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  1. #821
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khalibano View Post
    Hi Lynn,

    I wanted to start off by saying thank you so much for helping fix what is within your ability and for communicating with us in the forums, this is really great!
    I read this thread post by post until the 11th page or so, and decided to compile a list of bugs I experience most often and that I believe would improve QoL for all players. Forgive me if these were already pointed out within pages 12-41, but here are my suggestions:

    1. Could a ‘search’ function, similar to that already in place in the shared crafting bank, be added to the TR cache? Its quite time consuming having to scroll through the entire cache everytime I need to get an item

    2. It would also be great if all banks + TR cache had ‘sort by’ filters: I would suggest A) by level B) alphabetically C) by item type, with sub-options here of C1) by level and C2) alphabetical. If that is too much/too complex, please just sorting by level would make gearing up characters after leveling much easier and quicker!

    3. Another bug that has been around for a few years is with the bio pop up window when you select to ‘examine’ any character (including yourself). I'm normally able to read the first lines, and 2-3 seconds after I scroll down to read further, the window scrolls back up quite quickly. Pressing the ‘lock’ button in the pop up window does not prevent this from happening. This fix would be greatly appreciated, as it would be nice to be able to read other people’s bios fully without so much hassle

    4. When entering a dungeon in reaper mode, after joining a group, the difficulty setting that shows as selected seems to be the highest difficulty the player who entered that dungeon ran before doing the current quest selected (i.e. LFM says R3 run, I go to the quest entrance, its active and shows R5. I say ‘but lfm said R3’ and players who are already in the quest reply ‘its a bug, come inside, its R3’). This would be a nice fix.

    5. It would be wonderful if we could get DCs displayed in the ‘mouse hover over tooltips’ for everything that allows a saving throw:
    - SLAs (e.g. deep gnome color spray, phantasmal killer)
    - Epic features (e.g. burst glacial wrath, hellball)
    - Class abilities/features (e.g. Warlock Dark Delirium, Swashbuckler's Coup de Grace)
    - Class/racial enhancement abilities (e.g. Monk unbalancing strike, jade tomb)
    - Etc (there may be more types I have forgotten about).
    This would make it much easier to see the numbers we currently reach, evaluate their efficiency in specific difficulties and decide what to invest on when planning and levelling

    Think I'll leave it at this for now, once again with my deepest appreciation for all this great work fixing bugs!!! I agree with other players who have expressed that bug fixes are very important

    Thanks Lynn!

    A quick edit: I just logged in after posting this to play a bit and encountered a bug I forgot to list here lol It's about the bankers: everytime I approach a banker and ask to see my wares, my inventory, char bank and shared bank windows all open fine, but then, things freeze for a few seconds and all windows close down. Doing this procedure a second time round always works, but this means I often have to repeat this procedure twice to be able to use my banks. This would be a great fix, especially if others are also experiencing it!

    Unfortunately I think all of these with the exception of maybe (4) have already been stated to be a lot of work to fix. Having said that, I think this is pretty much a perfect summary of the most significant and most requested quality of life improvements that could be made to the UI of the game, and they are definitely worth the time and prioritization over other things.
    Nistafa on Khyber

  2. #822
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    In Stormcleave Outpost you're told 4 times that you're picking up the Shard of Stone. I'd assume that the other 3 types actually should have their own text/voice?

  3. #823
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by ice584 View Post
    Another example would be enhancements that improve as you spend points in them. Either method is fine, but pick one and stick to it.
    (Spell Singer) Magical Studies = 100sp total = +30 / +60 / +100
    (Harper) Magical Endurance = 100sp total = +30 / +30 / +40
    Heh, this specific one is apparently fixed. From the release notes:

    Magical Endurance: Changed tooltip from 30/30/40 to 30/60/100.
    Now how's THAT for service? *g*
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
    Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh

  4. #824
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    Default Another backwards trap box

    Dream Conspiracy quest in the Sunken Parish (Inspired Quarter), 1st trap box is installed backwards.
    (Standard): You are at: r1 lx1168 ly1032 i34 cInside ox-27.96 oy-18.07 oz-198.95 h337.5

    Thanks again for all these fixes!
    Dawnstrider, Officer of Pay It Forward (Sarlona, and all servers)

  5. #825
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComicRelief View Post
    So when my Ranger uses "Charm Animal" (or similar spell, including "Wild Empathy") successfully, neither I nor any of my party members can release the charm 'early'. This has been broken for some time, though I've never seen an official acknowledgement of it (and yes, I've filed a bug report). I have no idea if this is true for any other forms of charm (i.e. Charm Monster, etc.). Heck, I don't even know if anyone else has the same issue or if it's just me.
    Ranger has dismiss charm now but it doesn't work? Animal is hard-targeted?

  6. #826
    Community Member ArgentMage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    Just walk right up to the force field. Select it using default Q I think, and open it using Default E I think.
    Its a door. That looks like a force field. That you can just open.
    This is good to know! Tried it last night - there's no icon that lets you know you have the barrier selected, but as long as you
    don't have anything *else* selected, it works. I updated the Wiki entry for the quest and never shall that chest escape lootage again!

  7. #827
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    If you stand *just* far enough away from the entrance to the Shroud, you get the message 'Failed action - you are not on the right goal of Ritual Sacrifice to enter.'

  8. #828
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    In the Who tab, a location of "Crafting Hall" doesn't differentiate between houses K and C. That'd be a nice-to-know. </stalker>

  9. #829
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    Default please fix hireling raise/res spells

    Divine hirelings refuse to respond to the raise dead and resurrect commands on their hotbars, even though I am right in front of them, they aren't on cooldown from being summoned or casting, have plenty of sp, and aren't taking any damage. Had this now with 5 different hirelings (marissa, arkyn, dheran, miranda, tempys). When I try to toggle active/inactive to fix it, they run into battle (usually, around a corner) and die. As I find myself having to solo a lot this heroic life, and when this happens it means wiping, I'm getting pretty fed up with wasting my time and plat--plus, I'm getting that aggravating feeling of being not-so-subtly "encouraged" to buy cakes from the store.

  10. #830
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluenoser View Post
    Divine hirelings refuse to respond to the raise dead and resurrect commands on their hotbars, even though I am right in front of them, they aren't on cooldown from being summoned or casting, have plenty of sp, and aren't taking any damage. Had this now with 5 different hirelings (marissa, arkyn, dheran, miranda, tempys). When I try to toggle active/inactive to fix it, they run into battle (usually, around a corner) and die. As I find myself having to solo a lot this heroic life, and when this happens it means wiping, I'm getting pretty fed up with wasting my time and plat--plus, I'm getting that aggravating feeling of being not-so-subtly "encouraged" to buy cakes from the store.
    The workaround that works nearly all of the time for me is:

    1. Die shamefully in battle, oops.
    2. Doublecheck that your hireling is on passive wherever you left them earlier in the dungeon.
    3. Run around a bit as a ghost. Are any monsters still aggro'd on your ghost? if so run deeper into the dungeon as far as you can to take them away from your soulstone before blipping back to shake those ones off hopefully.
    4. Now run towards safety for 4 seconds, hopefully around a corner where no monsters can see you.
    5. Summon hireling to you.
    6. Wait 5 seconds for their invisible cooldown on fully understanding "stand still" to expire (if you have to go a bit further then they *might* understand it anyway if you click it sooner, or might not)
    7. Quickly tell them to stand still before you blip back to your soulstone.
    8. If on reaper, and if the timer reapplied to you (sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't), then wait a bit until there's only 4 seconds left on that clock
    9. Run back to hireling, should still have 5 seconds left on timer.
    10. Tell them to raise you exactly once - they won't do so, but it's very important to ask them
    11. Toggle them to active, and they'll almost certainly follow up on your request and start to raise you now
    12. Wait half a second so that they're into the resurrection animation
    13. While they're raising you, toggle them back to passive so that they don't follow up the resurrection by charging round the corner to die and reactivate the enemies on your marginally conscious self
    14. Take the raise quickly.

    15. Heal up, rebuff.
    16. Charge carelessly back into combat, go to step 1.

    In short, it would be GREAT to fix the hirelings so that they always do what you ask for even when otherwise on passive.
    Last edited by Elfishski; 07-14-2017 at 12:41 AM.
    Nistafa on Khyber

  11. #831
    Community Member nokowi's Avatar
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    Default What did you fix in U36?

    Tremorsense spider mobs are still telling Drow mobs facing away from me (and far out of my detection range) exactly where I am, and auto-agroing everything to me while I am and still should be in stealth to all but the creature with tremorsense. What gives?

    Mobs around corners that face me (but can't see me) still seem to auto-agro to me on assassinate. Is detection really coded as (within x distance, front-facing = autospot)? This would really work much better with a 120 degree front facing or with LOS requirement. I could be more specific if I did more testing.

    I can make some current videos showing several issues if anyone is willing to make melee stealth fun to play. The only solution for melee seems to be to play in groups and let someone else get agro, which is a way to completely ignore the stealth system, but removes what was fun for stealth players.

    The fix for mobs running to the furthest player does not address any issues anyone would have soloing or at the front of the party while in stealth.

    I would like to hear if anyone else that plays or played melee stealth can tell the difference.

    Thanks for any feedback.
    Last edited by nokowi; 07-14-2017 at 01:03 AM.

  12. #832
    Community Member Ballrus's Avatar
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    Default Shield rush fighter/vanguard

    Hi again.
    Shiled rush is not applying the highest attribute mod to DC.
    (DC 20+class lvl+highest attribute mod+trip bous)

    Thank you in advance.
    No fun, no $$$

  13. #833
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    I wandered around public areas and noticed that string table errors in Jorasco and Kundarak are gone. Great work!

    But the quest pointer for Caged Trolls quest entrance has not been fixed yet.

    Any updates on the Search and Rescue collectables problem?

    I don't like the way guild buffs are hidden. What if I just want to hide those amenity bar buffs (that last 4 hours and cannot disappear on death), but want to keep cargo hold buffs (that last 1 hour, disappear on death, and can expire in longer quests) in the UI? There should be more flexible options for that (two separate check boxes).
    Last edited by Arch-Necromancer; 07-14-2017 at 07:52 AM.

  14. #834
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    Freedom of Movement spell, shoes, bottles need to be set back to where they work on all webs, not just the web spell...10k remnants for the bottle, and it is useless in most places especially where there are spiders since they don't use the web spell. I can understand the earthgrab nerf that occurred a few years back, but the no natural web nerf is just plain stupid!!!

    Last edited by Saaluta; 07-14-2017 at 09:19 AM. Reason: typos...I hate typos!!
    "Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge

  15. #835
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    I went through the wiki page to search for bugs in named items, and have found many bugs. Since wiki can be inaccurate, some of them may have already been fixed.

    I will start with head items:

    Battered Helm has material set to leather, while it is clearly made from steel (same model as Garzad's Helm whic is made from steel).

    Engraved Circlet has material set to leather, while it looks like it is made from steel. Mystic Band (with the same model) is steel too.

    Spooky Festival Mask is leather while it is a bone mask. DDO has bone as a material (on Skull Fetish Mask) so this can be fixed.
    Mask of Tragedy, Epic Mask of Tragedy and Face of the Demon too.

    Tattered Cowl is made from leather, while is looks like cloth cowl, and its description states that it is made from cloth:
    "This cloth cowl glows slightly with magical energy."

    Graskitch's Skullcap is made from leather while it looks like it is made from steel.
    Elder's Cap and Epic Elder's Cap too (same model).

    Shaagh's Helm, same thing, steel helmet typed as leather:

    Circlet of Persuasion has material set to gold, while its description (and looks) states it is made from silver:
    "A circlet of silver chain holding a glowing green gem."

    Elemental Victory is marked as steel. There are materials such as gem and force that would better match this item.
    Epic Elemental Victory too.

    Headman's Hood material is leather while the description says it should be cloth.
    "A dirty cloth hood spattered with blood. It stinks of old sweat and gives of an aura of palpable fear."

    Mushroom Cap is steel. There are materials that would better fit this item: flesh, leather?
    Epic Mushroom Cap too.

    Chainmail Coif is steel while the description says it is flametouched iron.
    "Fine links of flametouched iron form this magical helm."
    Epic Chainmail Coif too.

    Glacial Casque is Feyleather while the description says it is Steel.
    "This steel casque radiates cold and is covered by a thin layer of frost, no matter what the weather."

    Spiked Turban is marked as leather, while the description says it is metal:
    "A spiked metal helm with a silk wrapping to ward off the desert sun."
    Epic Spiked Turban too.

    Muffled Veneer is marked as steel while it is clearly cloth.
    Epic and Mythic Muffled Veneer too.

    Seraphim is marked as steel while other items with the same model have leather material (and it looks like leather). This one could be marked as Celestial Leather.
    Epic and Mythic Seraphim too.

    Shining Crest of St. Markus is marked as leather while the description says it is silver:
    "A circlet of pure silver, wearable only by the virtuous souls that would risk their own lives to combat the forces of darkness."
    Epic Shining Crest of St. Markus too.

    Undying Gaze is marked as steel while it should be bone material (like on Skull Fetish Mask).

    Shade's Hood is marked as steel, while it is clearly cloth.
    Epic Shade's Hood too.

    Covert Cowl is marked as steel, while it is clearly cloth.

    Beacon of Tira is marked as steel, while the description says it is silver:
    "This brightly polished pure silver helm radiates light."

    Darkstorm Helm is marked as gold, while the description says it is "some dark and glittering metal" (adamantine?):
    "Helms such as this, forged from some dark and glittering metal, are worn by drow spellcasters both arcane and divine to heighten the power of their spells."
    Epic Darkstorm Helm too.

    Alchemist's Crown is set to gold while it looks like it is from alchemical silver.

    Epic Chimera's Crown is marked as leather, while heroic one is steel (it is steel).

    Epic Helm of the Red Dragon is marked as leather and it should be Red Dragonscale.

  16. #836
    Community Member Ballrus's Avatar
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    Default Fighter/vanguard shield rush

    Quote Originally Posted by Ballrus View Post
    Hi again.
    Shiled rush is not applying the highest attribute mod to DC.
    (DC 20+class lvl+highest attribute mod+trip bous)

    Thank you in advance.
    From release notes:
    Fighter and Vanguard Shield Rush now benefit from abilities which add to DCs.

    After update, just the Class level and the trip bonuses are applying.

    Tested in game:
    DC 30: 20 + class lvl (6 fighter) + trip bonus (3 fighter PL's + 1 ship buff); missing the 41 STR bonus (15).

    The enhacement still useless.

    I hope it get fixed in the next hotfix.

    Thank you.
    No fun, no $$$

  17. #837
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Default Burst of Glacial Wrath

    Burst of glacial wrath still does not work on spiders, etc.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  18. #838
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arch-Necromancer View Post
    I don't like the way guild buffs are hidden. What if I just want to hide those amenity bar buffs (that last 4 hours and cannot disappear on death), but want to keep cargo hold buffs (that last 1 hour, disappear on death, and can expire in longer quests) in the UI? There should be more flexible options for that (two separate check boxes).
    I agree... I'd like the short-term legacy buffs to remain visible. I understand if it's technically difficult/not possible/prohibitive to do, and I appreciate the being able to suppress them at all, though!
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
    Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh

  19. #839
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    Here's a forever bug... the smexy vampire blood cloud effect (PM shroud) disappears when you zone. That's half the point of playing a vampire!

  20. #840
    Community Member Phil7's Avatar
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    hello Lynlyn just wanted to point out that the Dynamistic Quiver is still bugged and is giving Doublestrike in addition to Doubleshot.
    Ranged Power is granted normally and Melee Power is not affected.

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