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  1. #1
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Character slots increasing

    At the moment the max for characters on one account is 30.

    I'd like to see this increased, if possible.. say another 5 or 10... Is it a feasible addition?

  2. #2
    Community Member Bogenbroom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Is it actually 30? I have 30 characters on each of my accounts on Khyber and all of them currently show 1 more slot available and my "Create" option is still there.
    Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Community Member Garix's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ZeeDatRogue View Post
    At the moment the max for characters on one account is 30.

    I'd like to see this increased, if possible.. say another 5 or 10... Is it a feasible addition?
    Still have at least one more slot available in the store.....

    Leader of Shrodingers Cat Support Group a Husband and Wife guild on Orien.
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    Dresdens corollary:
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  5. #5
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ZeeDatRogue View Post
    At the moment the max for characters on one account is 30.

    I'd like to see this increased, if possible.. say another 5 or 10... Is it a feasible addition?
    Currently I believe it is possible to have up to 38 character slots if you had max slots prior to release of both expansions, and have pre-purchased the legendary edition of both expansions.

    That said... meh..
    are you really looking for more character slots or more/better storage...

    I currently have 30+ toons on my main account and really.. most are parked storage mules that cost more than they are worth..

    DDO doesn't support account investment very well when considering...
    ~Rolling up a new FTP that starts with 3 character slots.. Free. and becomes eligible for all the rewards...
    and you can roll up as many alt accounts as you can possibly want.. free....

    DDO has moved away from rewarding character and account investment from players and moved towards a x/account system.
    Which rewards quantity of accounts over quality of accounts.
    They don't care that you purchased 28 extra character slots and added bank space and backpack space to the account.
    They give the same x/account reward to everyone.
    Roll up 20x alt storage toons and they all get the same reward as your vested main account.....

    ~spend a few points in the DDO store and get premium.. or VIP for a month.. account is now privy to better stuff.
    ~Birthday event rewards no longer character based.. now.. account based
    ~DDO Store freebies.. Account based..
    ~Events and prizes.. Account based.
    ~DDO screwed something up and gives players something.. Account based..
    ~Starter Guild ship.. can have one(or more) for every account..
    ~daily dice.. account based
    ~card trade event.. account based..

    alt accounts..
    ~want to swap stuff between toons.. can do it without logging out your main.
    ~need an opener without having to reflag.. np..
    ~multibox for extra pulls when solo'ing to get stuff for your main.....bring in as many alts as your party or pc can handle..
    ~store that randomgen stuff you found but are not sure if you will use it.. store it on an alt account..
    ~want storage guildship(s).. get the starter ship and put your alt account in charge .. then you control access.
    ~casual ftp friends that only play periodically that you want to keep pace with...roll up whatever toon you like and only run it when they are on.
    ~buffing toons.. load them in buff/kick them out, roll in the next one...

    So before asking for character slot increases.. consider..
    what is it you are trying to attain..
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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