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  1. #1
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Default Recommendations and Reasoning (27th of June) ~~~ Some Loot Screenshots

    Recommendation: Pat yourself on the back.
    Reasoning: This pack has some lovely, terrain, visuals, themeing, and "air."

    I'll break this pack down by quest. All were completed on R1, sometimes solo.


    Third Time’s a Charm
    ~15min completion time.

    Reccommendation: Make el' Duderino (Utherino?) a Red Name with some fun adds.
    Reasoning: Halfway point in the quest, and not enough challenge in the quest.

    Recommendation: Enhance the battle at the bridge. The battle priestess there could be a red name. There should be slow or evil traps on it. straight down it… or some other type of evil... and nastiness... A guildy reccomended a Balrog, but maybe he's been playing too much LOTRO.
    Reasoning: Combat is subpar in this quest.



    Strike Back

    My favorite in the pack. Good visuals. Love the dwarf “no-kill” optional. Immersifingly immersive. The note about the elf from Zentarim. Again. +1 immersion. Then this bridge. Again. +1 immersion. The foreshadowing with the Priestess???

    Recommendation/Reasoning: Skill checks on the bridge (and elsewhere) are a bit low for us. 70ish would be better on Elite.

    Recommendation: Ildan side boss gets a combat "supersize me."
    Reasoning: Not enough potent combat here... ...a lovely quest w/o enough difficulty. Can he have the red circles from slave lords?? Optionals should have more meaning. Cheers!

    --> Underbelly to stronghold? BIG +1. Great.

    Reccommendation: Tone down the ring on ice storm a jiffy, or allow me to disable it.
    Reasoning: Anti-immersive!

    Recommendation: Add more spiders in that endfight and make them phase spiders.
    Reasoning: Everyone hates phase spiders... ...especially Lynn I hear....


    Last edited by Sam-u-r-eye; 06-28-2017 at 12:35 AM.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  2. #2
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Graveyard Shift

    Recommendation: Lower the DR/- on the elementals (also needed on Records of the Past).
    Reasoning: Can't break it with over 400 front number. Scaling seems a bit off. Don't make me get out my Celestias.

    Recommendation: Remove collision on the golems so we can't stand in front of em...
    Reasoning: People unfortunately troll each other...

    Recommendation: Add more mobs, mob diversity, and add some uniqueness, pizazz, and surprise.
    Reasoning: Dullest of the quests!! For Real!! <3



    Records of the Past

    -> Nice Puzzle and quest layout.

    Some crazy lag at this puzzle point.

    Recommendation: Make some of the doors open and mobs pop out...
    Reasoning: Pizaazzzz. Or some type of surprise here...


    Last edited by Sam-u-r-eye; 06-28-2017 at 12:51 AM.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  3. #3
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Desire in the Dark
    Woot we get to go outside!
    We don't have enough quests outside anymore...

    Great quest, but easier than Slavers...
    ...could be much harder.



    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  4. #4
    Community Member Powerhungry's Avatar
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    Brawler's Handwraps state vampirism is on hit, it is not, there is a built in internal timer similar to crafted vampirism - makes them almost pointless
    (Combat): You are hit by your knockdown.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam-u-r-eye View Post
    Reccommendation: Tone down the ring on ice storm a jiffy, or allow me to disable it.
    Reasoning: Anti-immersive!
    Ouch that is visually jarring. Good option to be able to turn those visual indications on, but I really hope there's an option to turn off those rings.

    The loot you've posted so-far looks like more of the same - same effects, bigger numbers, making items useless from a couple of updates ago that gave the same bonuses which at the time were bigger than you could get before. Yawn.

    I also see stuff like "Evil Blast +0" to go with an extremely unhelpful description on the greatsword.
    Nistafa on Khyber

  6. #6
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Some crossbow, another crossbow, another repeating crossbow, some stuff for artificer, more stuff for artificer...

    Oh I think I saw something for Artificers too.

    And a rune arm..for Artificers.

    A CLOAK!...for Arties.

    I will wait for the Loot Developer to make a thread with all the loot for the feedback, if it will happen, since Cabinet has U35 loot
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  7. #7
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Didn`t get a chance to get through all the quests.
    but like what I see of the quests so far

    Third ones a charm..
    noticed a Spell resistance issue with Drow.. was failing SR checks on a 20+70.
    discussed in another thread.

    This SR caused me all kinds of issues since I couldn't land anything that had any spell Pen check on a toon with heavy spell pen investment ..
    a +70 Spell Pen should be easily more than sufficient,
    This unfortunately left me with web as my only cc.

    - Would like to see a sub-boss on the bridge..
    That bottleneck seem like it was lacking..
    Empty alcoves.. add some Orange names...

    End fight .. I thought had bugged out since the boss was inactive for a couple minutes with no dialogue..
    eventually he did come down.. and died faster than he hung out up on the ledge.
    Think he could use a HP buff and faster drop down timing..

    Reaper XP.. for all high level content .. is lacking...
    I am seeing better Reaper XP in heroic speed zerg questing..
    Legendary content across the board needs some Reaper XP love.

    Cloak is ok for what it is.. +17 Cha. +4 insightful Enchantment, +2 Quality Enchantment, Spell Pen+7, Yellow Slot..
    Not a bad consolidation of items when viewed on its own.. but its more of a transitional filler for those that haven't yet farmed Slavers.

    Doesn't replace anything for me since I already have Slavers set which is ultimately far superior...
    Slavers Crafted Bracers +17 Cha, +4 Quality Cha, Spell Focus Mastery +6, Spell power 185, Green Slot, Slave Lord's Sorcery 5 piece set bonus.
    Legendary Mutilator of Minds (orb): +13 Orb Bonus, Insightful Enchantment Focus IV, Quality Impulse +45, Insightful Spell Penetration IV, [Bold]Quality Spell Focus II[/bold], Orange Augment Slot
    Legendary Spinneret (ring): Spell Lore XV, Quality Potency +32, Quality Spell Focus II, Spell Penetration VII, Green Augment Slot

    I would be looking for something to supplement my existing gear , not overlap it..
    and I am Not saying its a bad item.. its a great looking item..
    it just is lacking.. something.. to be of any interest for me or other players in a similar gearing position.
    Last edited by JOTMON; 06-28-2017 at 03:19 AM.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  8. #8
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I would be looking for something to supplement my existing gear , not overlap it..
    and I am Not saying its a bad item.. its a great looking item..
    it just is lacking.. something.. to be of any interest for me or other players in a similar gearing position.
    +1 I felt that way about a lot of the loot.
    It doesn't go anywhere horizontally, which is what is needed.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  9. #9
    Community Member Jetrule's Avatar
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    I am glad the loot didn't out class slavers gear. They do provide some variation though, the cloak for instance will allow a cha based enchanter to use a golden orb of death or a shield should they so choose.The weapons though.. Especially the warhammer and greatsword need a bit of crit profile love, ala forgotten axe.

    The quests write ups are spot on with what I felt about them in their brief summaries. The recommendations mostly seem to involve adding difficulty to the combat. There is room for that I think. Especially with some of the end fights and some mini bosses. That bridge encounter though proved the most dangerous part of the chain for me as I recall. I had no way of dealing with the spell wards and got paralyzed and nearly killed. Was on a newley made character without freedom ect.. though so perhaps that was the issue.
    Last edited by Jetrule; 06-28-2017 at 08:04 PM.
    Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Agreed, tone down (a lot) and allow a toggle (preferred) on the AOE rings.

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