Took Level 30 Feat Scion of the Feywild. It lists +20 heal amplification.
Hovered over hitpoints in character sheet. It did NOT increase.
Unknown if it really gave it to me, I'm tired of beta-testing.
Took Level 30 Feat Scion of the Feywild. It lists +20 heal amplification.
Hovered over hitpoints in character sheet. It did NOT increase.
Unknown if it really gave it to me, I'm tired of beta-testing.
Couple more:
Epic primal past life for doubleshot still also gives 3/6/9% spell critical chance, stacking with the spell critical chance from the arcane past life (at least visually on the character sheet).
Some race specific animations:
When dragonborn drink potions, they hold the potion bottle sort of sideways and upside down, which looks pretty stupid. (female dragonborn if it makes any difference)
When gnomes try to grab ledges, they grab hold of nothing about a foot below the edge, which also looks stupid.
Nistafa on Khyber
I don't recall having run across mentions of this, and tho is beyond the scope of this thread thought I'd drop it in as a mentionable.
Armor effects being applied to Sceptres. Bug reported already.
Can you tweak Corporal Delvascon in Stormcleave Outpost to take all outpost supplies in your inventory at once onstead of having to give it to him one by one?
Also, in Garrison's Missing Pack, there is a door at the end of the quest (left from the chest), but you can't use it to exit the quest. You should turn that door into a quest exit so that players can leave the quest without recalling.
EDIT: I have noticed that when I open enhancement or epic destiny tab using the menu (not trainer), my UI gets stuck and I can no longer select any menu buttons with my mouse pointer (including inventory items). I can use the keyboard, move the mouse pointer, but mouse pointer no longer highlights anything. I have to exit to desktop and close the game manually because I can't click on the quit button.
It seems that whatever you are using to lock enhancement and epic destiny tab (to disable changing trees) also disables the rest of UI.
Last edited by Arch-Necromancer; 07-10-2017 at 12:15 PM.
There's one power crystal blocking a cave entrance where Wayfinder Dael is help captive. The crystal can be
targeted, but no projectiles or spells reach it from any of a bazillion angles I have tried, whereas the kobolds
that were standing right next to it could be easily hit. I like this quest and typically run it each life, but can't
remember ever opening the chest in that cave...
Can you also provide a teleport back to this area after killing the Giant so we don't have to spend time running back to him?
I know content was limited when the game was released, but it's time to get rid of these artificial "extend the content" mechanics.
Same thing Co6. Move Hragg closer to the quest entrances for god's sake!
There is a door in Delirium (servants only door) that can't be opened. The whole area beyond the door is probably empty and could be used to make an interesting new encounter like that xoriat hound in the "fridge" room. I know it is used in other quests in the same inn, but it could be used in this one too.
It's not always artificial, sometimes it is immersive. You can't have teleports everywhere just because you don't like walking.
Adding a teleporter in general Xanti'lar's lair which would take you to that gate in the outpost where you fight incoming monsters makes sense.
But I wouldn't relocate Hragg. There is a reason why he is in his small outpost.
Here are few I can think of:
Relocate Guard Tember in Waterworks to the junction of two wings (where the other guard is). Maybe the two guards could switch locations. Another idea would be to set one of those two guards near the entrance as ones you have to talk to in order to complete "Venn's Trail" part of Waterworks quest chain, so you don't have to go to the other end of the area to finish the questline.
And something could be done in Search and Rescue, at the end of drow outpost optional there is a portal in the end room where you fight the High Priestess. The portal closes after the fight. Maybe it could be activated with the lever and then be used to travel to the entrance of the outpost (to the room where the spell ward traps are).
Apologies if this was caught already, I couldn't find it.
The end of the Kings Forest random encounter Shopkeeper's Salvation the woman you rescue says "antything"
Mass Frog checks for Spell Pen, but the spell pen that it does apply is very flawed.
Almost zero bonuses applied, so it mostly fails if a monster has any form of spell resistance.
Also, could the Devs consider making:
Hell Ball
Forced Escape
Int, Wis or Cha for DC calculations?
This would particularly Druids dealing with raid lag issues,
caster bards wanting a bit more Sonic Boom,
and grant divines in general a bone, which frankly all of the above could use.
I would also be willing to go along with ALL Epic Destiny Spell Feats
to use Int, Wis, Cha
because Spell Casters get less out of Epic Destiny Feats than Melee do anyway.
I realize some might consider a fixed Int based Mass Frog a bit powerful for Wizards,
but either the Wizards already have what it takes to go instant kill or they don't.
So, I am ok with the consequences of that change.
The laggiest build in DDO...
Every once in awhile, lightning strikes near my house, doing damage to phone equipment temporary.
When that happens, its quite a bit easier to tell which builds and games are more laggy.
Over the years, I have grown quite fond of Druid Casters, because they can heal, CC.
They have cute pets and can even dps at levels 8 thru 20 quite well.
If you invest into Master of the Wild along with Metamagics and Epic Greensteel,
you can see reasonable epic damage.
With the exception of Ice Flowers, Flame Strike, and Firestorm, a Druid's spell casting
involves single target spells or cloud type area of effect spells.
Its quite typical in playing a Druid to cast 4ish cloud spells in a dungeon room at the same time,
Ice Storm, possibly Sleet Storm, Earthquake, Storm of Vengeance.
Each of these clouds must make physics checks (alluded to in a recent simplification),
along with a vast series of procure checks such as:
Check for Colors of the Queen
Check for Rainbow
Check for Double Rainbow
Check for Mantle of the Icy Soul/Anger of the Noonday Sun
Check for Lantern Ring
Check for main hand Legendary Greensteel Procure
Check for off hand salt Legendary Greensteel Procure
Apply Slow from Ice Storm
Apply Knockdown from Earthquake(s)
Check for Nerve Venom
Check for Favor of the Fey buff
Check for Favorable Winds
Check for Fay Power
This also includes checking thru the Wax and Wane crit multiplies which have possible
multiple stacks due to Seasons not erasing former Seasons on a druid.
(Proof of possible multiple stacks is that Wax and Wane always provides bonuses to
both seasons after the first two season changes.)
For a player with great internet this is not too bad in a dungeon run such as slayers with only
six players in the party if the party kills whatever they encounter.
With a crippled internet this is too much to handle, unless one swaps Epic Destinies and mostly
just casts healing spells.
A raid group simply compounds the data flow, and adds an open ended battlefield vastly larger
than Druid's Clouds.
Its hard to say, well caster druids should switch out of Shirdai when raiding,
because Primal is such a poor Epic Destiny for a caster Druid with low reflexes.
Going to Draconic is attractive, but thus kills the Master of the Wild + Intensify Spell
feat selections already chosen to attempt to bridge the DPS gap existing in the classes
who lack a 3rd tree.
Exalted Angel is also attractive for the bonus in DCs, yet the loss of spell and caster levels
again cripple a Druid's SLA choices.
There are two self buffs a druid can cast that do ongoing damage around the druid:
Call Lightning Storm ~ does not scale with caster levels, does not allow extend, does allow
Maximize, Empower, Enlarge, Intensify, Quicken
Body of the Sun ~ does scale with caster levels, only allows extend and quicken.
Its odd that these two unique self buffs differ greatly in their design, almost giving the impression
that past designer were afraid of making a druid too powerful.
{I would recommend standardization for the future, taking Body of the Sun design,
allowing Quicken & Extend for both Spells.}
It is also very odd that Call Lightning Storm and Storm of Vengeance do not scale with caster
levels unlike most of DDO's AoE spells in the game. Even if such scaling was small in value
it would be welcome.
I am not sure if the spells are checking for Hierophant each time that a spell is cast,
but its quite possible. Either way, neither part of this does not work at all:
Each time the seasons change, you gain +100% chance to critical with your next spell, and its spell points cost is one tenth its normal cost.
If one compares Shirdai Sorcerers, Shirdai Rangers, and Shirdai Druids, I have found
these Caster Druids to be the laggiest toons that I have ever played in DDO.
I think that is in part that Druid are so dependent upon cloud type spells.
Burst of Glacial Wraith is actually a welcome Epic Spell for Druids.
Unfortunately, Tsunami from Primal and Firestorm both have a lot of targeting problems.
Its actually very difficult to hit multiple Targets with Tsunami.
Its quite possible to miss a single target with Tsunami.
The width of the spell probably ought to be tripled,
and there seems to be a problem hitting monsters that are right beside your toon.
Firestorm on the other hand only likes to hit at close range,
seems to do damage less than expected and is rather slow to occur after casting.
{I do like that Tsunami gets meta magic effects for free, however the choice to
pick up Intensify usually accompanies Master of the Wild trapping on inside the
Primal Epic Destiny Sphere.}
If one were to improve Primal, consider adding Epic Wild Shape Fire/Cold
which removes the penalties to the opposing element to tier six,
consider adding Greater Tsunami with triple width and range to tier five.
I guess one approach to the whole problem is:
"Each epic level grants +0.5 caster levels"
or "Epic Levels 26 thru 30 grants +1 caster level".
Thanks for reading,
Bug Reported this
A Pure Caster's Spellcasting levels ought to equal their character level. Yet in DDO, Spellcasters only have 20 caster levels plus up to 5 more from an Epic Destiny that is in their sphere. This is not right at all. It is also greatly discriminating equality compared to melee which suffer no adverse effects from being in an off destiny. At the very least, casters in their own destiny should have caster levels equal to their character level (before bonuses and penalties are applied). A solution might be having an additional Epic Feat added that grants +1 Caster Levels at certain Epic levels to be gained during half of the Epic Levels. Such as each even numbered Epic Level, or Epic Levels 26 thru 30. Ect...
I fail to see a problem with this compromise, as it still favors one's home destiny,
which was the main complaint with the Original proposal of removing caster levels from Epic Destinies
and placing them into Epic Levels.
Now if Sev is planning to increase Epic Destiny levels to 10, then I can see waiting,
as that would also solve said problem.
But as far as I can tell, that does not seem likely to happen,
even though I did feel it was a good idea myself.
Last edited by Silverleafeon; 07-11-2017 at 01:54 PM.
Can we make an Altar that only has recipes to crunch Khyber Shards (along with a preform this ___# of times option) ?
along with
Can we make an Altar that only has recipes to crunch Eberron Shards (along with a preform this ___# of times option) ?
Maybe only one each, possibly in the Marketplace?
Simplifying thus should reduce lag issue fears, along with reducing player wasted time.
Thanks for reading.