minor thing that's been bugging me on item descriptions with the appropriate enhancements
Critical threat range - that's fine, it's an accurate description
Critical threat multiplier - surely, critical *damage* multiplier?
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
I noticed while doing Legendary Shroud a minute ago, that the buffs and debuffs keep moving around on mobs/portals.
For example, a NEGATIVE from the mobs perspecive, such as destruction, occasionaly moves from the second row, to the top row, then back to the second row.
Now multiply this by all the possible debuffs, times all the monsters on the server being debuffed, times... well, you get the picture. (insert google images picture of lag here)
You're welcome.
This makes perfect sense if both you and another party member are giving the same debuff to a mob. You give it Destruction and it moves down to the bottom row showing your negative effects; the other person hits it and it moves back up to the top row because now he's the most recent person to give it; then you hit it again and now *you're* the most recent person; etc. I can't think what they could do with this other than remove the "your debuffs" row, but it would still be jumping around to the end of the debuff row every time it gets reapplied so that wouldn't really help a whole lot.
"Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh
I noticed a typo with Glitter of Fame from the Fatesinger Epic Destiny. In buff bar and buffs in the character window, its says:
"As long as you are above 10% HP or more, gain +1 to all Ability scores except Charisma and Constitution"
but in the description of the Epic Destiny itself it says:
"Passive: +1 Charisma, +1 Constitution, and +1 to hit. As long as you are above 10% Health, you radiate confidence: gain +1 to all Ability scores except Charisma.
Shouldn't that last part say
"Passive: +1 Charisma, +1 Constitution, and +1 to hit. As long as you are above 10% Health, you radiate confidence: gain +1 to all Ability scores except Charisma and Consitution
"It’s only impossible if you stop and think about it"
any chance of fixing LGS? Oppo needing to be alone?
If you're looking for a few typos to fix, how about the titles of the Champions?
Archeron --> should be Acheron
Styxian --> should be Stygian
Aboreian --> should be Arborean
Souless --> should be Soulless
I realize the fixing the AI ship has sailed but could some adjustment be made so they go back to following and standing a few metres behind the summoner instead of standing right on top of you, or even worse, gazing adoringly into your eyes, back to the fight, stuffing up targeting?
Saw this while running this weekend:
was kinda busy and it only popped up briefly so I didn't get my mouse over it in time to catch the tool tip.
Grrrr, can't get it to show as an image.
Anyway, there is an icon on the buff bar that has a 'DO Not Use' message in it.
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Can you make Guild Renown from chests to be picked up (put into inventory) first when you "loot all" items from the chest.
Right now it is the last item that is looted from the chest.
The problem is if you are low on inventory space, you are then unable to pick it up because it requires a free inventory slot, even though it disappears after it enters the inventory.
Could you please check what's going on with the XP ransack penalty from optional objectives never going down or resetting over time?
The completion xp ransack penalty goes down correctly each day, but for the exact same quests I have optionals that are at -100% xp...
And it's completely random too, some optionals are at -100%, others are stuck at different values and some even seem to reduce just fine.
From what I can find in about a dozen related threads, this bug has been around since 2013. (Probably ever since the Quest Ransack mechanic was introduced)
My personal pet peeve is the Wheeps. They're... inconsistently incorporeal. They do not seem to be affected by incorporeal bane, even when I get "incorporeal" messages when attacking them without ghost touch.
(apologies if this has been brought up before, in this by now rather lengthy thread)
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
Web targetting seems to have been changed at some point in the recent past.
On my Warlock, I'll have something targeted, hit tab to target a new creature, then hit Web really quick.
Instead of casting web on the new creature I just targeted, the Web gets cast on the previous creature (and that creature is BEHIND ME, i.e. web was cast successfully in the opposite direction I was looking). I'm pretty sure Web has always need to be cast in front of you.
In a similar vein, I won't have anything targeted sometimes (i.e I want to cast web on the ground in front of me) and I will get a "Not in range" error... same for D-door.
I don't know if this exactly qualifies as a bug but if not I'm not sure what is an appropriate label. This appears to me to be a missing or perhaps mislabeled art file. I'm going to use images to demonstrate this issue as I can think of no way to verbally explain it with enough detail.
What you see in the top image is exactly what it should be, a randomly generated outfit (in this case +3 Insulated 10 Outfit of Fire Resistance 3) and appropriately the outfit's appearance on the character, it's image in the examination orb, and its icon all match. So far so good.
However, in the lower image another randomly generated outfit (+3 Damping 10 Outfit of Solar Guard 1) has an incorrect appearance on the character but a matching icon and examination orb image. There are a few named outfits in the game with the appearance of the icon and examination orb so I'm fairly sure the art must exist but obviously something has gone wrong.
Every single random generated outfit with this blue icon has the wrong appearance when equipped on the player character. Specifically every single BLUE ICON outfit has this particular orange and cream with claws or fangs appearance.
Please fix. This has peeved me for ages.
posting this here with hope
Last edited by Aelonwy; 08-01-2017 at 02:32 PM. Reason: removing quotes, its my own post anyway
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
Hi Lynnabel,
Hopefully an easy fix for you, there appears to be no on-hover tooltip for 'Scroll of Gust of Wind'. A minor inconvenience but it would be nice to see my Chance to Activate as I level up, I use these a lot for cloud dispersal.
Checking through the vendors, 'Scroll of Hold Person' appears to be missing it's tooltip too.