I play with a gamepad so I do try to stay away from the keyboard but emotes play a big part in making the game come to life!
It would be awesome if emote icons could fit on your Hot bars for a easy one click emote.
I play with a gamepad so I do try to stay away from the keyboard but emotes play a big part in making the game come to life!
It would be awesome if emote icons could fit on your Hot bars for a easy one click emote.
Well, technically you can do this if you can set up macros.
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AHK - AutoHotKey or AutoIt; as long as you don't violate EULA and ToS concerning macros - yes.
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Still.. would it be too hard to create a batch of feats granted to each character, grouped under Emotes, with a bunch of icons that one could drag to hotbar? Similar to companion tricks.
If icons are too hard, use good old dnt tbd icon...