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Thread: Does it Exist?

  1. #1
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    Default Does it Exist?

    Hello all, New to DDO player, been playing with 2 different characters so far. Axels battle Cleric and the Sacred Knight a THF pure Paladin. Both characters are in the 8-10 range now. Now im sure what i have seen so far is nothing compared to whats coming up, but based on learning that i can now employ Hirelings, find/use Heal pots it got me wondering...

    Is there a Fighter build with maybe Rogue( or bard?) that will have a high enough UMD to use wands ( for buffs and heals) It seems both my cleric and paladin just tend to kill and heal in downtime between fights. So can we make a fighter that will do that ( they would have more defense and dps no?) that can use UMD to heal in between? and so far, the deadliest part of the game ( what kills me 9 times outta 10) is not to large of a pull, its a **** trap i didnt see and/or cant disarm...

    So, while im sure it doesnt exist ( cause there would be alot running around no?) Is there a Fighter build that can heal itself and handle traps? ( 1st S&B or 2nd THF preferred)

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krushyn View Post
    Hello all, New to DDO player, been playing with 2 different characters so far. Axels battle Cleric and the Sacred Knight a THF pure Paladin. Both characters are in the 8-10 range now. Now im sure what i have seen so far is nothing compared to whats coming up, but based on learning that i can now employ Hirelings, find/use Heal pots it got me wondering...

    Is there a Fighter build with maybe Rogue( or bard?) that will have a high enough UMD to use wands ( for buffs and heals) It seems both my cleric and paladin just tend to kill and heal in downtime between fights. So can we make a fighter that will do that ( they would have more defense and dps no?) that can use UMD to heal in between? and so far, the deadliest part of the game ( what kills me 9 times outta 10) is not to large of a pull, its a **** trap i didnt see and/or cant disarm...

    So, while im sure it doesnt exist ( cause there would be alot running around no?) Is there a Fighter build that can heal itself and handle traps? ( 1st S&B or 2nd THF preferred)
    I'm newb (so take this with a grain of salt) but maybe look into the gnome race because they have tons of enhancements for using scrolls/wands on the racial tree.

    ...But, I'm sure someone will have a far better answer who actually knows- Just my 2 copper .
    Last edited by SaintPhillip; 05-23-2017 at 07:19 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    well the answer of course is yes

    but how much effort and gear do you want to put in it?

    umd is key here

    but just quick back of the napkin math its not that easy


    8 cha so -1
    11 ranks
    8 cha item +4
    umd item +3 ish
    voice of the master +1
    gh from a clickie - +4

    your looking at around a 23 umd which lets you use some wands but not a lot

    with better gear its easy to push more

    cha 12 +2
    gs item +6
    bard song +3
    tome +5
    good luck +4 item
    epic levels +10?

    that puts you into no fail zone

  4. #4
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    So as i assumed, as a first lifer, new player, even if i was to buy a tome from the store, its not a optimal leveling / learning / farming build. I should likely stick with my paladin for now and worry about flavor once im more established. I figured it was a pipe dream but had to ask lol.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krushyn View Post
    Hello all, New to DDO player, been playing with 2 different characters so far. Axels battle Cleric and the Sacred Knight a THF pure Paladin. Both characters are in the 8-10 range now. Now im sure what i have seen so far is nothing compared to whats coming up, but based on learning that i can now employ Hirelings, find/use Heal pots it got me wondering...

    Is there a Fighter build with maybe Rogue( or bard?) that will have a high enough UMD to use wands ( for buffs and heals) It seems both my cleric and paladin just tend to kill and heal in downtime between fights. So can we make a fighter that will do that ( they would have more defense and dps no?) that can use UMD to heal in between? and so far, the deadliest part of the game ( what kills me 9 times outta 10) is not to large of a pull, its a **** trap i didnt see and/or cant disarm...

    So, while im sure it doesnt exist ( cause there would be alot running around no?) Is there a Fighter build that can heal itself and handle traps? ( 1st S&B or 2nd THF preferred)
    If you take some Rogue levels and a high Int you can get a decent UMD and trap skills.
    You would need some gear to swap in when dealing with traps.
    Weapon choice doesn't affect skills; though Evasion is affected my shields (buckler or light) and armour (Light or cloth)..

    If you just want wand access, one level of a class that can use wands is enough (Cleric, Ranger, Paladin, Fvs all give access to Cure X wounds wands).

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoffWatson View Post
    If you just want wand access, one level of a class that can use wands is enough (Cleric, Ranger, Paladin, Fvs all give access to Cure X wounds wands).
    It may ve usefull there, if you have access to it, the half-elf race, his dilettante feat (clr or fvs) can give you the proficiency you seek

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoffWatson View Post
    If you just want wand access, one level of a class that can use wands is enough (Cleric, Ranger, Paladin, Fvs all give access to Cure X wounds wands).
    Yes, a single level of the listed classes, and also Bard, would give you 100% success on using wands. No UMD needed.
    (Ranger and Paladin only go up to Cure Serious Wounds, rest goes up to Cure Critical)

    Of course, Wand of CSW heals for the same amount as a CSW potion. But you can use it on others, and you can perhaps take the enhancement for +75% extra effect from wands and scrolls. Another good thing is that by alternating between potions and wand whipping, you can heal up faster.

  8. #8
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Can you afford Warlock?

    If so then the simple answer is HELL YES!

    5 Warlock / 12 Fighter / 3 Paladin would be the obvious choice {you would also have to be Lawful Good of course}.

    Tainted Scholar 13 points
    Cores 1+2
    Tier 1 3xFeigned Health, Strong Pact
    Tier 2 Utterdark Blast, Strong Pact
    Tier 3 Strong Pact

    Enlightened Spirit 13 points
    Core 1+2
    Tier 1 3xResilience of Body, 3xResilience of Soul, 3xSpiritual Defense
    Tier 2 3xSpiritual Bastion

    Sacred Defender 2-4 points
    Core 1
    1-3xExtra Lay on Hands

    That leaves you 50-52 points to put into Fighter trees or you can carry on up ES for Spiritual Ward and Brilliance leaving you less for the Fighter trees.

    You'll be pure melee with aura for extra damage.
    You'll have Paladin Lay on Hands and Saves
    You'll have Warlock Temp HPs and UMD - Warlocks get a tonne of UMD
    You'll also have 2 1st lvl and a 2nd lvl spell - I'd take Jump, Nightshield and Blur personally.

    Will work better with THF than S+B unless you can also get rid of the Arcane Spell Failure that your shield will give.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 05-24-2017 at 05:35 AM.

  9. #9
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    forget about warlock, wand of cure critical (ml7) with the 75% extra from wand+scroll mastery works wonders, it's more about which fighting style do you prefer to fit one of the classes that give full access to wands, si you end doing something like 18 fighter/1 rogue/1 wand class

    as you can imagine, almost every fighter build can fit that 1 lvl change (with high healing amp it's better)

    also going melee arti can use wands and scrolls w/o fail if being robot (and gets awesome umd too)
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  10. #10
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    OK, so it seems there are options for fighters to heal themselves, so that gives me 2 of my 3 wish list items, Armored Melee, self healing with UMD and pots, But what about Traps/Unlocks? Is that out of the question?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krushyn View Post
    OK, so it seems there are options for fighters to heal themselves, so that gives me 2 of my 3 wish list items, Armored Melee, self healing with UMD and pots, But what about Traps/Unlocks? Is that out of the question?
    A new character, that starts as a Rogue (or Arti) with high Int, then multiclasses to Fighter can work, if you have some (or can get/make) decent trapping gear.

    The 2 skill points a fighter gets is a problem, you will probably need to take more Rogue levels to keep the skills up. (Ranger can help there, getting Spot and Search as class skills with a high BAB).

  12. #12
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krushyn View Post
    So, while im sure it doesnt exist ( cause there would be alot running around no?) Is there a Fighter build that can heal itself and handle traps? ( 1st S&B or 2nd THF preferred)
    First, any class that has only 2 Skill Points is going to need about 4-6(+) levels of Rogue (depending on Int) to be a good trapper. So accept that - the math just doesn't work any other way.

    (The best Int-builds seem to be ranged, but with enough Rogue levels you can start w/ a 14 Int and make anything work.)

    Another solution is, of course, to toss in something that has (much) more than 2 skills/level - Ranger is a classic go-to, and there is an excellent Ranger/Trapper 2-Weapon build, the Tempest Trapmonkey. Tried and true, a perennial favorite.

    As for Self healing is easy, if you go one of the (several) light routes. Halfings can have Dragonmark of Healing, 1 Cleric/Bard/Favored Soul level lets you use wands np, Warlocks have false-life based on the spells they cast, and so on.

    But UMD may be the best answer, and with high ranks of UMD you can use Heal scrolls - yes, please! High UMD (usually) means starting w/ a class that has that as a class skill - Rogue, Arti or Bard.

    (Note - There are some excellent Bard/Fighter builds out there. +some Rogue = Trapper.)

    See , see if there isn't something that might do the trick.

  13. #13
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    I did (a long time ago) a pure fighter, half elf with cleric dilly for heal scroll use. Not sure if that's still a good build but it worked at the time.

  14. #14
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
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  15. #15
    Community Member Thoden's Avatar
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    I'm a big fan of Bard/Fighter/Rogue. My main is a 12 Bard/6 Fighter/2 Rogue build, and he is a beast in Reaper. Evasion, Dodge, Traps, PRR... UMD. What's not to like? I hear you can go 12 Fighter/6 Bard/2 Rogue (Fighter 12 gives Power Surge among other things) as well for a crunchier build, but I enjoy having the cures, buffs, and utility spells that bards offer.

    Currently, I run with 32% dodge (From Swashbuckler and Kensai; you can get it a bit higher by tweaking enhancements or going gnome), Blur, and Displacement. Throw in the HP, PRR, and MRR of Stalwart, and you should be doing just fine. I play very aggressively, and rarely die. Of course, past lives help, but this is simply a great combination.

    On top of all that, you can fascinate in a pinch for excellent CC (provided your party will cooperate).

    Oh, go with handaxes, and don't do Throw Your Weight Around unless you have all of your Racial TR points.

    This post has lots of options:
    Last edited by Thoden; 05-25-2017 at 11:03 PM.
    Balladeer Blackcloud (don't step on my Blue Slaad shoes!), Phantom Company (now you see us, now you don't).
    My Alts on Sarlona include Archi Medes, Pythagoras (Knows the Angles!), Techmech, Deepshade, and Doctrine.

  16. #16
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoden View Post
    Bad link (for me), but interested in where you meant it to lead.

  17. #17
    Community Member adrian69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoden View Post
    I'm a big fan of Bard/Fighter/Rogue. My main is a 12 Bard/6 Fighter/2 Rogue build, and he is a beast in Reaper. Evasion, Dodge, Traps, PRR... UMD. What's not to like? I hear you can go 12 Fighter/6 Bard/2 Rogue (Fighter 12 gives Power Surge among other things) as well for a crunchier build, but I enjoy having the cures, buffs, and utility spells that bards offer.

    Currently, I run with 32% dodge (From Swashbuckler and Kensai; you can get it a bit higher by tweaking enhancements or going gnome), Blur, and Displacement. Throw in the HP, PRR, and MRR of Stalwart, and you should be doing just fine. I play very aggressively, and rarely die. Of course, past lives help, but this is simply a great combination.

    On top of all that, you can fascinate in a pinch for excellent CC (provided your party will cooperate).

    Oh, go with handaxes, and don't do Throw Your Weight Around unless you have all of your Racial TR points.

    This post has lots of options:
    My main alt for over a year now probably for Leg Shroud is 9 rogue 8 ftr 3 bard. Of all the splits it's the highest DPS with deception procs and in SA range, but only has Fascinate, and lacks buffing and versatility of the others. Int/Charisma split with Ins. Reflex and Char to will saves. Int to Dmg w/ 2 steps ahead. I eventually hope to take my main there.

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