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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Hunter of the dead?

    So after a hiatus of several years I've come back to the game, and all of my paladin's enhancements seem to have been reset. I thought there was a prestige class called "Hunter of the Dead" but can't seem to find much information on it; was this class removed from the game, or am I maybe looking in the wrong place (enhancements)?

  2. #2
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
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    There was a total paladin enhancement tree revamp a while back. all enhancements were reset when that happened.

  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by yoyotlg View Post
    So after a hiatus of several years I've come back to the game, and all of my paladin's enhancements seem to have been reset. I thought there was a prestige class called "Hunter of the Dead" but can't seem to find much information on it; was this class removed from the game, or am I maybe looking in the wrong place (enhancements)?
    Hunter of the dead no longer exists, it was merged with Knight of the chalice.

    Generally speaking with your 3 enhancement trees you have:

    Knight of the Chalice for general DPS.
    Sacred Defender for survive ability.
    Vanguard for Sword and Shield DPS.

    Mix and match as appropriate for your play style.

  4. #4
    Community Member YUTANG75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yoyotlg View Post
    So after a hiatus of several years I've come back to the game, and all of my paladin's enhancements seem to have been reset. I thought there was a prestige class called "Hunter of the Dead" but can't seem to find much information on it; was this class removed from the game, or am I maybe looking in the wrong place (enhancements)?
    Welcome back!
    A lot has changed and you're right, that did use to be a thing but they revamped the Enhancements in Update 19

    Now the closest version is the Knight Of The Chalice enhancement tree.

    A lot has changed and a good way to catch up on all the new stuff is to read the update summary on the Wiki's front page. I hope you enjoy your return and if you have any more questions let me know.
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We are trying to kill you.

  5. #5
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    Thanks. It looks like some of my abilities are still in my action bars, but I can't seem to find them in the Enhancements (or Spells, or anything) section of my character sheet... Can you tell me where to find them? Also, Follower of the Sovereign Host seems to be missing from my menus (I still have Unyielding Sovereignty in my action bar), is the path still available to pursue? Sorry if I'm not making much sense, but I basically am asking if Hunter of the Dead and Follower of the Sovereign Host are still available, and if so, where do I find those trees (I'm not seeing them in Enhancements).

    If these were removed with the paladin update then ok, just kinda weird that they still show up in my action bars, like they weren't fully removed from the game.

  6. #6
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    Thanks Yutang I didn't see your reply, will check those links out. Thanks for everyone's responses.

  7. #7
    Community Member YUTANG75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yoyotlg View Post
    Thanks. It looks like some of my abilities are still in my action bars, but I can't seem to find them in the Enhancements (or Spells, or anything) section of my character sheet... Can you tell me where to find them? Also, Follower of the Sovereign Host seems to be missing from my menus (I still have Unyielding Sovereignty in my action bar), is the path still available to pursue? Sorry if I'm not making much sense, but I basically am asking if Hunter of the Dead and Follower of the Sovereign Host are still available, and if so, where do I find those trees (I'm not seeing them in Enhancements).

    If these were removed with the paladin update then ok, just kinda weird that they still show up in my action bars, like they weren't fully removed from the game.
    All the old enhancements have been removed and now you have three trees you can put your action points into. Stuff on your hot bars sticks around even if you don't have it sometimes. To open your enhancement panel you can press Control+R (default key binding) or access it via the menu opened in the bottom left. Left click to put points in, right click to remove it (as long as you haven't confirmed the allocation) and hover over to see details on the levels (if appropriate), enhancements that have a white border are ones you can put points into.

    You should have a lesser heart of wood +20 which you can use to re-create your character (if you so desire) and you may have some extra class feats to allocate at Fred now. (They changed re-incarnation a bit too, it's now in the hall of heroes but there is a portal at the old location.)

    Ps: Until very recently I didn't know you could drag the enhancement icons around to reorder the trees, I always did it the hard way XD
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We are trying to kill you.

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