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Thread: Which warlock?

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Which warlock?

    I am a Completionist, I would like to be a dragonborn acid using lock. Which one should I use? Blasting, Melee, or DC?

    Would I have enough points to use a breath weapon? I plan to take him to 20.


  2. #2
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Sep 2009



    Acid is goo lock so it depends on your play style and gear set up

    and what your running elite bbs or reapers

    Acid make good charmers if thats your thing and less immunes

    Dragon breath is doable but you'll lose points in your lock trees and it does not scale with character level

    Id go dcs on a goo lock if you have them if not burst
    Damonz Cannith

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by mr420247 View Post

    Acid is goo lock so it depends on your play style and gear set up

    and what your running elite bbs or reapers

    Acid make good charmers if thats your thing and less immunes

    Dragon breath is doable but you'll lose points in your lock trees and it does not scale with character level

    Id go dcs on a goo lock if you have them if not burst
    How would I know if my DCs were good enough?

  4. #4
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    You'll find out pretty fast if your not sure go burst lock

    n test your spells out as you level

    webs tentacles max conj dcs fod wail max necro dcs
    Damonz Cannith

  5. #5
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    If you want to play reaper heroic it depends alot on what skull level you want to play. However, I think the best is to spec your character as a dc caster and then you can reset your enhancement points as needed based on the content and skull level. Regardless of tree you can get proper DC for reaper especially if you leveled up cannith crafting and can make some items.

    Think charms, death spells at higher levels and some enchantment support with blasting for dps even if it's a little slower.

    Goo arguably has the best spells for the current environment but they are very back loaded - phantasmal killer, dominate person, create thrall and mass suggestion.

    The dc dumping blasting variants to max hp work at low skull reaper, but don't scale well to higher skull reaper. If you are soloing it's still a very viable option, but less fun to play and less powerful overall compared to the DC versions. Still dps is 0 when dead so for some people it's the best option and they can move to a DC-focused build as they get more experience and reaper points.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xathris View Post
    How would I know if my DCs were good enough?
    It's mostly gearing and specs although spell pen could be an issue with drow and fiendish if you don't have any past life wizards/fvs.

    Main thing is to max charisma and max out gear. Cannith crafting helps with that quite a bit, but random goggles that had good rolls are also plentiful.

    - Start cha at max
    - Max cha with gear including ship buffs
    - spell focus enchant item
    - starting at level 8 you can get one of these - you can farm these out before you tr to get a quality bonus. Also there are yellow augments that give +1 and then +2 dc bonus at higher levels and stacks with other sources.

    This is a bit out of date and includes things only at level 30, but it will give you and idea of ways to boost.

    Things like yugo potions and remnant potions are significant things that add up. Remnant cha potions last an hour. Trying to max out cha from racial, class and even harper tree help.

    Having one of the above items + yugo potions + remnant potions alone gives +3 dc. And of course there is alot dc in the reaper tree as you get points.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by slarden; 06-11-2017 at 05:30 AM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

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