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  1. #41
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    Now with domains around, Animal one seems to be the way to go with this build.
    I am currently playing a variant of the base, cle9/warlock5/monk 6 sun elf (sacrificed bit of warlock to get 9th level cleric domain feature), it absolutely rocks.

  2. #42
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yutaku View Post
    Now with domains around, Animal one seems to be the way to go with this build.
    I am currently playing a variant of the base, cle9/warlock5/monk 6 sun elf (sacrificed bit of warlock to get 9th level cleric domain feature), it absolutely rocks.
    sadly tilo deleted all his builds before leaving (i would say he left, dunno the reason tho, but all the builds he deleted had an impact in DDO, his builds are original, different and look funny too play, nowadays most builders stick to the same t5 and cores and t4, he lookef for sinergy beyond the easy to see)

    that said, we won't know his domain selection, which is sad, he could have taken another option getting bigger hits prolly, or changing the build from scratch, like he did transforming his shuri critzilla to electric critzilla

    also i told him something "i like that build(electric critzilla) hope i manage to play it sometime, cause i've missed my chance in lots of nice and old builds", looks like i won't be able to play none of his builds

    i'm fan of gimping myself, guess that's what leads me to avoid copying builds, but appreciate the ideas lol


    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yutaku View Post
    Now with domains around, Animal one seems to be the way to go with this build.
    I am currently playing a variant of the base, cle9/warlock5/monk 6 sun elf (sacrificed bit of warlock to get 9th level cleric domain feature), it absolutely rocks.
    Yep went Animal myself , had 7 cleric lvls so 170 HP and +3 reflex was hard to pass up.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by psykopeta View Post

    Hey, I'm back for now. I fixed this for a few peeps that asked, from the notes gargoyle had taken down.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Hey, I'm back for now. I fixed this for a few peeps that asked, from the notes gargoyle had taken down.

  6. #46
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    Default Notes on druid pass- build going down in 6 months

    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post

    1. Animal forms will now use the stats of the player's main hand weapon for melee attack purposes, such as Base Damage, Critical Multiplier, Critical Range, all Enchantments, Material traits, procs, etc. The issue with the power level of certain effects not scaling will be resolved by this as well.

    Primal Avatar will be given some kind of damage boost to maintain its hard-hitting style with this change. It will also get Cleave animations to fix a bug with Cleave attacks caused by lack of animations.
    Druid pass is going to change Avatar of Nature to use weapon damage die size, crit profile, and weapon cleaves. That is going to roughly 85% nerf monk AoN build in epics, from combined damage die and number of hits nerfs.

    They won't be able to compensate AoN for monk builds with a 6x damage boost, because to do so would overpower barb tree builds, which are less affected due to using real weapons with higher damage die/crit already, and who lose less hits due to being uncentered for whirlwind attack.

    So if you want to try out an AoN monk build, you have 6 months or so, before this build goes down forever. Math follows, for those that care.


    Monk AoN builds use 2xkamas on live with CC/HAMP/defensive benefits which are 1d6 20x2.

    The damage die reduction from 1d20 to 1d6 is going to remove 66% of their damage per hit.


    The rotation is cleave, great cleave, WWA, auto attack at 50% double strike. Using live unarmed AoN hits 1xAoE, 2.3xAoE, 4.1xAoE, and 2.3xSingle Target, for a total of 7.4 hits AoE and 2.3 hits single target.

    Weapon cleaves don't double strike, and weapon Whirlwind attack doesnt get an extra attck, so the proposed weapon rotation will be 1xAoE, 1xAoE, 1.5xAoE, and 1.5x single target, for a total 3.5 hits AoE and 1.5 hits single target.

    The damage reduction from using unarmed to weapon cleaves is going to remove ~54% of the AoE hits.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 02-12-2018 at 05:41 PM.

  7. #47
    Community Member Heathir's Avatar
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    Default How do you gear this?

    What do you gear for on a Clonklock?

  8. #48
    Community Member Heathir's Avatar
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    Default How do you maintain Spirit for treeform

    Are you constantly dropping in and out off tree? seems like the tree form drops alot

  9. #49
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    From OP:

    Heroic Gear: Handwrap monk gear with some light spell power

    Epic Gear: Crowd control main hand kama (heroic GS radiance, blinding fear paralyzing tf, LGS Salt or freezing ice , paralyzing, meteoric, etc)
    HAMP offhand kama (20/40/60 hamp heroic greensteel kama, 150 stacking positive spell power, 50/70 HAMP legendary affirmation legendary greensteel kama)
    Lots of tanky gear with more stacking healing amp and positive spell power. Something with accuracy.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heathir View Post
    Are you constantly dropping in and out off tree? seems like the tree form drops alot
    Yes. You can't stay in form. From OP:

    Notes on Trees

    Oh, and welcome to God-Mode! I hope you enjoy your stay!
    Last edited by Tilomere; 02-19-2018 at 12:28 PM.

  11. #51
    Community Member Heathir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    From OP:

    Heroic Gear: Handwrap monk gear with some light spell power

    Epic Gear: Crowd control main hand kama (heroic GS radiance, blinding fear paralyzing tf, LGS Salt or freezing ice , paralyzing, meteoric, etc)
    HAMP offhand kama (20/40/60 hamp heroic greensteel kama, 150 stacking positive spell power, 50/70 HAMP legendary affirmation legendary greensteel kama)
    Lots of tanky gear with more stacking healing amp and positive spell power. Something with accuracy.
    Does any of the other gear even matter?

    I never have made a gs item in 20 past loves lol. Paralyzing kamas are hard to come by in the 20s. I am using pro gloves for amp. But not sure what to do for the rest of the gear

  12. #52
    Community Member Heathir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Yes. You can't stay in form. From OP:

    Notes on Trees

    Oh, and welcome to God-Mode! I hope you enjoy your stay!
    Thank you and yeah it feels broken. Did lords of dust reaper 3 at if I 25 with no death and solo

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heathir View Post
    Thank you and yeah it feels broken. Did lords of dust reaper 3 at if I 25 with no death and solo
    In my trial I just used Celestia and an off hand Hamp Kama as suggested. All of my GS items I've made have come from my near daily clear of Devil Assault. If it doesn't drop a token it will drop either an energy cell (medium I think, uggh), or a Shard of Power of any level. So, ya, just run that besides which at e/e or r the Paralyzing...hmmm doesn't work so well. Celestia has two blinding effects. If you don't have Celestia...dunno, but I am not sure you need it anyway as obliterating things just happens, no real need for status effects, might as well use Forester's Brush Hook.

  14. #54
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    Tier 1 Thunder Forged Blinding Fear main hand / T1 TF or LGS devotion off hand works well too, and is very cheap. Then if you really like it and want to play build a lot, look at more invested options.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 03-28-2018 at 01:47 AM.

  15. #55
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    So I ITRed on Saturday morning into a Morninglord, I am at 17 now and wanted to hit 20 on Sunday but Sarlona took a dump. I Reaper okay in a group and can Reaper 2 but dang it's slow, I kind of suck, don't blame Tilo, and I frequently Leroy Jenkins TR without having gear first.

    Will try to hit 20 tonight only 800,000 exp to go

    So, I hit 30 with this build, it pretty much felt the same going up in level to 30 right from 20. At level 20 I got into an anniversary party group doing level 29, 20-24 group. I was able to solo two bosses before the rest of the group finished up the rest and the run. Then still level 20 I did into the mists on Legendary Elite, and ya, it was a bit slower, but dang, not hard.

    I love this build interjected with 3 wiz lives (thanks Slarden), will probably Morninglord this again, maybe doing 3 Epic past lives before it all falls apart.

    Edit, back to 18.5 on this which will be my last cleric (3rd) until maybe my final character, as I have two paladin lives to do (thanks Tilo), and then racials. Racials are because I want to play an elf with displacement on basically every character I play lol

    I must say, the build is fine to 20, but it's tough knowing a Tree is in your future, I feel so wimpy compared to that.
    Last edited by Whitering; 03-19-2018 at 03:17 PM.

  16. #56
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    Updated OP for Update 38, and for staying at cap with a sentient weapon. Changed it up to boost heroic rotation up a bit and due to HeM nerfs.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 03-28-2018 at 09:02 PM.

  17. #57
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    Well, I played this in LH Shroud last night, and...they did something to cleaves, there's no animation per se, but a timing to it. I can get through cleave, great cleave and whirlwind, and by then cleave is off rotation. Prior to the patch I had time to do at least one regular attack, so overall it feels slower and the timing has changed, but the power hasn't changed a lot that I can see but now you have to actually watch your timings, it's annoying, I put that hotbar now right in the middle of the screen.

  18. #58
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    What Epic PL ya got to make this solo viable?

  19. #59
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    None are needed. I used this to get EPLs.

  20. #60
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    Im on a racial PL grind, and decided to give this a shot for a heroic life. Currently I'm level 12, and I just feel wimpy. My melee's aren't really on par, my eldritch blasts are weak. I have sonic/light sp items, and decent gear, but I just feel gimped in going either melee or working it like a 'lock. Any tips to make it work?
    Ive gone through several different enhancement variants, and going with the OP of Burst/Blast/WWA just feels sub-par. Soloing in R1 at level, it takes several rotations to kill the group of mobs, that which a basic warlock could blow through in half a second.

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