Recommendation: Pat yourself on the back.
Reasoning: This pack has some lovely, terrain, visuals, themeing, and "air."
I'll break this pack down by quest. All were completed on R1, sometimes solo.
Third Time’s a Charm
~15min completion time.
Reccommendation: Make el' Duderino (Utherino?) a Red Name with some fun adds.
Reasoning: Halfway point in the quest, and not enough challenge in the quest.
Recommendation: Enhance the battle at the bridge. The battle priestess there could be a red name. There should be slow or evil traps on it. straight down it… or some other type of evil... and nastiness... A guildy reccomended a Balrog, but maybe he's been playing too much LOTRO.
Reasoning: Combat is subpar in this quest.
Strike Back
My favorite in the pack. Good visuals. Love the dwarf “no-kill” optional. Immersifingly immersive. The note about the elf from Zentarim. Again. +1 immersion. Then this bridge. Again. +1 immersion. The foreshadowing with the Priestess???
Recommendation/Reasoning: Skill checks on the bridge (and elsewhere) are a bit low for us. 70ish would be better on Elite.
Recommendation: Ildan side boss gets a combat "supersize me."
Reasoning: Not enough potent combat here... ...a lovely quest w/o enough difficulty. Can he have the red circles from slave lords?? Optionals should have more meaning. Cheers!
--> Underbelly to stronghold? BIG +1. Great.
Reccommendation: Tone down the ring on ice storm a jiffy, or allow me to disable it.
Reasoning: Anti-immersive!
Recommendation: Add more spiders in that endfight and make them phase spiders.
Reasoning: Everyone hates phase spiders... ...especially Lynn I hear....