Hi Lynn,
I wanted to start off by saying thank you so much for helping fix what is within your ability and for communicating with us in the forums, this is really great!
I read this thread post by post until the 11th page or so, and decided to compile a list of bugs I experience most often and that I believe would improve QoL for all players. Forgive me if these were already pointed out within pages 12-41, but here are my suggestions:
1. Could a ‘search’ function, similar to that already in place in the shared crafting bank, be added to the TR cache? Its quite time consuming having to scroll through the entire cache everytime I need to get an item
2. It would also be great if all banks + TR cache had ‘sort by’ filters: I would suggest A) by level B) alphabetically C) by item type, with sub-options here of C1) by level and C2) alphabetical. If that is too much/too complex, please just sorting by level would make gearing up characters after leveling much easier and quicker!
3. Another bug that has been around for a few years is with the bio pop up window when you select to ‘examine’ any character (including yourself). I'm normally able to read the first lines, and 2-3 seconds after I scroll down to read further, the window scrolls back up quite quickly. Pressing the ‘lock’ button in the pop up window does not prevent this from happening. This fix would be greatly appreciated, as it would be nice to be able to read other people’s bios fully without so much hassle
4. When entering a dungeon in reaper mode, after joining a group, the difficulty setting that shows as selected seems to be the highest difficulty the player who entered that dungeon ran before doing the current quest selected (i.e. LFM says R3 run, I go to the quest entrance, its active and shows R5. I say ‘but lfm said R3’ and players who are already in the quest reply ‘its a bug, come inside, its R3’). This would be a nice fix.
5. It would be wonderful if we could get DCs displayed in the ‘mouse hover over tooltips’ for everything that allows a saving throw:
- SLAs (e.g. deep gnome color spray, phantasmal killer)
- Epic features (e.g. burst glacial wrath, hellball)
- Class abilities/features (e.g. Warlock Dark Delirium, Swashbuckler's Coup de Grace)
- Class/racial enhancement abilities (e.g. Monk unbalancing strike, jade tomb)
- Etc (there may be more types I have forgotten about).
This would make it much easier to see the numbers we currently reach, evaluate their efficiency in specific difficulties and decide what to invest on when planning and levelling
Think I'll leave it at this for now, once again with my deepest appreciation for all this great work fixing bugs!!!

I agree with other players who have expressed that bug fixes are very important
Thanks Lynn!
A quick edit: I just logged in after posting this to play a bit and encountered a bug I forgot to list here lol

It's about the bankers: everytime I approach a banker and ask to see my wares, my inventory, char bank and shared bank windows all open fine, but then, things freeze for a few seconds and all windows close down. Doing this procedure a second time round always works, but this means I often have to repeat this procedure twice to be able to use my banks. This would be a great fix, especially if others are also experiencing it!