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  1. #1
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    Default 1-30 Reaper Clonklock

    Deleted due to nerfs to cleric soundburst helpless, warlocks, monks, and tree forms nerfs over many different updates.

    Mechanically speaking, this was the greatest build I've ever seen or played. RIP

    Amusingly, even at the point of deletion due to nerfs, this was still far better than warpriest will ever be.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 09-26-2019 at 02:55 PM.

  2. 06-04-2017, 05:54 PM

  3. #2
    Community Member Gargoyle69's Avatar
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    Intriguing. Have you play tested this at all?

    Wondering how well it works in practice.

  4. 06-04-2017, 08:31 PM

  5. #3
    Community Member Gargoyle69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Test? What? Pfft. That's what all the gear and past lives are for. To power through everything.
    ROFL !


  6. 06-04-2017, 10:39 PM

  7. #4
    Community Member skorpeon's Avatar
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    Default I think they will

    Nerf clerics!
    Main characters, Tymout, Tymkul, Tymbom, Tymantha etc...

  8. #5
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    another interesting build indeed

    is that an updated version of your... aberration? i think you made something like that lol
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  9. #6
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Say for example you made a pure level 12 radiant servant cleric for reaper 3 streaking. At 200 positive spell power, and 50 HAMP, you would self-heal with your healing aura for:

    5 (aura base) x 3 (spell power) x 1.5 (HAMP) x (1-68% reaper self-healing penalty) = 7 hit points a tick.

    Which, at level 1 is a pointless amount, and at level 12 is a hilarious joke. So we are going to heal with temporary hit points instead, which bypass the reaper penalty using the warlock tree. Since the warlock ES tree also adds light damage on hit, we want to attack really fast, which monk lets us do with unarmed.


    Cool build. Thanks for posting.

  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Say for example you made a pure level 12 radiant servant cleric for reaper 3 streaking. At 200 positive spell power, and 50 HAMP, you would self-heal with your healing aura for:

    5 (aura base) x 3 (spell power) x 1.5 (HAMP) x (1-68% reaper self-healing penalty) = 7 hit points a tick.

    Thank you for the post. Do you have any advice on equipping this build? Especially at epic levels...

  11. #8
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Its not a monk
    It's not a lock
    It's not a cleric
    Even tho it carrys the icon
    What is it?
    A tree!

    I congratulate you on running an icon in its own tree
    I always wanted to do a double aura build
    Tho I might splash fighter and go stunning fist
    Will look at when I'm done with completionist
    Sometime soon...
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  12. 06-05-2017, 12:13 PM

  13. #9
    Community Member Gargoyle69's Avatar
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    I've had a shot at putting this together in the builder.

    Clonklock Tree
    8/6/6 Cleric/Monk/Warlock
    Lawful Neutral Human
    Level Order
    1. Monk            6. Warlock        11. Monk           16. Cleric
    2. Warlock         7. Warlock        12. Monk           17. Cleric
    3. Monk            8. Warlock        13. Cleric         18. Cleric
    4. Warlock         9. Monk           14. Cleric         19. Cleric
    5. Warlock        10. Monk           15. Cleric         20. Cleric
                   28pt     32pt     34pt     36pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     --------
    Strength        14       14       14       14       +6       4: CON
    Dexterity       15       15       15       15       +6       8: CON
    Constitution    14       14       14       14       +6      12: CON
    Intelligence    14       14       14       14       +6      16: CON
    Wisdom          10       13       13       13       +6      20: CON
    Charisma         8        9       11       13       +6      24: CON
                                                                28: CON
     1        : Power Attack
     1 Human  : Cleave
     1 Monk   : Two Weapon Fighting
     2 Warlock: Pact: Fiend
     3        : Dodge
     3 Monk   : Mobility
     6        : Great Cleave
     9        : Improved Two Weapon Fighting
     9 Monk   : Path of Harmonious Balance
    12        : Spring Attack
    12 Monk   : Combat Expertise
    13 Deity  : Follower of: Sovereign Host
    15        : Whirlwind Attack
    18        : Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    18 Deity  : Unyielding Sovereignty
    21 Epic   : Improved Critical: Bludgeoning
    24 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    27 Epic   : Epic Reflexes
    28 Destiny: Elusive Target
    29 Destiny: Dire Charge
    30 Epic   : Epic Damage Reduction
    30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea
    Enhancements (80 AP)
    Radiant Servant (32 AP)
        • Healing Domain, Pacifism, Positive Energy Burst
             1. Extra Turning III, Wand Mastery III, Divine Cleansing III, Altruism III
             2. Divine Healing III
             3. Martyrdom III
             4. (none)
             5. Positive Energy Aura
    Enlightened Spirit (23 AP)
        • Eldritch Aura, Aura of Courage, Shape Vestments
             1. Resilience of Body III, Spiritual Defense III
             2. Resist Energies III, Spiritual Bastion III, Shield
             3. Spiritual Ward III
             4. Spiritual Retribution II, Brilliance
    Shintao (11 AP)
        • Bastion of Purity, Protection from Tainted Creatures, Iron Hand
             1. Reed in the Wind II, Deft Strikes III
             2. Iron Skin III
    Henshin Mystic (11 AP)
        • Riddle of Fire, Ki Bolt, Sounding Staff
             1. Negotiator III, Way of the: Patient Tortoise
             2. Contemplation III
    Human (3 AP)
        • Damage Boost
             1. Improved Recovery
    Leveling Guide
       1. Shi0 Bastion of Purity; Hen0 Riddle of Fire; (Bank 2 AP)
       2. ES0 Eldritch Aura; SE0 Inhuman Understanding; TS0 Tainted Spellcasting; TS1 Feigned Health I, II, III
       3. Shi1 Deft Strikes I, II, III
       4. Shi1 Ki Shout; Shi2 Iron Skin I, II, III
       5. ES1 Spiritual Defense I, II, III; ES1 Resilience of Body I
              • Enlightened Spirit: Eldritch Aura, Aura of Courage
                   1. Resilience of Body III, Spiritual Defense III, Resilience of Soul III
                   2. Resist Energies I, Spiritual Bastion III, Shield
                   3. Spiritual Ward III
                   4. Spiritual Retribution III, Brilliance
       7. TS0 Tainted Spellcasting; TS1 Feigned Health I, II, III
       8. Shi0 Bastion of Purity; Hen0 Riddle of Fire; ES0 Shape Vestments; SE0 Inhuman Understanding
       9. TS1 Planar Power I; TS2 Wand and Scroll Mastery I, II, III
      10. ES3 Constitution; ES4 Constitution
      11. ES2 Resist Energies II, III; (Bank 2 AP)
      12. ES5 Beacon; ES5 Shining Through; ES5 Displacement
      13. Shi1 Deft Strikes I, II, III; Shi1 Reed in the Wind I
      14. Shi2 Iron Skin I, II, III; Shi0 Protection from Tainted Creatures
      15. Shi2 Conditioning I, II, III; Shi0 Iron Hand
      16. Shi1 Reed in the Wind II, III; Hen1 Way of the: Patient Tortoise
      17. Hen1 Negotiator I, II, III; Hen0 Ki Bolt
      18. Hen2 Contemplation I, II, III; Hen0 Sounding Staff
      19. (Bank 4 AP)
              • Radiant Servant: Healing Domain, Pacifism, Positive Energy Burst
                   1. Extra Turning III, Wand Mastery III, Divine Cleansing III, Altruism III
                   2. Divine Healing III
                   3. Martyrdom III
                   4. (none)
                   5. Positive Energy Aura
              • Enlightened Spirit: Eldritch Aura, Aura of Courage, Shape Vestments
                   1. Resilience of Body III, Spiritual Defense III, Resilience of Soul III
                   2. Resist Energies III, Spiritual Bastion III, Shield
                   3. Spiritual Ward III
                   4. Spiritual Retribution III, Brilliance
              • Henshin Mystic: Riddle of Fire, Ki Bolt, Sounding Staff
                   1. Negotiator III, Way of the: Patient Tortoise
                   2. Contemplation III
              • Shintao: Bastion of Purity, Protection from Tainted Creatures
                   1. Deft Strikes III, Ki Shout
                   2. Iron Skin III
    Destiny (24 AP)
    Primal Avatar
       1. Ephemeral Evolution III, Rejuvenation Cocoon III
       2. Seeking Balance III
       3. Balanced Attacks III
       4. Symetric Strikes, Autumn Harvest III, Summon Dryad Elder
       5. Chill of Winter III
       6. Avatar of Nature
    Twists of Fate (27 fate points)
       1. Sacred Ground (Tier 3 Crusader)
       2. Consecration (Tier 2 Crusader)
       3. Imp. Combat Expertise (Tier 2 Dreadnought)
       4. Dance of Flowers (Tier 1 Flowers)
       5. Primal Scream (Tier 1 Fury)
    A few questions:
    1. How does that look, about right overall ?
    2. Fiend or Fey Pact ? Can't be GOO with Monk but either of the other two work - any reason for a preference for one about the other ? HtH ?
    3. Which Deity ? Sovereign Host for Unyielding Sovereignty ?
    4. Elusive Target or Guardian Angel for L28 ED Feat ? I was of the understanding that GA was superior numerically, even without Wis primary but I could be wrong ?

    Thanks in advance.

  14. 06-06-2017, 02:48 AM

  15. #10
    Community Member Gargoyle69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    It looks about right. I think I went fey for +1 reflex save, but it doesn't matter much. Also grabbed nature's fury instead of dryad elder. Oh, and anything other than martyrdom, like regenerating turn charges. Unyielding sovereignty ya. You can have one from diety, and get another from RS tree, so you have two. I like elusive target, since it prevent's getting hit and dot stacked by champions, but it is so close to ETR that it doesn't matter much to me if it is better or worse than GA. Same with Epic DR at 30 vs. another monk stance. The banked AP at 20 goes into human HAMP.

    I also don't actually ever use primal scream on the build, since I ETR at cap, but I put it there to fill it in the build for what others will find works well. I personally would take a weaker passive twist, like unearthly reactions, just so I don't have to hit another button!

    Also charisma is important for feigned health in low heroics, UMD heal scrolls in mid heroics, and turn undead charges for spirit in epics, so I wouldn't dump stat it ever.
    Thanks for the replies. I just might have to try this crazy thing out.

  16. #11
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    Default Quick play test

    I enjoyed the OP's writing style, decided to do a quick run. Rolled up a first-life level 7, ran Devil Assault normal (level 6) with just starter gear and ship buffs. Set aura burst on key 'V', great cleave on 'B', used False Live maybe twice.

    Only challenge was chasing down the archers and mages. I printed the build and put it on top of the stack for 'next lives'.

    Enjoyed the post and the build. Thanks.

  17. 06-10-2017, 01:17 AM

  18. #12


    Was this the build in Thorn & Paw with me a short while ago? And yeah, Tilo was killing everything.
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  19. #13
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Just wondering, how would this look on a morninglord iconic. Very interesting build though


    I'm just not a numbers person, so sometimes when I see an interesting build, I try to see what the numbers people can see when they do a variation of it
    "Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge

  20. 06-10-2017, 10:43 PM

  21. 06-16-2017, 01:40 AM

  22. #14
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    I remember I had tried to make something similar to this prior (, it looks like you've fleshed it out very well!

    How's the damage outside of tree form?
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  23. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maelodic View Post
    I remember I had tried to make something similar to this prior (, it looks like you've fleshed it out very well!

    How's the damage outside of tree form?
    For any tree build the DPS using your shortswords or even handwraps is going to be... mediocre at best :P itll be maybe 25?% ish of a decently speced fighter

  24. 06-16-2017, 12:08 PM

  25. #16
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    ^^ Did you ever make that build in game? I forgot about that it woulda been a good place to start. It would have rocked until reaper threw everyone for a temp hp loop.

    Tilo has so much accumulated power the character would still do fine without tree form compared to everyone else. Less damage setup, but due to all the healing bypassing the reaper penalty the ability to play very aggressively cancels it out. It is unusual not to top the kill meters 1-20 even before tree form simply because it is a pure AoE build with cleave, great cleave(or spirit blast), aura, and whirlwind. Maybe a sound burst if you can land it.
    I had a kid and took an extended break, so I only ever got to test it on lama. It did what I wanted to do, which was not die and do a ton of damage, but I think a bit more refining would have been good.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  26. 06-16-2017, 01:38 PM

  27. #17
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    How difficult was this to level in the heroic levels and which R did you play on

  28. 06-16-2017, 05:39 PM

  29. #18
    Community Member chipotle47's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    I was generally able to solo at level reaper 1-3 to cap
    Ya but let me aks ya dis...let me aks ya dis... Can you get TRAPS!?!?! HA!
    "The definition of success is rebuffing between deaths with great enthusiasm."
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  30. #19
    Community Member chipotle47's Avatar
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    Kidding aside, nice build post.
    "The definition of success is rebuffing between deaths with great enthusiasm."
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  31. 06-20-2017, 11:19 PM

  32. #20
    Community Member Gargoyle69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Fey no-save daze on reapers from level 6 warlock ability is going to be amazingly useful. It only has a 10% chance to break on damage, so you can straight up kill many reapers 100-0 with it before they can do anything.
    Dayum ... that works on reapers !?!?!?!

  33. 06-21-2017, 01:57 PM

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