Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:
Then do something about it. All of those items can be inspected in game through the rune barter window. Take a screenshot of each item. If you don't want to update the wiki, then create a thread with the screenshots instead. That's how the character planner was updated with U48 loot in such a short time.
It boggles my mind that people complain and don't even ask how they can assist, especially for a free-to-use program. When was the last time you thanked the OP for all the work done to maintain the planner?
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:
LOB and MA quest givers are next to the banker in House C. VOD quest giver is in the Marketplace, slightly north of the Subterrane entrance.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
1. Is there a straightforward way to determine the game release version associated with a DDOCP file? Like if it was created using U46, U47, or U48 gear and enhancements?
2. Have you considered supporting 1 or 2 sets of swap gear? For example, it’s quite common for wolves/bears to swap in CHA/CHA Collective Sight with a CHA-filled filigree weapon before activating Divine Might. Casters commonly swap in Ooze/Ash weapons when nuking. Melee will have swaps for Affirmation and Dust, or a DR breaker.
3. Do you have a Patreon or other way to make a donation?
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
There is not way for this beyond you putting info in the Notes or comment section which is saved with a character.
You can create as many gear sets as you want for a character already.
I don't and I won't in the future either. I am not running this project to make money, just to help the community.
Just happy that peeps like and use it.
Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:
Mostly missing items and a couple of enhancements. Some of the added items are missing their upgrade options so any info from the community would be appreciated.
Fix: The new stacking set bonus augments effects will now stack correctly (Reported by TeamscorpioRI)
New: "Topaz of Swiftness" added (Reported by Seljuck-Cannith)
---Item select/Find Gear dialogs now allows multiple values to be entered for some augments (Topaz of Swiftness)
Fix: Spell and Party buff "Animal Growth" will now apply to Druids in Animal Form (Reported by Seljuck-Cannith)
Fix: "Legendary Ring of Summer's Heat" now reports the correct amount of combustion and light/alignment spell power (Reported by crcabanillas)
Fix: Missing drop locations for U47 raid items updated
Fix: "Past Life: Razorclaw Shifter" icon updated
Fix: Many of the new raid Essence augments now have their correct icons
Fix: "Force of Personality" feat icon now no longer has a red border
New: New bonus type "Legendary Elemental Energy" added
New: Spell power type "Evil" added along with breakdowns and export
New: "Minor Artifact" will be included in search criteria for those item types (Suggested by Laur)
New: Item tooltips will show if its a minor artifact
Fix: 3 Items with incorrect image sizes fixed
Missing Items:
---Spear of the Mournlands (Quarterstaff)
---Legendary Alchemist's Crown (Helmet)
---Legendary Alchemist's Pendant (Necklace)
---The Golden Idol (Necklace - Minor Artifact)
---Toven's Prototype (Rune Arm - missing upgrade options)
---Titan Control Matrix (Bracers Minor Artifact - missing upgrade options)
---Bound Elemental Ring of Lightning (Ring)
---Bound Elemental Ring of Acid (Ring)
---Legendary Tinkerer's Goggles (Goggles)
---Legendary Magewright's Spectacles (Goggles)
---Legendary Fabricator's Gauntlets (Gloves)
---Legendary Alchemist's Pendant (Necklace)
---Legendary Alchemical Orb (Orb - missing upgrade options)
---The Repulsor Boots (Boots)
---Quori-Infused Core (Trinket - Minor Artifact)
---Bound Elemental Ring of Flames (Ring)
---Bound Elemental Ring of Frost (Ring)
---Legendary Tinkerer's Gloves (Gloves)
---Legendary Magewright's Cloak (Cloak)
---Legendary Fabricator's Bracers (Bracers)
---Legendary Lucid Dreams (Rune Arm - May have incorrect/missing augments)
---All "Sphere of Soul" variant items updated to include "Profane Well Rounded +2"
---Feydark Illusionist Tree updated to include the Illusory Sprite familiar option (wiki also updated)
link in the usual place.
Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:
Some missing augments, some additional search capability added and many missing drop locations for items added.
New: Item tooltips now show which slots they can be equipped to
New: Items can be searched by slot location/item type e.g. "Light Armor" (Requested by Laur)
New: Item search criteria is broken into individual space delimited words and each are searched separately and must be present
---How to guide updated
Fix: All Feytwisted items are now listed as Drop location: Feytwisted Chest (Suggested by Laur)
Fix: All U48 items with unknown drop locations now have them
Fix: Many item icons updated to remove Lock/non proficiency image artifacts
Fix: Following items fixed with bad values/fields updated:
---Wind Howler Mask
---Legendary Concentrated Chaos
---Magnetic Grasp (Now has both set bonuses as expected)
---Rosethorn Necklace (Now has both set bonuses as expected)
---Strap of Autumn Leaves (Now has both set bonuses as expected)
---The Prince's Gauntlet (Now has both set bonuses as expected)
---Many U43 items with unknown drop locations fixed (mostly Soul Survivor/Housekeeping quests)
New item:
---Keeper of the Crimson Covenant (Dagger)
New U48 Augments added:
---Sapphire of Stunning
---Sapphire of Veritgo
---Sapphire of Shatter
---Sapphire of Accuracy
---Sapphire of Dodge
---Topaz of Damage
---Topaz of Spell Penetration
Link in signature
Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:
Hello Maetrim.
I'm using version of your planner and have run into a couple of issues.
First and probably the easiest. For melee power on my character, the planner is giving credit for THF (+2), ITHF (+4), GTHF (+6), and PTHF (+10) for a total of +22. In game, you only get the highest number because all of the feats give a combat bonus, which doesn't stack.
Second, the epic destiny cores seem to be sticking when I change destinies. I started with Fury, saw the 6 +6 melee power lines in the melee power breakdown, all was good. Then toggled off my active destiny, but the cores stayed. Then I toggled it back on, and I saw 6 +12 melee power cores for Fury. Then I toggled over to Fatesinger, and the 6 fury cores stayed but went down to +6, while I also saw 6 fatesinger +10 melee power cores.
This was on a fresh character created in Let me know if you need anything else.
Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:
Some fixes for some recently reported issues.
New: New bonus type "Combat Style" added
Fix: THF line of feats now correctly grant a Combat Style bonus to melee power at bonus's total of "2/4/6/10" which no longer erroneously stack (Reported by Zretch)
---Same changes applied to Single Weapon Fighting line of feats also (No effect to TWF line)
Fix: Incorrect stance name of "SingleWeaponFighting" in SWF feat changed to "Single Weapon Fighting" to get correct stacking
Fix: Epic destiny core effects will no longer carry over between Active destiny switches (Reported by Zretch)
Fix: False Life as a bonus was broken out into its own breakdown. All False life effects in all items updated. This should fix a stacking issue in Renegade Mastermaker Quality HP bonus (Reported by outlawless)
Fix: Almost all auto controlled stances for weapon types now have icons
Fix: Auto controlled racial icons now look for the icons in the UI sub folder
Link in signature
Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:
Hello Maetrim! Thanks for the amazing work on this planner! I really appreciate it!
Some bugs I've found related to Dire Bear and its enhancement tree:
- Bear rage is not showing up as exclusive with combat expertise. (if you click on the barb version if you have barb levels it correctly disables combat expertise and happens to enable the bear toggle as well)
- The AC % bonus for Dire Bear is not showing up at all.
- The AC % bonus from the enhancement tree while bear raging is showing up permanently even with the rage toggled off.
- Also, not really a bug, but could the lightning strikes t5 be made a toggle in the planner because of the buff it gives?
Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:
Resonant arms from swashbuckler doesn't seem to show up on "Other Critical Damage Effects" when swashbuckling with light crossbows as inquisitive.
Another couple bugs:
- Empyrean Magic slider is only increasing spell power, not critical chance.
- Draconic SLAs aren't adding Evocation bonuses to their DC check.
Last edited by Erofen; 12-27-2020 at 03:52 AM.
Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:
The only entry if DI that I could fined that lists Evocation does not actually produce a listed SLA in the builder. Which of the SLAs do you mean exactly? Also I checked the text against the wiki and all seemed correct (apart from some corrected spelling mistakes).
Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:
I'll look this one up in game when I can and update if I can verify. (wiki is out of date on this)
All "Spell Focus: <School>" feats have been removed fro the alchemist bonus feat list. I checked against the wiki and also added the missing ones of "Point Blank Shot" and "Simple Thrown Weapon Expertise"
Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
Maetrim's DDO Character Planner: