I was in cannithtrade but now is pretty desert, is there a new trading channel?
I was in cannithtrade but now is pretty desert, is there a new trading channel?
Leamos --> Completionist + Epic Completionist
Arena PVP matchs are the only real end-game... still waiting that community will understand and let turbine to implement it.
Depends on the time of day but usually CannithTrade is never used for actual trading, ever think about starting one?
I really wish there was a LFM system just for trading since it would reach everybody on the server instead of the instanced trade channels we have now.
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The Pack Horse (mule)
Cannithtrade can be used for trading so long as...
1) You have something actually worth trading.
2) You ignore the inevitable statement that Cannithtrade is not a trade channel {it bally well is and always has been despite being hijacked!}.