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  1. #301
    Community Member Cleanincubus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faltout View Post
    No, there is a problem. Rina skips a quest (I don't remember which quest she skips) ending up directing you to the last NPC who's refusing to talk to you (until you've completed the missing quest). I came across that bug the first time I ran this chain, so I wasn't running the quests out of order and I was actually taking the time to read the dialogue.
    ^ This. It is a problem, because you have to do them in order the first time through. After that, you can do them in any order.

    I reported it in the "One Thing" thread, and it was unfortunately "fixed" incorrectly.
    The High Road chain quest order given to you by Rina Belostos is incorrect. After the 3rd quest in the chain (Lost in the Swamp), she tells you to talk to Olyn Araphyr for the next quest. This is incorrect. Olyn Araphyr is the quest giver for The End of the Road, which is the last quest in the chain. Rina should actually be telling players to talk to Freda Gambosi, to get the Rest Stop quest. This is an issue because you can't do The End of the Road until you've done the other 4 beforehand, the first time playing through the chain.
    So originally the chain giver NPC told you to go to the incorrect NPC to continue the chain, which you could ignore and just go to the proper NPC to go to the right quest in the chain. So instead of fixing Rina's text that sends you to the wrong NPC, the incorrect text remained, and she now wrongly forces you to go to that wrong NPC via the chalice/or-what-not.

    tl;dr - Rina needs to tell players to go to Freda (Rest Stop) instead of Olyn (The End of the Road). The chain mechanic needs to indicate this as well.

  2. #302
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default An oldie unsure if any were ever fixed

    This is from before your time:
    or maybe the link is:

    Some named items never got upgraded crit ranges, particularry Epic soul eater. Heh, its something to look at.

    unrelated p.s. I predicted Gnomes. Like a Half-Life bald scientist, all of it! -Kren

  3. #303
    Community Member Razor_Wit's Avatar
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    Thanks for all your good work Lynnabel. /doublethumbsup
    This was probably addressed before, but it would be great to be able to select the default-slot for Slavers crafted gear.
    (Ex: My "Five Rings" ring defaults to trinket slot. I have it equipped on 2nd finger, I swap to use Ring of the Ancestors to help a party member, swap back to Five Rings once done and it equips to my trinket now I have to open my inventory window, drag my Five Rings from trinket to 2nd finger then equip what I originally had in my trinket slot.)
    "Sigh" this wouldn't even be an issue for me but for having to open my pack in the middle of battle. I don't even swap that often, I imagine it's a true pain for anyone who is using an item they are constantly swapping. If there is a secret to this, please enlighten me, otherwise some ui similar to choosing metas for spells would be choice ^^
    "You're a Jedi, Harry"

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  4. #304
    Time Bandit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor_Wit View Post
    Thanks for all your good work Lynnabel. /doublethumbsup
    This was probably addressed before, but it would be great to be able to select the default-slot for Slavers crafted gear.
    (Ex: My "Five Rings" ring defaults to trinket slot. I have it equipped on 2nd finger, I swap to use Ring of the Ancestors to help a party member, swap back to Five Rings once done and it equips to my trinket now I have to open my inventory window, drag my Five Rings from trinket to 2nd finger then equip what I originally had in my trinket slot.)
    "Sigh" this wouldn't even be an issue for me but for having to open my pack in the middle of battle. I don't even swap that often, I imagine it's a true pain for anyone who is using an item they are constantly swapping. If there is a secret to this, please enlighten me, otherwise some ui similar to choosing metas for spells would be choice ^^
    IIRC the devs pointed out during Lammania preview (IIRC, though it could have been in the PC) that it's technically impossible to achieve what you're asking for.

  5. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor_Wit View Post
    Thanks for all your good work Lynnabel. /doublethumbsup
    This was probably addressed before, but it would be great to be able to select the default-slot for Slavers crafted gear.
    (Ex: My "Five Rings" ring defaults to trinket slot. I have it equipped on 2nd finger, I swap to use Ring of the Ancestors to help a party member, swap back to Five Rings once done and it equips to my trinket now I have to open my inventory window, drag my Five Rings from trinket to 2nd finger then equip what I originally had in my trinket slot.)
    "Sigh" this wouldn't even be an issue for me but for having to open my pack in the middle of battle. I don't even swap that often, I imagine it's a true pain for anyone who is using an item they are constantly swapping. If there is a secret to this, please enlighten me, otherwise some ui similar to choosing metas for spells would be choice ^^
    Not both ring slots are available for swapping. People only use the right ring slot to swap rings in and out because that's the default slot for a ring to go (unless the other slot is empty).
    If a ring is not behaving nice when swapping, then you should keep it in your left ring slot (always equipped) and swap your other ring.

    One way towards a fix for this kind of stuff would be an unequip function. If we could unequip items from hotbars, life would become so much easier. You could then select the ring you want to unequip and then equip the other ring (which will land in the empty slot). To do that, you could add a function to unequip from the shortcut bar and then allow players to add a key mapping for that function (for example holding ALT + click). In that regard, you could also allow a mapping for "use item" and "equip item" from shortcut bars. That would solve the quiver problem. And if you wanna have the perfect interface, you could allow via the right click (that currently brings the metamagic list), the user to modify the priority of each function. For example, a quiver could have priority 1: use, priority 2: equip, priority 3: unequip. Then the user could have each priority level mapped. shortcut selection = priority 1, ALT+selection = priority 2, CTRL+ALT+selection = priority 3 (selection being either explicit click or number key). So, the user can have each item in the shortcut bars configured to his liking.
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  6. #306
    Community Member tapster's Avatar
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    Default Deep Gnome ranged height

    Hi. Not sure if this has been fixed or not but the origin point for missiles and thrown is above head height for Deep Gnomes. I've bug reported this before. It's either bug report Bug #24027-127403 or #24027-128413 from turbine days.


  7. #307
    Ultimate Lord of Shadows Dreppo's Avatar
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    The text box for crafting storage capacity isn't large enough to display my capacity. It just says "Capacity: 1,823 of". I've been trying to upload a screenshot but it's not working.

  8. #308
    Founder Kylstrem's Avatar
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    I searched this thread and didn't see it. Playing a halfling warlock and when you run, the green balls that are supposed to be on your hands, end up at the same height as your ankles detached from the body.

    First time playing a halfling warlock due to racial past lives, so first time I'm seeing this.

  9. #309
    Founder Kylstrem's Avatar
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    Also, during my racial 3x completionist project I'm up to 1600 elite streak but the box where it shows elite and hard streak aren't designed to show 4 digits. And you know someone will eventually get to 10,000, so might as make it fit 5 digits while you are in there.

  10. #310
    Community Member Zzevel's Avatar
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    The one that gets me is talking to Evi Joss in House D that sends you to 3 Barrel Cove .. He tells you its for CR 5-7 ... Evidently He hasn't been informed of the EPIC greatness of the area..
    Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..

  11. #311
    Pale Fox
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Done, but the torch might be stuck with no border due to the icon itself. I've also gone ahead and stuck orange borders on all FotP and Deathwyrm loot, blue borders on a lot of weird oddity items that needed it (like those "random gen" end reward things from wheloon or somewhere). The Dragon Mask in particular was really bothering me in-game :P
    The raid loot not having it's orange border and some out of raid named items having an orange border... thx a gazillion for that one!
    (I never could get why this was done in the first place. )

  12. #312
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    Default Bloody Crypt Optionals

    Just ran The Bloody Crypt for the first time in a long time. The "Slay 3 Priests of the [Immortal/Sanguine/Burning/Crimson] Heart" optionals show up in the objectives as just "Slay 3".

  13. #313
    Community Member DANTEIL's Avatar
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    Very small map issues:

    In the Marketplace is the NPC Black-Nose Quint, who gives you a vector quest that sends you to Three-Barrel Cove to talk to Commodore Bloodeye in Barrel's Bottom.

    After you talk to Bloodeye, though, his quest chalice still shows as 'active' on the map, although it goes away in-game.

    Also there is a map issue with the location of Kupper Nickel, the Zawabi's Refuge wayfinder/teleporter guy. He shows up differently on the Marketplace map than in-game.

  14. #314


    Any chance we can get rid of any instances of "True Druidic Heart of Wood" references? And maybe even make Legendary=Epic or Legendary=Epic. Leaving old stuff in after changing to new stuff sure does cause confusion and leaves an "unpolished" feel to the whole thing imo.
    [Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
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  15. #315
    Systems Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveyCrockett View Post
    Any chance we can get rid of any instances of "True Druidic Heart of Wood" references?
    Already changed the recipe in Lahar's barter window, anywhere else it shows up off the top of your head?
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

    "Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"

  16. #316


    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Already changed the recipe in Lahar's barter window, anywhere else it shows up off the top of your head?
    That's where I noticed it (Lahar), but I'll ask the guildies if they've noticed it anywhere as well. Thanks!
    [Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
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  17. #317
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    Default Tensers Transformation:

    Any chance you could have a look at Tenser's Transformation?

    After the spell ends, it cancels all feat-giving enhancements, requiring a somewhat obscure "undress and relog" to get one's abilities back again.


  18. #318
    Community Member Graskitch's Avatar
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    Default summertime lynnabellooza

    1. The Temple of Elemental Evil platemail and scalemail armors incorrectly use LEATHER type icons.

    2. is there any way to fix the broken icons for the Vault of the Artificers Cannith Challenge loot displaying in the traders? A lot of these items show up broken in the barter box (with 0 durability); there was a similar bug in the Anniversary Party items.
    (this affects mournlode weapons, calomel weapons, elemental weapons, ring of the master artifice, ring of the stalker, spare hand, blasting chime, bracers of wind, cloak of flames, rock boots, as well as their respective upgrades)

    3. some of the Vault of the Artificers Cannith Challenge items (after update 32) no longer fall in the correct Challenge Trader level range. many of the item ML was lowered by 1. Some of the upgrade path options in the barter window now have the incorrect level upgrade. For example, with Naiis Elebor <Challenge Trader (levels 7-10)> the upgrade option for the Ring of the Stalker (Level 4 to Level 8) will upgrade the ring to ML7.

    4. any chance that you could add back guild renown elixirs into the daily rolls? even if they only drop for gold rolls?

    5. could you please have someone in the SSG office record a unique audio /laugh track for half-orcs? It is disconcerting to see a silent guffaw. we need to hear a really deep throaty laugh.

    6. would you be able to finish implementation of the character DNT TBD Titles - it would be great to have options to display something other than your guild affiliation below your character name. I feel like this would not be that difficult to do, and we could have options to display achievements (like Monster Slayer/Champion), raid achievements, epic destinies, etc.

    7. is there a way to 'fix' legendary greensteel so that the enchantments/properties for the tiers and augments display properly when you link them to other people?

    8. in the Sharn Syndicate quest "The Stormreaver Fresco", there is a Wedding Band that occasionally drops from the deposit lockboxes. These wedding rings used to be unbound and tradeable, but were changed in an update a while ago to Drops on Leaving Adventure. Is there any way to make them unbound again? I am planning to propose to a player in game. If you could make the Wedding Band engraveable with initials at the Stone of Change, that would be even better.

    9. please add potions, scroll and wand vendors in eveningstar. Or a shop.

    10. the tavern fare at the eveningstar lonesome tankard needs to be renamed. Ghallanda Distillate and Rations should not be available in Faerun. This is where you can be really creative... we need a whole new menu. You could have a community contest for people to come up with a restaurant and cocktail menu.

    11. Broccoli Juice needs to be racially excluded for warforged. They need to imbibe Broccoli Seed Oil.

    12. could you please investigate random gen loot quarterstaves for the drop rate on metal properties (flametouched/adamantine/cold iron/byeshk/silver) with red augment slot? afaik, these do not drop, although other weapon types do have a random gen drop chance to have both the metal property and red augment slot. why should quarterstaves be excluded?

    13. not sure if you already got around to it, but a few spelling errors in random gen:
    - when insightful evocation appears as a suffix in random gen loot ("of evocation"), there is a spelling typo in the item description tooltip: "insightul evocation focus" missing the f.
    - incorporeal slaying on random gen weapons is misspelled as "incoporeal"
    (if you are bringing back ghostbane though, I am hoping that ghostbane replaces incorporeal slaying and ghostbane slaying to combine the two effects)

    14. I forget the status of the Abishai festivult cookie destroyer buff - was that ever properly fixed? I know that in one update patch that Cordovan had announced that it was working again, but I think it was found that it still did not work.

    15. can you test if the divine epic destiny feat Forced Escape is broken? it has been bug reported, and there is a thread about it (which Cocomajobo acknowledged), but when I took this feat, it just did not dispel any crowd control effects for me when I used it (like being held).

    16. can you figure out some use for mystical ingredients either for cannith crafting or for some type of ingredient trade-in? after the cannith crafting update, these were made obsolete; we were told that they would be used in the new cannith crafting recipes, but it was never implemented. not sure if there are any current plans to add any recipes for cannith crafting. otherwise, can we get a trade-in on these ingredients to trade them for rare collectables? you could set up a mystical grocery/pottery vendor in the marketplace.
    (mystical plant, mystical dried fish, mystical goblet, mystical bottle, mystical urn, mystical vessel)

    17. in the harbor, the wooden plank bridge that spans from the free agents patron location to the airship portal used to have some mesh (either chains or rope I think) that visually prevented bridge crossers from falling off the sides. after an update a while ago, that mesh disappeared, and now we only see the wooden posts.

    18. if you are not an arcane caster, the tooltip description for using gust of wind scrolls with umd does not show up. I am not sure if there are missing tooltips for any other scrolls (I generally only use scrolls for invisibility and gust of wind).
    Last edited by Graskitch; 06-16-2017 at 02:55 PM.

  19. #319
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by tqniner View Post
    I've used sacred ground to try and heal hirelings (Owlbears, lioness, and random plat hires) the healing affect doesn't proc on them. Low priority as I doubt many people care but would be a nice fix.
    I believe they purposely excluded NPCs from this because it was causing issues in some quests where an enemy goes inactive - they'd then get healed above the threshold and remain inactive, or somesuch. The global 'fix' also made it not work for hirelings. Made me sad because I derived way too much amusement from healing the slaves I keep chained up in the cargo hold.

    Quote Originally Posted by Graskitch View Post
    6. would you be able to finish implementation of the character DNT TBD Titles - it would be great to have options to display something other than your guild affiliation below your character name. I feel like this would not be that difficult to do, and we could have options to display achievements (like Monster Slayer/Champion), raid achievements, epic destinies, etc.
    This reminds me - can we please get a space between the guild name and the guild level when we look at other people? It just looks funny right now.

    10. the tavern fare at the eveningstar lonesome tankard needs to be renamed. Ghallanda Distillate and Rations should not be available in Faerun. This is where you can be really creative... we need a whole new menu. You could have a community contest for people to come up with a restaurant and cocktail menu.
    Oh, this is a cool idea!

    15. can you test if the divine epic destiny feat Forced Escape is broken? it has been bug reported, and there is a thread about it (which Cocomajobo acknowledged), but when I took this feat, it just did not dispel any crowd control effects for me when I used it (like being held).
    IIRC the Harper Pins have the same issue.
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
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  20. #320
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    How about nudging up the process speed on the Stone of Change? The segmented wheel and chomping teeth animations were kinda neat at first, but now crunching down shards and having to sit thru that animation every click is... not fun any more.

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