Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
Class related rewards for end rewards.
I just did three of the four orchard quests and got great swords, great axes, great clubs, battle axes and heavy armor.
On a monk.
OK, I did get a couple nice q-staves as well, but no handwraps or kamas at all.
I know this one.
The class rewards don't work if there are any "special" items on the end lists; and the useless Mystical Urn counts as special.
As a suggestion: returning Shuriken should be added to the treasure lists (and end reward lists) so they aren't extremely rare.
Any chance that incoming Repair Amplification might stop appearing as a suffix on random fleshy armour whilst continuing to exist elsewhere ?![]()
Epitaph for Europe : Valete Keeper Devourerque -- honos et laus insint memoriam et honorem vestram. Gaudium et praedas, quos dedisti generose ad gimpes nostris, in cordibus atque nostris sempiternum. Valete atque semper et gloriose in aeternitatem fideles et robustes CCC !!! - I Was a Mournlander ... - Keeper/Mournlands/Lamannia/Ghallanda
Something I'm wondering... the collectibles that don't work in there... are the exact ones that were in there *before* the crafting pass, and collectibles were added to all the Faerun quests. And they worked then... and stopped working after the pass. So I'm kinda wondering if that has something to do with it.
Which gives TitusOvid's suggestion some merit. Just delete those ones that don't work altogether, and create new ones nearby.
"Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh
We can hope for that, but my experience is that when things are improved so that Thunderholme gets better then some new thing in an update will break it completely again, because SSG add something that is not tested well enough.
I have seen Thundeholme get better over time after several patches as you say, then comes an update with something new and it is back to unplayable again.
The problem is not that you are not doing a good job at improving it, it is that you regularly break it again.
Back many years ago when Wail of the Banshee was nerfed it lost it's wail sound. Why is a spell called wail silent?
What happened to all the cosmetic armors that were never converted to the new system? I miss my purple spider armor.
Dragonborn animation with runearm.
You nerfed my monks, throwers, dailies and alchemists.
I hardly play anymore, found a better hobby.
Thank You!
Can you please add dcs to tooltips for slas - particularly the warlock slas as they have been confirmed (by players: me included, and devs) to have issues in the past, one I know is still standing.
Devour the soul is most problematic as the dc formula listed is wrong - and CAN only be tested via pvp testing.
DCs to all tooltips should be listed though imo - not having the dcs just punishes new players who haven't memorized the player or dev confirmed true formulas.
I've requested this many times of devs and it seems ever so slowly that one or two tooltips are fixed but even some of the newer tooltips (like warlock ones) are missing what I would consider a fundamental/vital ux component/information.
Whoa.... It's like she can see right thru me to the very core of my life.
My input to the list would be something that's supposed to be on someone else's desk already - the breaking CC weapons related to Keen. Waiting patiently for that to be fixed and seeing if there will be an official protocol to follow to try getting our augments that those buggy weapons ate replaced.
{that's a rather convoluted sentence, ain't it.}
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 06-05-2017 at 06:11 AM.
Since we have a fantasy wish list going on...
Fix everything.
Gatekeeper favor, please.
Other missing top-tier favor awards. And just about anything still left undone in 'The One Thing' thread.![]()
"When asked if the developers hate the players, as they make so many challenging jumping puzzles, their response was that they have what they consider a “… normal amount of contempt for the players.” This is good. A dungeon master should always nurse a healthy contempt for his or her players."
I still see String Table errors: Deadlock listed a bunch here:
These should be up your alley, minor correction; their presence looks really sloppy
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
I've used sacred ground to try and heal hirelings (Owlbears, lioness, and random plat hires) the healing affect doesn't proc on them. Low priority as I doubt many people care but would be a nice fix.
Splash screen when entering 3 barrel cove, broken, fixed, then broken again.
Drinking a potion and nothing happens. This is usually if you are swinging a weapon or moving on uneven terrain, and sometimes level terrain. This seems to also happen to spells as well.
Why isn't your spell penetration shown on the character sheet? Clearly the game is calculating this value.
Break enchantment spell has become buggy and in some cases will not remove an ice storm, symbol, or other effect no matter where its cast.
Trap boxes that are buggy and you have to fish for the perfect spot to disable even though there is nothing blocking them. You get error box is blocked when they arent blocked. Spies in the house trap box in electric shaft comes to mind (there are others).
Mysterious remnants and chests spawning in the floor or terrain and can not be collected. Why?
Thelanis - Green Mtn Boys - Level 200
All the healer hirelings seem to be broken or break fairly quickly after summoning. I notice it most right after they get stuck and I have to teleport them to me; after that, errrnnnttt! Nada healing for you!
Also, the alternate AI interface is completely borken.
That being said, I am more excited for the new cleric/fvs update that I have been since the level 20+ expansion, and before that the level 16+ expansion (that was a long year, but the raid scene was AWESOME!)
ALL Devs, thanks for all you do, and thanks for keeping our game going!
You ask for text related issues so here goes:
- Missing labels on various enchantments appear with a proper describing text.
- Being able to see the 3th affix if there is one.
- Being able to see slots in the randomly generated items name.