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  1. #1
    Community Member Chacka_DDO's Avatar
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    Default spell resistance for drow, deep gnomes, monks and barbarian occult slayer

    What would I expect for the spell resistance for races and classes with racial spell resistance?
    I would just expect, they don't need or need less Items to have access to a useful spell resistance score. And I would expect racial and class spell resistance to give the possibility to have slightly more spell resistance than non spell resistance races and classes.

    My suggestion to achieve this is:
    Give drow and deep gnome spell resistance equal to the spell resistance as if they where using an item with enchantment bonus for spell resistance.
    And the spell resistance per character level should be the same as for Cannith crafting.
    To to be ahead, compared to non spell resistance races, they invest AP in the racial enhancement tree as we see it already.
    To get the maximum spell resistance score also gnomes and drow have to look out for items with insightful spell resistance and quality spell resistance.

    For the monk class spell resistance (the Diamond Soul feat).
    I would like to see, monks get insightful spell resistance per character level with the Diamond Soul feat. And again insightful spell resistance per character level similar to the spell resistance they would get with Cannith crafting. To get a bit more spell resistance than non spell resistance classes they could have an option in the class enhancement tree to increase this score. Maybe just an addition to one of the already existing enchantments.

    This way a drow or deep gnome monk would only need to look out for items with quality spell resistance (maybe we see more than the Drow Outrunner Armor in the future).

    And a drow or deep gnome monk could have noticeably higher spell resistance then non spell resistance class/race combinations.

    Barbarian Occult Slayer could get insightful spell resistance too. So a Occult Slayer need to use an Item with enhancement spell resistance and quality spell resistance in addition to get a real high spell resistance score. This is almost no change for drow and deep gnome barbarians, but every other race could have a comparable spell resistance score then.

  2. #2
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    Apparently, spell resistance (or at least its current incorrect stacking status) is going to be changed in the next update.

  3. #3
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hindaekdnd View Post
    I would just expect, they don't need or need less Items to have access to a useful spell resistance score. And I would expect racial and class spell resistance to give the possibility to have slightly more spell resistance than non spell resistance races and classes.
    Well, they don't now.

    I don't know the current math, but I would think that innate (non-buffed) SR should resist a very small % of the spells tossed at you at-level. It should NOT be a game-breaker, nor even a game winner. It ~should~ be a nice edge, nothing more - exactly like the dwarf's racial buffs vs. "giants", etc.

    If you buff it up via Racial Enhancements, THEN it should start to get noticeable, to get "real". Not before.

    Some have it, some don't - that's up to the player.

  4. #4
    Community Member Chacka_DDO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpw_acc View Post
    Apparently, spell resistance (or at least its current incorrect stacking status) is going to be changed in the next update.
    I know the developer want to change the spell resistance stacking rule for gnome and drow.
    The currently plan, is to make spell resistance items fully stack with racial spell resistance.
    At the same time they want to nerf the spell resistance score on items to make this change not to powerful for drow and deep gnome.

    This is going to be a major buff for drow and deep gnome and a nerf for every other race.
    Its not only me who think it is a bad idea (I read other players about this)
    And the developer seem to have forgotten monks and barbarians (I read nothing about them).

    Drow/deep gnome and barbarians/monks should have a advantage compared to other races and classes when it comes to spell resistance. Because it is a racial/class characteristic of drow/deep gnome and monks/barbarian.

    Possible change for racial spell resistance:
    1. Racial spell resistance = Cannith crafting enhancement bonus to spell resistance on items at character level.
    2. Racial (enhancement) spell resistance stacking with insightful and quality bonus spell resistance.
    3. if you spend AP in the racial enhancement tree you get up to 6 additional spell resistance.
    3b. A bonus to enhancement spell resistance dependent to the racial characteristic ability score (like 1 enhancement spell resistance per 10 intelligence or charisma for drow and and 1 per 10 wisdom or intelligence for deep gnome)

    Monks got spell resistance at lvl 13 with the Diamond Soul feat.
    And barbarians get spell resistance with the cap stone enhancement in the occult slayer tree. (at the moment even fully stacking with racial enhancement)
    What about drow or deep gnome monks or barbarians and how can they have at character level 30 useful spell resistance in legendary quests?

    Possible change for monks:
    1. Monk class spell resistance (the Diamond Soul feat) = Cannith crafting insightful bonus to spell resistance on items at character level.
    2. Monk class (insightful) spell resistance stacking with enhancement (from items and racial) and quality bonus spell resistance.
    3a. If you spend AP in one of the class enhancement trees you get up to 6 additional spell resistance.
    3b. A bonus to insightful spell resistance dependent to the wisdom score (for example 1 insightful spell resistance per 10 wisdom)

    For barbarians, currently a drow or deep gnome monk can have the highest spell resistance in game (if i got it right) and this seems to be wrong for me.
    And why should have another race so much less spell resistance when they chose to be an occult slayer at cap stone, even when they would use a spell resistance item?

    Possible change for barbarians:

    If you don't want to nerf the spell resistance for drow and gnome occult slayers but give the other races a comparable spell resistance. The current occult slayer spell resistance should stack with item enhancement spell resistance.

    1. Barbarian spell resistance (the occult slayer level 20 capstone) = Cannith crafting insightful bonus to spell resistance on items at character level.
    2. Barbarian class (insightful) spell resistance stacking with enhancement and quality bonus spell resistance on items and from racial spell resistance.
    3. A bonus to insightful spell resistance dependent to the constitution score (for example 1 insightful spell resistance per 10 constitution)

  5. #5
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hindaekdnd View Post
    I know the developer want to change the spell resistance stacking rule for gnome and drow.
    The currently plan, is to make spell resistance items fully stack with racial spell resistance.
    At the same time they want to nerf the spell resistance score on items to make this change not to powerful for drow and deep gnome.

    This is going to be a major buff for drow and deep gnome and a nerf for every other race.
    Its not only me who think it is a bad idea (I read other players about this)
    And the developer seem to have forgotten monks and barbarians (I read nothing about them).

    I was aware there was an issue that Racial Spell Resistance as well as Class features like Barbarian/Monk didn't stack with either Standard or Insightful Spell Resistance Items.

    I for some reason had it in my mind that it was being "fixed" to stack with all but "Standard". But with the amounts these races get currently, I could see them easily "breaking" the SR - Right now I can think of a third level Drow/Gnome having a 30 SR using Phiarlan Mirror Cloak (+17 SR). That would be crazy high for that level, especially since most mobs top out at just Under 30 as their max possible.

    One possibility to allow it all to stack is to remove the 10+ part of the Equation. This would give these races a SR bonus based only on their character level over other races. That would still be as much as +30, but a 3rd level Drow/Gnome would have an SR 20 with Phiarlan Mirror Cloak which would still need a high roll to overcome.

  6. #6
    Community Member Chacka_DDO's Avatar
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    Just if you did not read Steelstar:

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    With U36, racial sources of Spell Resistance (such as Drow's) will stack with all other sources. Spell Resistance values on some existing items are being readjusted as well for balance reasons. More specific information when we get to U36 Lammania.
    I just hope my suggestion is not to hard to understand, also because of my English of course.
    But to be honest, I am quite sure my solution is better than this.
    My point of reference is Cannith crafting and I hope the spell resistance on this items are balanced with the game content.
    Therefore the racial spell resistance could have the same height at the same level as a Cannith crafting item with an equal Minimum Level. Plus a bonus for classes and races with the spell resistance characteristic (such as Drow's)
    Of course a lot things are possible, even a complete change of the spell resistance mechanic but I don't want to go that far.
    Just make racial and class spell resistance conform with the spell resistance you can get from Cannith crafting items.

  7. #7
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Hindaekdnd View Post
    Just if you did not read Steelstar:

    I just hope my suggestion is not to hard to understand, also because of my English of course.
    But to be honest, I am quite sure my solution is better than this.
    My point of reference is Cannith crafting and I hope the spell resistance on this items are balanced with the game content.
    Therefore the racial spell resistance could have the same height at the same level as a Cannith crafting item with an equal Minimum Level. Plus a bonus for classes and races with the spell resistance characteristic (such as Drow's)
    Of course a lot things are possible, even a complete change of the spell resistance mechanic but I don't want to go that far.
    Just make racial and class spell resistance conform with the spell resistance you can get from Cannith crafting items.
    I like this idea of racial SR following cannith crafting SR. It is simple and makes racial spell resistance useful.

    Right now racial (enhancement) SR stops being useful in epics when equipment bonus to SR starts to significantly outscore racial bonus. And this simple solution would fix it.

    Making racial SR stackable with other SR only complicates things and has potential to cause OP stats if not done properly.

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