I've just had an exciting experience when playing A New Invasion quest.

I lost connection when fighting some spellcasters and after reconnecting, the timer on the quest disappeared and after disposing of all enemies the continuous acid damage effect did not disappear.

I recalled from the quest and wilderness to Amrath but it didn't dissapear. So i removed all items (to avoid damage) and just waited for death.

Damage effect was removed after death.

So I don't understand why such damaging effects are not removed from characters on disconnection while some feats and abilities like stances and metamagic are removed/turned off.

I also don't uderstand why isn't the map exploration saved on disconnection. It is saved on recalling or manually exiting the quest, but if you lose connection the whole map disappears so you don't know which parts you expored and which you did not. This is especially horrible in maze quests such as "A New Invasion".

Can't they just add a call to "save map exploration" function to the procedure that handles disconnection in quests?