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  1. #801
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    Try using a keyboard shortcut ability, like cleave. Did that help?
    I find that in mouse lock mode, there is a certain amount of windows that unlock the mouse but others trap you into no actions.

    By hitting the escape key on a windows computer, you close the window that is trapping your keyboard.
    You can then turn off mouse lock, and reenter said window.

  2. 07-11-2017, 05:27 PM

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  3. #802
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    I have bug reported the following, and I realize most players will not agree with me on thus.
    I probably don't agree with myself.

    I guess the case can be made that since Epic Destinies stop 1 point shy of level 6, all is well.
    Sort of like if heroic levels stopped one point shy of level 20, we would still get 80 action points.

    However, if one recalls the chain of events during that time period, Epic Destinies were tampered with by a Dev....

    Epic Destiny Major Bug

    Epic Destinies provide 24 points to spend is error.

    Should be 4 per Epic Destiny level = 20 total.

    All Epic Destinies should only provide 20 points to spend, not 24.

    The extra four points are from a Dev deciding that since all Epic Destinies are 1 point shy of level 6, that he would provide the extra four points from level 6.

    This indicates to me, a long term goal of advancing epic destinies to level 10 (which might be a good idea in an upcoming expansion).

    If nothing else, it is discrimination against casters who should get the benefit of an additional caster level if everyone else is getting benefit from epic destiny level six already.

    The Devs should deal with the consequences of not advancing Epic Destinies by feeling the possible wrath of players who don't think 20 action points is enough.

    Needless to say, I am reporting that 24 points being granted from 5 epic destiny levels is a bug.

    Deal with it as you please, but it is a bug of sorts.

    Random notes:

    I tried making a decent Draconic Druid and found that 24 points is not enough to gain what I want from it.
    The trees are not filled up like heroic trees do, and 40 points total would make epic destinies so much more interesting,
    or at least feel less gimped for some classes, particularly caster types.

    For example, if a caster had 40 points to spend in Magistar, then Nulmagic action would be much more noteworthy,
    and the tier six abilities might actually get used.
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 07-11-2017 at 05:57 PM.

  4. #803
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Don't know if this is an easy fix or not but I have been finding it annoying lately.

    If you are melee attacking and Warlock Enlightened Spirit's Eldritch Burst or Spirit Blast is on cooldown but you accidentally hit the button again it will pause your melee attacks for a second or two before allowing you to resume attacking.
    Cleave and Great cleave do not do this, if you hit those while on cooldown you will continue attacking with no pause.

    I know melee on a warlock is doing it wrong or something but I'd like to see this changed.

  5. #804
    Community Member evilgardengnome's Avatar
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    I haven't read all of the posts, so maybe this has been mentioned already. The first rare just inside VoN3 rarely has a chest and often the chest appears without the rare. The rare and its chest seem to have broken some time ago. Not really a problem, but it annoys me.

    Thanks for all of your hard work Lynnabel.

  6. #805
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    Hopefully, I will not confuse Devs, as sometimes I offer good, better and ideal solutions.

    Ideally, the solution to Caster Levels etc for me would be:

    In the upcoming Expansion increase Epic Destinies to level 10.

    This does not require any additions to the Epic Destinies, just the ability to spend more points and have more caster levels.
    (Might need rewriting Draconic and Magistar innate zero into add caster levels per epic destiny levels.)

    Given that everyone is gain a power boost, combine thus with a nerf of such:

    Every time you Reincarnate (except for a Lesser Reincarnation) all your Epic Destiny Trees reset to zero points spent.

    Epic Destiny Levels now equals the lesser of Epic Levels or Epic Destiny Levels experienced earned.
    Caster Levels granted equals the lesser of Epic Levels of Epic Destiny Levels experienced earned.

    You can spend points via:

    Level 20 = 4 epic destiny points to spend
    Level 21 = 8 epic destiny points to spend
    Level 22 = 12 epic destiny points to spend
    Level 23 = 16 epic destiny points to spend
    Level 24 = 20 epic destiny points to spend
    Level 25 = 24 epic destiny points to spend
    Level 26 = 28 epic destiny points to spend
    Level 27 = 32 epic destiny points to spend
    Level 28 = 36 epic destiny points to spend
    Level 29 = 40 epic destiny points to spend
    Level 30 = no additional increase in epic destiny points to spend

    {one could move the chart one level higher if desired}

    For one thing, everyone would buy the new expansion, which is a good thing.
    It would answer Caster Level woes.

    Some would complain that the Drows in MotU would now be more difficult to instant kill,
    but come on folks, groups on Khyber stomp those dungeons anyway.

    Overall an increase in power along with a slight nerf for certain levels,
    and a definite increase in the interest of gaining a new epic level.

    Thanks for reading, pardon my many posts today.

  7. #806
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    Cool Guard item ability not working properly

    Wow 41 pages - That was a mission. Still firstly Thank you Thank you Thank you for dedicating the time to fix bugs. It makes a huge difference to the perception of the quality of the game and the experience.

    One from me (tested today on 3d8 damage guards so definitely a current bug). The random lootgen Guard items (So solar guard, thorns etc) don't do the stated damage on attack, they do only a single die of damage of the appropriate damage type.

    Secondly a question around why the crafted items with the guard property are so much worse? not only do they proc only about 5% of the time, they don't appear to proc if missed or dodged and they still only do a single die of damage. Currently a total waste of materials and the ability slot.

    Thanks again for all your efforts


  8. #807
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Golden View Post
    Wow 41 pages - That was a mission. Still firstly Thank you Thank you Thank you for dedicating the time to fix bugs. It makes a huge difference to the perception of the quality of the game and the experience.

    One from me (tested today on 3d8 damage guards so definitely a current bug). The random lootgen Guard items (So solar guard, thorns etc) don't do the stated damage on attack, they do only a single die of damage of the appropriate damage type.

    Secondly a question around why the crafted items with the guard property are so much worse? not only do they proc only about 5% of the time, they don't appear to proc if missed or dodged and they still only do a single die of damage. Currently a total waste of materials and the ability slot.

    Thanks again for all your efforts

    Yeah, that's a real known issue It's so far out of my scope, I'm sorry.
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

    "Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"

  9. #808
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    Last time I checked:

    Scion of the Plane of Air
    does not provide +4 to Dodge Cap at least for Med/Heavy Armor

    and Thanks!
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 07-11-2017 at 11:52 PM.

  10. #809
    Community Member Razor_Wit's Avatar
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    Might not be the place for this but here goes...The 40th Anniversary Eldritch Card Cruncher has been stuck in my pack since developers ended the event. It cannot be un-locked to drag to trash. It can be moved but I cannot get rid of it. What gives? It actually says "a non functional mini model of an eldritch device. it would work well as a paperweight." This is very accurate.

    Is this an evil joke? I MUST keep this paperweight for eternity?? To be clear the main issue is that I cannot unlock it- to dispose of it.

    (Actually, as I write this I am imagining that this would be a pretty cool trick to play on players who abused the cruncher: cannot be removed from inventory, perhaps every attempt to remove it ends up "duplicating" another un-removable cruncher into their pack endlessly....*sighs satisfactorily*...what? No, I'm not bitter at all that there are players running around w 200 meteoric rubies, raid timers etc...)
    "You're a Jedi, Harry"

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  11. #810
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor_Wit View Post
    Might not be the place for this but here goes...The 40th Anniversary Eldritch Card Cruncher has been stuck in my pack since developers ended the event. It cannot be un-locked to drag to trash. It can be moved but I cannot get rid of it. What gives? It actually says "a non functional mini model of an eldritch device. it would work well as a paperweight." This is very accurate.

    Is this an evil joke? I MUST keep this paperweight for eternity?? To be clear the main issue is that I cannot unlock it- to dispose of it.

    (Actually, as I write this I am imagining that this would be a pretty cool trick to play on players who abused the cruncher: cannot be removed from inventory, perhaps every attempt to remove it ends up "duplicating" another un-removable cruncher into their pack endlessly....*sighs satisfactorily*...what? No, I'm not bitter at all that there are players running around w 200 meteoric rubies, raid timers etc...)
    I have this issue as well. I forgot about it because it currently resides on my least used mule.

  12. #811
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    Last time I checked:

    Scion of the Plane of Air
    does not provide +4 to Dodge Cap at least for Med/Heavy Armor

    and Thanks!
    I haven't tested that, but are you sure?
    Keep in mind that +4 to Dodge Cap does not mean that the maximum dodge of your armor goes up.
    For example, if you're wearing heavy armor with a maximum dodge of 11, you won't get maximum dodge of 15 by taking the feat.
    Dodge Cap =!= Maximum Dodge =!= Dodge

    The Dodge cap is 25 for all characters. Taking Scion of the Plane of Air is only meaningful if your dodge is only limited by the dodge cap.

    As for your other posts, ED points being 24 is decidedly not a bug. It's a design choice. (20 points would prevent you from taking any tier 6 ability) Caster Levels only going up with class levels (and destiny cores) is again not a bug. I don't know what you're trying to accomplish by bug reporting stuff that are design choices you disagree with. In fact, they are going to be ignored (not even make it to the dev team) and also hide the real bug reports in a mass of fake bug reporting.
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  13. #812
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    Last time I checked:

    Scion of the Plane of Air
    does not provide +4 to Dodge Cap at least for Med/Heavy Armor

    and Thanks!
    It's confusing terminology, but remember that there are three values for dodge...
    1. Dodge (bonuses from items/feats/past lives etc)
    2. Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus which limits the top end of the dodge you can have (sometimes confusingly called "Max Dodge" (limited by armor/shield, but can also be raised e.g. Dwarf or Fighter enhancements, Daggertooth's Belt etc)
    3. Dodge Cap (often also confusingly called "Maximum Dodge") which is (25% plus any abilities that raise the dodge cap).
    Final Dodge for Character = minimum(dodge, max dex bonus, dodge cap), and the "max dodge" displayed on the character sheet = minimum(max dex bonus, dodge cap)
    So if you're wearing medium/heavy armor, you are likely getting the increased Dodge Cap from Plane of Air, but it won't raise your Armor Max Dex Bonus so it's not useful for you.

    Also, you're making some great suggestions, but this is more minor bugs that we hope Lynnabel can awesomely just fix for the next update (or the patch after if it's too late), rather than game-wide system changes. I'm sure those deserve a thread of their own rather than getting lost here!

    On the topic of which....
    1. In the Warlock trees, ability bonuses not yet chosen just show a single greyed out icon for one stat rather than the split icon in older trees where you see e.g. half charisma heart and half int book until selected.
    2. In the Dragonborn tree, there are a lot of bonuses that are "+1 Fortitude", where everywhere else in the game I'm pretty sure it says "+1 Fortitude Saves" or "+1 Fortitude Saving Throws"
    3. With regards to the confusion in terminology for dodge above, would it be possible to do a search for all the instances of "Maximum Dodge" and replace them clearly with "Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus" or "Dodge Cap", e.g. Ninja Spy - Agility enhancement? Not sure how many there are in the game or how searchable things are so this might not be feasible, but it would be really nice to have consistent terminology.
    Nistafa on Khyber

  14. #813
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elfishski View Post
    It's confusing terminology, but remember that there are three values for dodge...
    1. Dodge (bonuses from items/feats/past lives etc)
    2. Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus which limits the top end of the dodge you can have (sometimes confusingly called "Max Dodge" (limited by armor/shield, but can also be raised e.g. Dwarf or Fighter enhancements, Daggertooth's Belt etc)
    3. Dodge Cap (often also confusingly called "Maximum Dodge") which is (25% plus any abilities that raise the dodge cap).
    Final Dodge for Character = minimum(dodge, max dex bonus, dodge cap), and the "max dodge" displayed on the character sheet = minimum(max dex bonus, dodge cap)
    So if you're wearing medium/heavy armor, you are likely getting the increased Dodge Cap from Plane of Air, but it won't raise your Armor Max Dex Bonus so it's not useful for you.

    Thanks for the clarification.

    I am used to reading stuff like:

    Vanguard Armor Mastery: [+1/+2/+3] to armor class and armor maximum dexterity bonus. (Note: maximum dexterity bonus limits maximum dodge as well).

  15. #814
    Hero, Mo Bro H'ro, & MB Super-H'ro ComicRelief's Avatar
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    Default How About Fixing Release Charm?

    So when my Ranger uses "Charm Animal" (or similar spell, including "Wild Empathy") successfully, neither I nor any of my party members can release the charm 'early'. This has been broken for some time, though I've never seen an official acknowledgement of it (and yes, I've filed a bug report). I have no idea if this is true for any other forms of charm (i.e. Charm Monster, etc.). Heck, I don't even know if anyone else has the same issue or if it's just me.
    "...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"

  16. #815
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComicRelief View Post
    So when my Ranger uses "Charm Animal" (or similar spell, including "Wild Empathy") successfully, neither I nor any of my party members can release the charm 'early'. This has been broken for some time, though I've never seen an official acknowledgement of it (and yes, I've filed a bug report). I have no idea if this is true for any other forms of charm (i.e. Charm Monster, etc.). Heck, I don't even know if anyone else has the same issue or if it's just me.
    Works fine on Suggestion/Charm Monster. It has a very short range though.

  17. #816
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    Default lava caves - kobold challenges house C.

    Placing a item for the most part, a teleporter in a area with purple crystals. If a explosion goes off from one of the crystals self destructing, and your playing a teleporter. The teleporter never goes down to appear at the location, and its removed from your inventory. Cannot re-buy it. Cannot pick it up since it never went down. IE: your short a teleporter for the rest of the duration of the challenge. Can you fix this please?

    Suggestion is either remove the knockdown effect from the purple crystals, and just leave it as a damage aoe. If you feel the need to replace it, make it a aoe slow. As its the knockdown effect / stun effect, which is interrupting the process of placing it, and removing it from your inventory.

  18. #817
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baelorn View Post
    Placing a item for the most part, a teleporter in a area with purple crystals. If a explosion goes off from one of the crystals self destructing, and your playing a teleporter. The teleporter never goes down to appear at the location, and its removed from your inventory. Cannot re-buy it. Cannot pick it up since it never went down. IE: your short a teleporter for the rest of the duration of the challenge. Can you fix this please?

    Suggestion is either remove the knockdown effect from the purple crystals, and just leave it as a damage aoe. If you feel the need to replace it, make it a aoe slow. As its the knockdown effect / stun effect, which is interrupting the process of placing it, and removing it from your inventory.
    This can also happen if you are placing the teleporter than run into something the game thinks your character needs to use the climbing animation to move past. This will also cause loss of a teleporter or torch.

    Reason. The "payment" (deducting one item from inventory) is made on beginning of cast animation, while the item doesnt appear until after the cast animation. If cast animation is interrupted, payment is made but no item results from the cast.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  19. #818
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    Default Hi Lynn, here are a few suggestions for bug fixes to be prioritised

    Hi Lynn,

    I wanted to start off by saying thank you so much for helping fix what is within your ability and for communicating with us in the forums, this is really great!
    I read this thread post by post until the 11th page or so, and decided to compile a list of bugs I experience most often and that I believe would improve QoL for all players. Forgive me if these were already pointed out within pages 12-41, but here are my suggestions:

    1. Could a ‘search’ function, similar to that already in place in the shared crafting bank, be added to the TR cache? Its quite time consuming having to scroll through the entire cache everytime I need to get an item

    2. It would also be great if all banks + TR cache had ‘sort by’ filters: I would suggest A) by level B) alphabetically C) by item type, with sub-options here of C1) by level and C2) alphabetical. If that is too much/too complex, please just sorting by level would make gearing up characters after leveling much easier and quicker!

    3. Another bug that has been around for a few years is with the bio pop up window when you select to ‘examine’ any character (including yourself). I'm normally able to read the first lines, and 2-3 seconds after I scroll down to read further, the window scrolls back up quite quickly. Pressing the ‘lock’ button in the pop up window does not prevent this from happening. This fix would be greatly appreciated, as it would be nice to be able to read other people’s bios fully without so much hassle

    4. When entering a dungeon in reaper mode, after joining a group, the difficulty setting that shows as selected seems to be the highest difficulty the player who entered that dungeon ran before doing the current quest selected (i.e. LFM says R3 run, I go to the quest entrance, its active and shows R5. I say ‘but lfm said R3’ and players who are already in the quest reply ‘its a bug, come inside, its R3’). This would be a nice fix.

    5. It would be wonderful if we could get DCs displayed in the ‘mouse hover over tooltips’ for everything that allows a saving throw:
    - SLAs (e.g. deep gnome color spray, phantasmal killer)
    - Epic features (e.g. burst glacial wrath, hellball)
    - Class abilities/features (e.g. Warlock Dark Delirium, Swashbuckler's Coup de Grace)
    - Class/racial enhancement abilities (e.g. Monk unbalancing strike, jade tomb)
    - Etc (there may be more types I have forgotten about).
    This would make it much easier to see the numbers we currently reach, evaluate their efficiency in specific difficulties and decide what to invest on when planning and levelling

    Think I'll leave it at this for now, once again with my deepest appreciation for all this great work fixing bugs!!! I agree with other players who have expressed that bug fixes are very important

    Thanks Lynn!

    A quick edit: I just logged in after posting this to play a bit and encountered a bug I forgot to list here lol It's about the bankers: everytime I approach a banker and ask to see my wares, my inventory, char bank and shared bank windows all open fine, but then, things freeze for a few seconds and all windows close down. Doing this procedure a second time round always works, but this means I often have to repeat this procedure twice to be able to use my banks. This would be a great fix, especially if others are also experiencing it!

    Last edited by Khalibano; 07-12-2017 at 03:15 PM.

  20. #819
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    Default The Rise Of Lynnabel

    Lynnabel, you are doing an incredible job. Thank you, and please keep it up. May I suggest that this next Update be Titled "The Rise of Lynnabel" as a tribute to your wonderful work. Thank you again!

  21. #820
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elfishski View Post
    "+1 Fortitude", where everywhere else in the game I'm pretty sure it says "+1 Fortitude Saves" or "+1 Fortitude Saving Throws"
    Consistency is one thing that drives me bonkers about DDO. I think it was the Harper, Enlightened Spirit, and Thief Acrobat enhancement trees I was looking at the other day when I noticed each one of them presented the attribute enhancements in tier 3/4 in slightly different ways. The icons varied, the text varied, the order varied (if multiple attributes were an option), or some combination of those things.

    Another example would be enhancements that improve as you spend points in them. Either method is fine, but pick one and stick to it.
    (Spell Singer) Magical Studies = 100sp total = +30 / +60 / +100
    (Harper) Magical Endurance = 100sp total = +30 / +30 / +40

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