While we wait for a more meaningful revamp of the LFM panels...
List all quests separated by level even if it means duplicating the heroic and epic versions.
It is pita to sort around the adventure compendium to see what quests are flaggers, chains, etc.. line Von1-6 is all over the place mixed in with other quests/packs/chains...
Could you reorganize descriptions so the story arcs are in some semblance of an order..
Something like
Level 8 Von Flag1 Tharask arena
Level 8 Von Flag2 The Prisoner
Level 9 Von Flag3 Jungle of Khyber
Level 9 Von Flag4 Harverdasher
Level 10 Von Raid1 Vault of Night
Level 10 Von Raid2 Plane of Night
Level 21 EVon Flag1 Tharask arena
Level 21 EVon Flag2 The Prisoner
Level 22 EVon Flag3 Jungle of Khyber
Level 22 EVon Flag4 Harverdasher
Level 22 EVon Raid1 Vault of Night
Level 22 EVon Raid2 Plane of Night
Level 21 ES1-Flag1 Impossible Demands
Level 21 ES1-Flag2 Unquiet Graves
Level 21 ES1-Flag3 The Lost Thread
Level 21 ES1-End Arc Battle for Eveningstar
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Overall, the LFM tools and Adventure compendium sorting.. is annoying..
the current LFM quest selection process is a PITA. trying to find the quest within the level range
Epics are listed under heroics (if they have heroic and epic versions)
Things I would like to see updated and improved...
When I enter a quest or am running a chain allow my LFM to automatically update the quest based on the quest I am in. (enter quest. create/update LFM ~ y/n ~).
add an share button to the create LFM window and/or auto-share when players first join my LFM., saves having to look it up and manually share.
Last edited by JOTMON; 06-05-2017 at 04:10 PM.
Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)
It's near to QoL than fix-needed-thing, but I'd like to write this.
Can we have an option for quivers as we can only auto-gather one ammunition type... like having two buttons "Gather Arrows" and "Gather Bolts" at quiver autogather option.
because It's annoying they gather arrows and bolts both even if people only use one of them. You only use bolts? then your quiver will finally get full of arrows as you used all bolts in the quiver!
Last edited by Targal; 06-05-2017 at 02:32 PM.
Orien Server
[Main] Dragant
[Alts] Palescale, Scalefavor, Dracodiaboli, Glimmerspell
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-My main is Jobus on Khyber but I do play my alts regularly -
This is what I recommended for that:
Doing that is way beyond Lynn's level though (and is probably beyond the level of most of the people at SSG since it would require working with the UI and there aren't nearly enough goats left to sacrafice to make touching the UI possible).
Building a Better DDO
I was going to suggest, I wonder if the same idea might work for those collectables in Search and Rescue. Just copy and pasting functional nodes from elsewhere of the same style and tier.
I know that I've done something along those lines while playing with the editor for games like Oblivion or Skyrim. Just don't know if the editor for DDO functions in a similar way.
Dirty and kinda lazy, but if it works, it works.![]()
||| Ghallanda - Ryethieldus |||
Some more softballs:
Belly of the Beast, Feryl's dialog: Even on normal difficulty the DC is higher then 50. This is the only dialog option I can think of that even lists the DC in the NPC text and it's off by at least 5 on normal (I think it's 65+ on elite).
Elminster displays a quest in progress icon rather then a quest complete chalice after finishing the Beyond the Rift quest:
When you cast the Renewal ability on someone with less then 50% health, the shield is supposed to be cast on the target. Instead, the shield gets self-cast on you.
Steadfast claims that you cannot be knocked down while in Standing Against the Tide stance. The cannons in Prove Your Worth beg to differ. (side note: This seems to be an issue with all KD immunities and various forms of KD in the game. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to what does and doesn't constitute a KD.)
Last edited by zehnvhex; 06-05-2017 at 03:29 PM.
Building a Better DDO
Under notifications. It's hard to read again. You fixed it once. Can u fix it again. Why doth it breaketh repeatedly.
In that fr quest where you stand on the bell. The guy up top says warrios instead of warriors. Bug reported repeatedly.
Why do things revert to previous iterations. Why is loot tables completely gone and needed recreat by hand. This is the biggest fix u could ever do. I think there's someone on the team who forces commits. But who among you could have such power and yet wield it so destructively.
Ultimate Completionist
2014 DDO Players Council
Open Guild for All Founder - Hardcore
On this page that u are reading. Near the bottom but not completely. It lists archive privacy sttement and top. Privacy statement goes to turbine and 404. Also can you host the game client not at turbine. Also making a first time bug report is hard. Have to make new account. Have to click click click then reply. Have to click on graphic. Etc. pretend to be a casual and go on and try the make a bug report. Count the steps and notice how nonintuitive it is. Oh and then finally click confirm to actually we mean it this time get the bug filed. It's like u don't want bug reports????
Ever notice a string table error for a blink of a second. And then the correct text is displayed. Wonder what the performance cost of masking table errors instead of reporting them is. And whoever fixed them this way should be tsk tsked. How do you even report these things you can barely see.