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  1. #1
    Founder AbsynthMinded's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Default Renaming Bound to Character/Account Items

    I just looted +5 Great Axe of Slaying 4. ML16 3D6 Good Damage, 4D10 vs Elfs. I assume they mean Elves. I really really want to rename it to 'DrowSunder' or something. Would almost spend DDO points to do it. It so deserves it. If only it had a augment slot it would be so OP in the underdark and demonweb, and anywhere drow gather. They ought to fear the existence of this random loot generated item of Epic Power.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Questdoer's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013


    I so want to rename my greensteel goggles "lenses of the broken forth wall."


  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    I suppose it would be a nice feature.

    Renaming could be made possible when crafting new bound items and when binding unbound items in Stone of change.

    Renaming items otherwise could be sold in DDO store like character renaming or mirror of glamering...

    But only if this could be done without too much work. Otherwise I think there are more important things that developers could improve with their work time.

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Crafting for sure - Make it so, make it free: LotRo has had this feature for years.
    Stone of Change - Definitely. I'm good with it requiring some "reasonable to farm" collectable or whatever - I might remember the SoC exists, then....
    Store? Ahh-ok. SSG should get a cut too - please keep it under 500 though, you guys - ok?

    Dev time: It's a great QoL and immersion feature - but i'm not sure how it would fit in with all the things that are planned and what Needs attention?
    Perhaps someday, if there is ever a general "QoL" pass - things like this could be added in?Z


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