re-typed to avoid vagueness or other issues.
Hopefully this will mean no more effects that are not in the item name. This would make finding item on the AH/ASAH a simple matter of using the search function rather than a tedious examination of pages of items.
- Heroic and Legendary Bracers of the Sun and Moon now work correctly.
I hope this workaround won't mean that any efforts to actually fix the Guard mechanic will be abandoned just because one item now has a working Guard effect.
- The Sharn Syndicate has had its loot improved.
Nice! Hopefully this will be the start of a complete updating of the items in older packs.
- The majority of item-based sources of Spell Resistance have had their values reduced.
- Drow and Deep Gnome's Spell Resistance now stacks with other sources of Spell Resistance.
I realize that reducing item spell resistance was necessary to avoid Drow and Deep Gnomes being able to stack their SR too high. But there was an elegant and simple solution posted on the forums that never got a dev response: Type Drow and Deep Gnome SR as Insightful. This would provide Drow and Deep Gnomes with higher Insightful SR than the best CC Insightful items can provide, making the racial SR meaningful while also not breaking the upper limits of the SR that a character can achieve and requiring that all item SRs be adjusted. Every race other than Drow and Deep Gnomes is being nerfed because you finally got around to making Drow and Deep Gnome SR functional, and that seems like sloppy targeting for the intended result.
Speaking of sloppy targeting, I'm not terribly happy about the sloppy targeting on the Warlock nerf for something that was claimed to be a needed adjustment for Heroic damage. Recovering most of the lost damage at level 26 is half way through epics, and costing 2 epic feats to do so is not a fair price in the slightest. And not a single change from the 6/20 post where this was announced despite a huge amount of feedback on how the stated Heroic damage reduction wasn't just a Heroic damage reduction.
- Skills in the Character Sheet and level up panel now sort differently. On the Character Sheet, Skills with assigned ranks sort to the top, skills without assigned ranks sort to the bottom, and skills sort by name within those groups. In the Level Up Skill Panel, Skills with assigned ranks that are class skills sort to the top, skills with assigned ranks that are cross class are next, skills with no assigned ranks that are class skills follow, then finally skills that have no assigned ranks and are also cross-class are listed. Skills sort by name within these categories.
This is fantastic.
- Guild Buffs can now be hidden on-screen. This option can be found in Options > UI called Hide Guild Buffs.
I hope this only applies to the several hour buffs that are picked up at the amenity bar, and not to the one hour buffs you can get in the hold.