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  1. #1
    Associate Producer Cocomajobo's Avatar
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    Default Mines of Tethyamar Feedback Survey

    With the U36 Preview we are introducing a new adventure pack containing five new quests that we would love for you to try out. If you do, we'd very much appreciate it if you would take some time to answer the following questions about your experience.

    • How did the difficulty of the quests and enemies feel?

    • Did you ever find yourself confused about what to do next?

    • Did you feel like the number of NPC's present to speak to was too little, too much, or about right?

    • What were the completion times for each dungeon you completed?

    • Without taking into account XP (which has not yet been set) how do you feel these quests compared to other recent quests from the past year?

    • Any other comments or concerns you'd like us to know specifically?

  2. #2
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    With the U36 Preview we are introducing a new adventure pack containing five new quests that we would love for you to try out. If you do, we'd very much appreciate it if you would take some time to answer the following questions about your experience.
    Cheers!~~I did all 5 quests, on Legendary, a pure monk. Some were in a group. Some were solo. All of em' were on R1. I did not die.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    How did the difficulty of the quests and enemies feel?
    Not very difficult. My toon is a 10skull dps set-up (and I die frequently there), but I can't solo very well on it. I was surprised by how low the mobs (besides drow) were hitting. The drow had unbeatable spell pen for a freind (he had over 64 spell pen and they were saving on a 20---64 is close to max you can get).

    The packs were too "clumped" and many of the encounters with enemies felt uninspired. Let me be CLEAR. I did not feel like I was in a creative set of encounters (except for the last quest of course). This problem goes ALL THE WAY BACK to Temple of Elemental Evil. There are just hallways filled with mobs. It would be much better if mob count was reduced and the difficulty of the mobs increased. Creative encounters always make for a memorable experience. I loved some of the boss fights (e.x., Strike Back), but it was wayyyyyy too easy. That's a boss fight where you could absolutely flood the room with spiders, and really give the caster boss some memorable abilities. I know this is a big ask, but it is my number one complaint about the pack.

    I did not feel surprised and the combat felt dull due to cookie cutter encounters. I know I could amp the Skulls up but that's not what difficulty is. Difficulty is overcoming an intelligent puzzle of deadly mobs, or a deadly encounter. I'll give more detail in another post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    Did you ever find yourself confused about what to do next?
    Felt good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    Did you feel like the number of NPC's present to speak to was too little, too much, or about right?
    Felt good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    What were the completion times for each dungeon you completed?
    Anywhere from 25-45 minutes depending on how deeply we explored them on R1.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    Without taking into account XP (which has not yet been set) how do you feel these quests compared to other recent quests from the past year?
    They were a bit less exciting than Slave Lords in their design (except for the last one). I feel like they could use some polish.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    Any other comments or concerns you'd like us to know specifically?
    Loot could be a little more interesting. We haven't seen a new effect in ages.

    I'll leave another long and detailed post.
    Thanks for all your hard work guys, I look forward to running this on live.
    Last edited by Sam-u-r-eye; 06-28-2017 at 10:26 AM.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
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  3. #3
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    DDO has an awesome basic combat system, and utilizing it is of the uptmost importance. The visuals in this pack are excellent, the story is rosy, but the combat misses the mark.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sam-u-r-eye View Post
    I did not feel surprised and the combat felt dull due to cookie cutter encounters. I know I could amp the Skulls up but that's not what difficulty is. Difficulty is overcoming an intelligent puzzle of deadly mobs, or a deadly encounter. I'll give more detail in another post.
    Combat that is surprising, intelligent, complex, and interesting.
    Mark of Death is an example of a complex raid with tons of stuff going on at the same time. It has teamwork in spades.
    6 man content should provide the same interest, and fun. I need more detail for this point. Here are two exaggerated examples.

    A group of drow guards stand before you walking lock-step down a hall.
    You engage them, and kill them.
    You repeat this process 3 or 4 times, and then kill a boss drow.
    As you engage the first pack of guards several animated armors are brought to life by a nearby caster.
    As you engage the second pack of guards more guards appear from side passages.
    As you engage the third pack of guards they flee deeper into the quest.
    A boss drow emerges accompanied by more animated armors. Halfway through the battle all the mobs recieve haste.
    At 25% the boss gives all nearby mobs double haste, and recieves a shield of invulnerability until the surrounding mobs die.
    After the mobs die, his shield explodes dispelling all of your buffs.
    He casts mass hold in quick succession.

    The first example is similar to "Graveyard Shift" and "Records of the Past." I'm not saying that they don't have the second example in them (because some spots do!)
    "Strike Back" and the Capstone quest are a bit more dynamic in terms of terrain, surprise, and mob diversity. They present real combat encounters. They present a deadly challenge. As players of Dungeons and Dragons, or any creative art, we are overjoyed by this type of combat. We need consistency and interesting encounters that have...

    ...flash and pizazz!

    Last edited by Sam-u-r-eye; 06-28-2017 at 12:00 AM.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  4. #4
    Community Member Rys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam-u-r-eye View Post
    This problem goes ALL THE WAY BACK to Temple of Elemental Evil. There are just hallways filled with mobs.

  5. #5
    Community Member zehnvhex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post

    • How did the difficulty of the quests and enemies feel?

    About average, which was a nice departure from the 'this quest is designed for the current powercreep' design we've seen lately. It should be easier to find groups for these quests.

    • Did you ever find yourself confused about what to do next?

    The Drow Stronghold map is annoying simply because of all the cris-crossing. Other then that it wasn't too bad.

    • Did you feel like the number of NPC's present to speak to was too little, too much, or about right?

    Having an NPC just for the sake of having an NPC is bad business. What I didn't like was how completely devoid of personality the enemy NPC's were. Go play VoN3 and notice that every other NPC is shouting for your death or cursing you as it dies. Now go play one of the new quests. Notice something? When did enemy NPC's all take vows of silence?

    • What were the completion times for each dungeon you completed?

    20~30 minutes first time, 10~15 minutes on subsequent runs. Doing mostly hard difficulty.

    • Without taking into account XP (which has not yet been set) how do you feel these quests compared to other recent quests from the past year?

    Well, visually they're a significant step up from Newcomers especially but that quest wasn't hard to beat and should not be a litmus for anything. Encounter wise it's still the same old boring clone stamp tool of generic npc's all over. I'm breaking into a Drow Stronghold and there's no captain of the guard? No bridge troll? No secret side room where Brizzt Bo'Urban is training with his master, Kevin Durant? Loot wise it's boring again as well. 1 out of 3 ain't bad I guess. If these quests don't give out 20k xp as a baseline on heroic then I don't think I'll ever bother making the run out to ES to bother with them.

    • Any other comments or concerns you'd like us to know specifically?

    Please for the love of all that is DDO go back and play some older quests from the pre-ToEE days. Notice how every NPC is carefully placed? Has a purpose to being there? Looks like it's actually guarding something? Has some personality even? Notice the variety? Sprinkling in a half dozen umberhulks or spiders here and there doesn't help matters either. Having the only NPC you encounter for the 2 hours you're doing these quests being Drow is boring. Do other underdark races never come to visit? There should be far more orange named. If a room/hallway has nothing in it, why is there a pack of NPC's mulling about there?

    tl:dr version

    Visuals: 9/10
    Encounters: 1/10
    Loot: 3/10
    Building a Better DDO

  6. #6
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    How did the difficulty of the quests and enemies feel?

    Felt a bit light, to be honest, but I only did Hard so that I could run through it before bed.

    Did you ever find yourself confused about what to do next?

    Took me a LONG time to find the ladder so that I could do the mirror puzzles.

    Did you feel like the number of NPC's present to speak to was too little, too much, or about right?

    Loved it!

    What were the completion times for each dungeon you completed?

    I was trotting through while doing something else simultaneously, so this is useless info from me since it took me about 2x as much time as you'd expect.

    Without taking into account XP (which has not yet been set) how do you feel these quests compared to other recent quests from the past year?

    Much more inventive and fun. Best scenery in a long time.

    Any other comments or concerns you'd like us to know specifically?

    I think the scenery in some of them could stand to be more composed, a lot of the cavern areas feel kind of bland and samey (although there's some really great visuals elsewhere as well).

    This is going to sound weird, but the ramp that you use to get back up from under the bridge where you find Silent and the mind flayer just looks like someone said "we need a ramp" and you just did cntrl+c and cntrl+v on the first ramp you found. It doesn't fit the terrain. It's a different color from everything else there, like I went to a typical suburban home and added a giant modernistic sculpture.

    I'd much rather see some wooden planks or something that looks fitting. Even some ledges to jump up to would be fine, but it's just this huge wide jarring ramp that doesn't fit. Stuff like this bugs me a lot.

    The random ogres felt out of place. How about some bats? Everyone loves bats (not really). Or Yuan-ti? Or more mind flayers? Helmed horrors? More Drider? some Duergar? Ogres just felt wildly out of place.
    Last edited by PsychoBlonde; 06-28-2017 at 01:32 AM.
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  7. #7
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam-u-r-eye View Post
    Cheers!~~I did all 5 quests on a pure monk. Some were in a group. Some were solo. All of em' were on R1. I did not die.

    Not very difficult. My toon is a 10skull dps set-up

    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    How did the difficulty of the quests and enemies feel?

    Felt a bit light, to be honest, but I only did Hard so that I could run through it before bed.


    Why are you running on a difficulty you know full well is too easy for you then complaining that the QUESTS are too easy?

    You're supposed to be TESTING the new content!

    Test it on the level you'd normally run at!

    If your character is fully capable in R10 then what makes you think R1 should challenge you in ANY way?

    And for crying out loud: HARD!?! Are you a newbie who's been playing only 6 months or less and rarely runs E-BBs? No, then why the heck are you testing the new content on Hard AND complaining that it's not difficult enough?

    Hey the first time I run through new quests is always on a vastly over-levelled character on Elite for the favour BUT I don't then go and tell the Devs those quests aren't difficult enough!
    In fact quite the opposite I've found every new quest since ToEE to be way more difficult than should be expected for its level and having run them on say a Lvl 20 or even Lvl 30 character on Heroic Elite it's quite obvious to me that my AT-LEVEL Characters would have significant issues!

    Now each and every time a new set of quests gets put on Lamannia Uber Players insist those quests aren't Hard enough, But now I'm wondering how much of that insistence is based on playing a difficulty they know to be too easy for them and not being able to extrapolate that difficulty correctly to the REAL difficulty of what they'd normally run such a quest at?

    I don't go on Lamannia, My Laptop doesn't like Lamannia, I CAN'T give my feedback on these quests prior to them coming out on Live - It would be nice if those giving feedback actually did so HONESTLY!

  8. #8
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    With the U36 Preview we are introducing a new adventure pack containing five new quests that we would love for you to try out. If you do, we'd very much appreciate it if you would take some time to answer the following questions about your experience.

    • How did the difficulty of the quests and enemies feel?

    • Did you ever find yourself confused about what to do next?

    • Did you feel like the number of NPC's present to speak to was too little, too much, or about right?

    • What were the completion times for each dungeon you completed?

    • Without taking into account XP (which has not yet been set) how do you feel these quests compared to other recent quests from the past year?

    • Any other comments or concerns you'd like us to know specifically?

    Third ones a charm..
    - Would like to see a sub-boss on the bridge..that bottleneck seemed like it was lacking challenge..
    Empty alcoves.. add some optional Orange names...

    End fight .. I thought had bugged out since the boss was inactive for a couple minutes with no dialogue..
    eventually he did come down.. and died faster than he hung out up on the ledge.
    Think he could use a HP buff and faster drop down timing..

    ~Mob Spell Resistance
    Drow mob Spell resistance seemed like an issue.
    separate thread..

    ~Player Spell Resistance.
    Gap for Racial SR is too great.
    my Drow is 44 SR higher than any non-SR race..
    There needs to be a overlap of Enhancement SR and the Racial SR.
    I would only expect a Drow to be 10-14 points more than a SR geared non-SR race player.

    ~Reaper XP
    I realize XP is a placeholder, but Reaper XP in all Legendary content is lacking..
    I am seeing better Reaper XP in heroic speed zerg questing..
    Legendary content across the board needs some serious Reaper XP love.

    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  9. #9
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    ~Reaper XP
    I realize XP is a placeholder, but Reaper XP in all Legendary content is lacking..
    I am seeing better Reaper XP in heroic speed zerg questing..
    Legendary content across the board needs some serious Reaper XP love.
    RXP is not a placeholder most likely. It uses a fixed formula which is why RXP is seriously umbalanced and dumb in its current iteration. Until Severlin will acknowledge this, there is absolutely no reason to run Reaper on capped characters.

    It wont change on Live, and they wont do anything about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  10. #10
    Systems Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    RXP is not a placeholder most likely. It uses a fixed formula which is why RXP is seriously umbalanced and dumb in its current iteration. Until Severlin will acknowledge this, there is absolutely no reason to run Reaper on capped characters.

    It wont change on Live, and they wont do anything about it.
    RXP is a portion of base XP, which has yet to be set. Please, don't worry
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

    "Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"

  11. #11
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    RXP is a portion of base XP, which has yet to be set. Please, don't worry
    No, it's not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post

    We have had some questions about how Reaper XP is calculated, so I wanted to post some details about how we award it.

    First, some news:

    ~ Reaper XP is currently not getting a modifier for dungeon length as intended and explained below. That is a bug and will be fixed in an upcoming patch.

    That said, here are some details about Reaper XP and how it is awarded.

    Reaper Experience starts with a base formula as follows:

    50 + (3 * Base Challenge Rating of the Dungeon/Raid * Number of Reaper Skulls)

    This total is then modified by a whole slew of experience related adjustments as follows:

    BUGGED: This first multiplier is bugged and does not apply until the next time we update.
    1.) We multiply the base XP by a factor for dungeon length.

    • Short dungeons have a multiplier of 0.9
    • Medium dungeons have a multiplier of 1.0
    • Long dungeons have a multiplier of 1.1
    • Very Long dungeons have a multiplier of 1.2

    2.) We take the level of the highest party member and compare it to the base challenge rating. This creates a “spread” between the difficulty of the dungeon and the highest party member.

    Once the spread is determined we apply the following penalty:

    • If there is a 1 level difference: -20% of base XP.
    • If there is a 2 level difference: -50% of base XP.
    • If there is a 3 level difference: -70% of base XP
    • If there is a 4 level difference: -80% of base XP
    • If there is a 5 level difference: -90% of base XP.
    • If there is a 6 level difference: -95% of base XP.

    Note that this is not a multiplier to all XP, but rather a penalty to total XP based on the base XP. It works the same way as the normal XP penalty.

    3.) Like normal XP, we modify the XP to account for power leveling if players are below level 20. We determine the spread between your level and the highest level in the party; if the spread is 4 or more, then a penalty is applied equal to 50% of base XP per level of difference.

    4.) Reaper XP is modified for repetition. This is basically the Reaper version of the Ransack bonus.

    First, if this is your first time completing this dungeon on Reaper mode we apply a 200% bonus. Like other XP bonuses, this bonus is not a multiplier to total Reaper XP, but rather an addition of 200% of the base Reaper XP.

    If this is not your first time completing the dungeon, then we apply the same ransack penalties to Reaper XP that we would for normal XP.

    5.) We modify the XP for Reaper XP during group bonus events the same way we increase normal XP. This means that during group weekend events, Reaper XP will be increased as your group size increases just like normal XP.

    6.) We modify the XP for bonus Reaper XP events.

    7.) Reaper XP is modified if a player enters well after the start time just like normal XP.

    8.) Reaper XP is modified by various progress made in the dungeon.

    • Players get the monsters killed bonus.
    • Players get the traps disabled bonus.
    • Players get the secret doors found bonus.
    • Players get the breakables smashed bonus.

    10.) Reaper XP is boosted by items that provide a permanent XP boost.

    11.) Failed quests add no Reaper XP.

    12.) If this is the first quest you have run today, you get the same bonus to Reaper XP that you would get to normal XP.

    The following bonuses are not applied as additions or penalties of base Reaper XP like the above, but instead are multipliers to total Reaper XP applied after the fact.

    13.) Any XP items that boost normal XP also boost Reaper XP. This includes web store items, in game items like Voice of the Master and Mantle of the World Shaper, and the Shrine of Experience from your guild Air Ship. This bonus is applied to total Reaper XP, and it is shown as a message in the chat log.

    14.) The VIP bonus applies to Reaper XP is the same way as normal XP. This bonus is applied to total Reaper XP, and it is shown as a message in the chat log.

    In green.

    50 + (3 * Base Challenge Rating of the Dungeon/Raid * Number of Reaper Skulls)

    50 + (3* 31 * 1) = 143 RXP, the exact same number in the screenshot, which also means this dungeon is of a Medium Lenght.
    Last edited by Wizza; 06-28-2017 at 03:48 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  12. #12
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post

    Why are you running on a difficulty you know full well is too easy for you then complaining that the QUESTS are too easy?

    You're supposed to be TESTING the new content!

    Test it on the level you'd normally run at!

    If your character is fully capable in R10 then what makes you think R1 should challenge you in ANY way?

    And for crying out loud: HARD!?! Are you a newbie who's been playing only 6 months or less and rarely runs E-BBs? No, then why the heck are you testing the new content on Hard AND complaining that it's not difficult enough?

    Hey the first time I run through new quests is always on a vastly over-levelled character on Elite for the favour BUT I don't then go and tell the Devs those quests aren't difficult enough!
    In fact quite the opposite I've found every new quest since ToEE to be way more difficult than should be expected for its level and having run them on say a Lvl 20 or even Lvl 30 character on Heroic Elite it's quite obvious to me that my AT-LEVEL Characters would have significant issues!

    Now each and every time a new set of quests gets put on Lamannia Uber Players insist those quests aren't Hard enough, But now I'm wondering how much of that insistence is based on playing a difficulty they know to be too easy for them and not being able to extrapolate that difficulty correctly to the REAL difficulty of what they'd normally run such a quest at?

    I don't go on Lamannia, My Laptop doesn't like Lamannia, I CAN'T give my feedback on these quests prior to them coming out on Live - It would be nice if those giving feedback actually did so HONESTLY!
    This is a PERSONAL ATTACK!!!! on everyone playing on Lammania and posting about their experiences. Reported for HARASSMENT!

    You need to chill down a little Fran.

  13. #13
    Community Member Eryhn's Avatar
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    I have a question about loots. Since I have not yet seen an offical loot feedback thread I'll just drop that here.

    Don't really wanna discuss the named items in here, I havent seen all of them yet rly.

    Little reminder of how much players appreciated the slavers crafting, the ability to gather some mats, then upgrade items with them bit by bit, and also the ability to partially improve named items via set bonuses.

    Keeping that in mind, since we are in an underdark themed questpack here:
    The named weapons, rings, trinkets etc from the Drow Houses Quest Chain were a long time really liked, good/best in slot items. They are still very nice, but since the lootgen and cannith crafting revamp their stat range has become a bit weaksauce.

    Would it maybe be possible to introduce some thematically fitting NPC to this new public area, who collects some kind of special thingies that drop in these new 5 quests' endchests relatively rarely (lets say a dwarven smith wanting rare precious gems) and who, in turn-in for these rare shinies, offers to upgrade you some of the older loot in some way?

    Like i.e.
    - raise the base attribute and insightful attribute values on the older items to current ML21 Cannith Crafted values.
    - add a colorless or yellow slot to rings or trinket
    - add a colorless or red slot to drow/duergar weapons

    This doesn't tie in with the epic level of these quests, and doesn't directly relate to the named loot dropping in them, but it would be kind of thematically fitting that in an epic quest arc where you come back to the underdark a long time after the level 21 quests, you happen upon some dude who tells you "well, you know, if you get me this or that shiny, I could maybe reforge some old drow weapons and items you found in the past" or some such ...

    and it would add a minor element of gather and upgrade mechanic to this current quest pack that is good for long term player interest, without introducing yet another full blown craft system like slavers ...
    Last edited by Eryhn; 06-28-2017 at 05:53 AM.

  14. #14
    Hero Scuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    With the U36 Preview we are introducing a new adventure pack containing five new quests that we would love for you to try out. If you do, we'd very much appreciate it if you would take some time to answer the following questions about your experience.

    • How did the difficulty of the quests and enemies feel?
    I ran them all in Heroic and on R1 at level 16. Felt like all of the other R1's. Seems consistent with R1's in a solo group with just a Cleric hireling. I'd consider that a win. I could of ramped it up a few skulls for a greater challenge but I was to time challenged to toss together a group or run high levels of skulls tonight. I died twice in the whole chain and my hireling died more times than I could count and constantly had an empty blue bar before almost every new shrine we came across.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post

    • Did you ever find yourself confused about what to do next?
    In "Third Times the Charm" after killing the Jailor's trash it was somewhat confusing. like a total what do I do now moment? It could be better streamlined. I hopped all over the room thinking I needed to pull a lever or do something to advance the quest only to have it be a timing thing that eventually advanced on its own into fighting the endboss Jailor. I even tried clicking on the Jailor for a dialogue option but he was a ways up there. Maybe a cue that a fight is coming and to just hang out once the trash is all killed, a quest objective, or a message after trash is killed letting you know the quest ain't waiting on the player to do something would be helpful to people running it the first time through and get confused like I did. I almost recalled out thinking it was bugged.

    Like some others have mentioned. Puzzle? Who knew there was a puzzle up there? ladder? What ladder? Oh, **** I need to climb that. That ladder is kind of off the beaten path and I guess I don't tend to look up and see mirrors and what not. Spent some time clearing everything out and wondering what I needed to do to light up those darn crystals to pop that door. Maybe move the ladder to the central room or add additional ladders to make it more obvious. The ladder being placed off to the side of the door your waiting to open and in an alcove threw me for a loop I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post

    • Did you feel like the number of NPC's present to speak to was too little, too much, or about right?
    Seemed about right. Not a lot of clicking through to get to the fun stuff. Read? People actually read those things. Not me I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post

    • What were the completion times for each dungeon you completed?
    Most were about 30-45 minutes. Two of them were around an hour or slightly more than an hour. I tend to try and uncover the whole map and sniff a few flowers looking for collectibles and stuff. I imagine future runs would all be 20-45 minutes. But that's probably about right for a heroic quest at that level.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post

    • Without taking into account XP (which has not yet been set) how do you feel these quests compared to other recent guests from the past year?
    Quests seem about the same. I did not expect any new creatures or new art resources and was surprised by the new ways some old ones were recycled. 5 quests is a pretty good value in new content so that makes me happy. Real darn happy. Yea! I can skip the missing chain now. I really don't care for that chain to much after all the runs over the last few years I have done...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post

    • Any other comments or concerns you'd like us to know specifically?
    In that trap room in the puzzly quest. I couldn't find the secret door and so I bought a Gold Seal at level Rogue hireling. And then I did find that door and wished I had not. FYI a level 16 gold seal hire had no luck finding the trap box. Is there a trap box? I still managed to loot that chest only I had to take a few stabs on the way to looting it.

    In "Strike Back" I particularly enjoyed that it seemed as if there was a couple different routes or ways to go about completing things. I did not try them all out but that kinda immersion is highly enjoyable. Good job on giving us some options!

    The bridge battle in heroic seemed tough to me on R1 soloing with a cleric hire. Not sure if others played it in Legendary. But for heroic, it seemed challenging even with completionist, several racial PL's, Epic PL's etc. If it was to ramped up I could see it being unconqurable for new player toons. It seemed right for R1 in my experience.

    Drow and dwarves in the underdark? You gotta be kidding me I never saw that one coming. Yea we all did but they are a challenge so it's not like we can just always instakill that trash every time in heroics. Undead on the "Graveyard Shift" also seemed obvious from before I even zoned in. "Desires in the Dark" I was an acid Warlock with his dancing shoes on in that one. But it really seemed like a lot of variety in the different quests. Really liked Desires in the Dark. Seemed kinda jeetsy. Loved that the maze was not really an extreme maze challenge. I'm kinda over mazes in DDO. I was happy with the variety of twists and turns and cretures found within a typical underdark adventure. The Sunshine was a nice change of pace as were several other small things. I would enjoy playing through this several more times. I think it was a prety well delievered pack. Certainly not the greatest pack ever but certainly far from one of the worst. I would give it 4 stars out of 5. The time and effort put into it seem worth the end result. Good job!

    * I do agree with the loot critisism on the forums with this pack. It seems lacking. Only seemed to fit into a limited number of classes. Most is not comparable to loot older or several TR players already have. I guess newer players might be able to use it to bridge some gaps but none of it was a must have for any of my toons unless I TR and go artie I guess. The rogue item seemed really dyslexic. The loot I would give 1 star out of 5. I get that this is an Artie update so lots of artie stuff in it but I wish that there was something in it for a caster or even something with a new twist for a melee toon. I am glad it is BTA and also not any type of new crafting system.

    ** Warlock changes. I ran it on a 'lock in R1 with a cleric hire and a gold seal rogue for part of one quest. No the sky is not falling from what I have played tonight. You can probably hold off on that nerf induced rage quiting. It ain't the end of warlocks as a class they were all certainly still completable as a 'lock with a hireling on R1.
    Last edited by Scuddy; 06-28-2017 at 08:12 PM.

  15. #15
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    RXP is a portion of base XP...
    Are you saying the new quests don't use the same RXP formula that all the other existing quests do?

    Or are you saying the RXP formula is changing game-wide to something based on % of base XP?
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

  16. #16


    how do these stand on the ecology rating? Devs, please visit this thread. Here are the questions I posed in reviewing past content:

    How do the mobs live there?
    How and where do they eat and relieve themselves?
    Where are they sleeping and do they, perhaps, use guards at times?
    In short, how do they relate to their environment over a 24-hour period?
    Last edited by Saekee; 06-28-2017 at 07:44 AM.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Are you saying the new quests don't use the same RXP formula that all the other existing quests do?

    Or are you saying the RXP formula is changing game-wide to something based on % of base XP?
    I suspect this is a mistake, but if not:

    If legendary quests only went to this, that's ok and good for at cap play (epics in general need adjustment). Please do not make all RXP a % of base, or it will be back to same quests we've all been running for best xp all along; the only good thing about the current system is it rewards quests you don't normally run with terrible xp.

  18. #18
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    I doubt we would have a change in the formula suddenly without any notice. So I'm just gonna go with "it's a mistake".
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  19. #19
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    how do these stand on the ecology rating? Devs, please visit this thread. Here are the questions I posed in reviewing past content:

    How do the mobs live there?
    How and where do they eat and relieve themselves?
    Where are they sleeping and do they, perhaps, use guards at times?
    In short, how do they relate to their environment over a 24-hour period?

    This is our best quest:
    He talks relentlessly about making toilets for people...
    ...there's a reason it works!
    <3 me some toilets

    BTW Strike Back, works awesome on an ecological level. It also "feels" like the best quest in the pack.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    I doubt we would have a change in the formula suddenly without any notice. So I'm just gonna go with "it's a mistake".
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