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Severlin mentioned in some of his latest remarks that with Ravenloft we may be getting a Vet Status upgrade to allow people to start at level 10 so they can go straight to the Ravenloft content.
Okay, sure, sounds good, but I have a suggestion:
Please, please, PLEASE put in a vet status that makes TRing a little easier, so that you can start at, say, level 4, or 7, (or 10!).
My suggestion would be to tie each level of TR vet status to a completionist type. There are currently two types of completionist in the game (heroic, epic) and the possibility of a third (racial) or even a fourth (iconic)--although that last one should be a special case, I think. So, my idea would be that if you have one of the first 3 AND vet status, your TR character can start at level 4. If you have 2 completionists (heroic and epic, say), you can start at 7. If you have 3 (if they implement racial) you can start at 10. And if you have iconic (if it's ever implemented), you can start your iconic character (only) at level 20.
They'd be optional, just like existing vet status where you start on the airship and decide how you want to proceed. If they come out with new races/classes you'd have to do those from a lower level since you'd have to regain at least one completionist.
Sound reasonable?