Active Characters: Griglok (main), Fiergen, Greyhead, Havegun
Leader- The Casual Obsession ___Khyber___
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There is one DM voice in the quest "Irestone Inlet" where after you kill Yaryar you get the 'yaryar screams 'i'll kill you, kill you allll"... and then he dies.' speech The volume on that DM voice is -far- quieter then any of the other voices in that quest. Like half of the volume.
See the post earlier in this thread about the Wedding Band that drops in The Stormreaver Fresco having been changed to drops on exit...
Here's one that has given me (and my inventory space) fits across the years, and I think I've finally figured it out:
Occasionally the exact same potion type will not stack with each other. Specifically, and I have just duplicated this in game right now and logged in to the forums to make this post so it should be easy to reproduce, spell power potions purchased in the two different House J shops House of Wizardry and Feather's Fall Apothecary will not stack with the exact same potion of the same name if it is purchased at the other shop. I guess they both decided to go the Dell power supply route and have made incompatible bottles, or something.
How about the very annoying bug that makes the bank often close a few seconds after you open it.
Not a big thing, but happens every day and is very annoying![]()
Yeah, this bugs the heck out of me, too... especially when it's one of those "slow TR cache loading" days. It *just* opens after several seconds, and then *poof*. (Also, it has nothing to do with the TR cache, 'cause it happens on first-lifers, too. It's just slightly less annoying on them because they don't have the delay lol)
"Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh
Any possibility of a change to fix the disappearing spell wards in Detour when you fight Song? Or just lowering the bonus targets so the minimum that actually spawn is always achieveable for trap bonus?
Ignore the combat log.
Do the following:
Go into a quest and kill a mob, note how hard you hit, let rage wear off, recast it. Keep doing this.
By the end of the dungeon you'll be hitting half as hard as you started.
I'll ask for more specific details but I've witnessed this myself. It started around the time reaper was introduced as well. Guy in my guild used to regularly hit for 40k+ with adrenaline, etc...going.
Since then he rarely gets passed 30k and by the end of the dungeon is hitting for like 15k crits. Normal white hits were going from 1000~ish to down around 600.
Building a Better DDO
Hi Lynn,
Speaking of Ravenloft this is something that has bugged me for quite some time now and this is me being a total weeb roleplayer...
Can you start changing
"Close Window" to "Goodbye! (close window)" Or "Thank you! (close window)" or other roleplayish nonsense in NPC dialog?
For example:
I don't expect you guys to go back and change all old instances of this in the game. But going forward can you guys make it your mantra for that last line to read something like, "It was my pleasure to take care of those scum, sorry for the mess Captain! (close window)"
Building a Better DDO
Not sure this is a bug. It started happening around the time they were trying to prevent duping issue with a specific cause. Now, I think they either detect a network anomaly, or they do this randomly so to help prevent dupers. It does happen to me, but not all the time.
Can anything be done about optional objective ransack in the foreseeable future?
Here's some more:
Cocoon removes invis
Flyby Attack does not remove invis (even if you hit a mob with it)
Building a Better DDO
Flyby and Dire charge do not even break stealth. But let's leave that, ok? There are a number of things redeeming stealth right now after the new aggro mess, so until aggro is managed, I'd rather keep silent on some rather non-WAI thingies that are hardly game breaking and to help gimp playstyles...
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Going from Light side to Shadowfell side in Through a Mirror Darkly removes Death Aura and possibly Displacement when it's cast by a pale master.
Bio - Guild Leader of Roll For Initiative (Cannith Server)
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My Builds - Epic Challenge Farmer v2 (Warlock) - Swiss Army Knife Challenge Farmer (Falconry)
The Pack Horse (mule)
i believe castigation from Divine Crusader is still not working as per the description. It does not give damage to bosses and orange names take the 1% per stack and 1d6 per stack damage. Maybe update the description or hopefully fix to have it WAI. Thanks!
Seem to recall it was mentioned by another Dev, so known issue, but I believe Mobs currently aggro the furthers target in range when they are aggroed, instead of the mob that aggroes them, this can result in mobs running past the person attacking them for someone doing absolutely nothing.