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  1. #1
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    Default Reaper vendor tier 2 unlocked

    Thanks to those who helped me, in no specific order:


    Ayspam, Aycare, Ayslave

  2. #2
    Founder LawfulGood's Avatar
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    Grats Ayspam! Now to get 3.125 million more...
    Frets warchanter ¤ Haemorrhage reaper killer ¤ Humbucking mechanic ¤ Coercive warlock ¤ Hemolytic paladin ¤ Thwart tree ¤ Incise fury-shuri ¤ Carpal monk ¤ Unhealer cleric
    Leader, ~Elite Raiders~ of Khyber ...

  3. #3
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    sorry but looks like you don't have enough pp to buy everything... lol

    so far it's right under 6m pp for eyes + pets? lolmao

    btw, are you doing yet 100k rxp per life? or are you tr'ing slower to fit more quests (even with the non reaper xp banked/capped) to get more rxp per lvl/life

    stuck in r1 or increased diff? (sorry but assuming you're the same who unlocked 1st vendor and posted here lol)
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawfulGood View Post
    Grats Ayspam! Now to get 3.125 million more...
    Ye, I ll probably have to do an extra couple of meaningless TRs, cos I ll be running out of racial lives.
    Ayspam, Aycare, Ayslave

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by psykopeta View Post

    sorry but looks like you don't have enough pp to buy everything... lol

    so far it's right under 6m pp for eyes + pets? lolmao

    btw, are you doing yet 100k rxp per life? or are you tr'ing slower to fit more quests (even with the non reaper xp banked/capped) to get more rxp per lvl/life

    stuck in r1 or increased diff? (sorry but assuming you're the same who unlocked 1st vendor and posted here lol)
    I m doing between 200-220k rxp / life, most of the time doing all quests at level regardless of normal xp. Skipping ones I dont enjoy, or those that take too long.

    Doing quests at r3 up to lvl 10 and from 10 upwards it s r4. Some quests I do at r5 or r7, but the usual is r4.

    Not the same guy who unlocked t1, but I m his guildy and also TR partners.
    Ayspam, Aycare, Ayslave

  6. #6
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    Sorry but I still don't see the point of this... Looks like vanity pets so whats the point of doing Reaper if this is the "End reward" ?

  7. #7
    Community Member awar1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Invalid_103 View Post
    Sorry but I still don't see the point of this... Looks like vanity pets so whats the point of doing Reaper if this is the "End reward" ?
    The reward for reaper is the challenge!!
    But did you see his 50 reaper points spent at level 11?? Imagine having 50 points at level 4!?!?!!
    You also get 120% heroic XP"........

    SO for doing reaper you get... more xp, lots of reaper points for reaper trees, better challenge than elite / EE... AND up to 10 FREE RACIAL AP TO SPEND for doing all those racial past life's.... the best part for a person who achieves max reaper xp is EGO and the person pride of saying, I did it....

    As regards "end reward" it should be apparent that the devs have designed the game for TR'ing... so not really much end game right now..

    So the power creep is real in reaper mode after you do your 30 RPL.... but that is another thread......

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Invalid_103 View Post
    Sorry but I still don't see the point of this... Looks like vanity pets so whats the point of doing Reaper if this is the "End reward" ?
    It s not really for the pet, I could care less about a silly pet aswell.

    I want the 30 RPL and if I can get rxp while doing that why wouldnt I? I run in a very capable group, and doing r3 or r4 is just as fast and just as easy at this point as if I was doing elite.

    Also having 400+ hp at lvl 4 is fun. Even if it s just little points that you put into trees, they add up, and to be honest at this point it doesnt even really feel like I m running on reaper mode.

    The system was well thought out to be in synergy with grinding RPLs. 30 RPLs on average at r3 and r4 would give you 200k / life using 50% pots, if you do most quests at level 1-20. Thats 6m rxp, and thats your tier 3.

    To max all trees would be at 16.5m or thereabouts, while I can see myself grinding out the tier3 vendor, I still have 13 or so lives to do, but it wont be me who ll max out all trees.

    N.B. Reaper is there for you to do if you want to, you dont have to.
    Ayspam, Aycare, Ayslave

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by awar1234 View Post
    The reward for reaper is the challenge!!
    But did you see his 50 reaper points spent at level 11?? Imagine having 50 points at level 4!?!?!!
    You also get 120% heroic XP"........

    SO for doing reaper you get... more xp, lots of reaper points for reaper trees, better challenge than elite / EE... AND up to 10 FREE RACIAL AP TO SPEND for doing all those racial past life's.... the best part for a person who achieves max reaper xp is EGO and the person pride of saying, I did it....

    As regards "end reward" it should be apparent that the devs have designed the game for TR'ing... so not really much end game right now..

    So the power creep is real in reaper mode after you do your 30 RPL.... but that is another thread......
    You cannot spend more than 36 point at lv4 btw

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by awar1234 View Post
    The reward for reaper is the challenge!!
    But did you see his 50 reaper points spent at level 11?? Imagine having 50 points at level 4!?!?!!
    You also get 120% heroic XP"........

    SO for doing reaper you get... more xp, lots of reaper points for reaper trees, better challenge than elite / EE... AND up to 10 FREE RACIAL AP TO SPEND for doing all those racial past life's.... the best part for a person who achieves max reaper xp is EGO and the person pride of saying, I did it....

    As regards "end reward" it should be apparent that the devs have designed the game for TR'ing... so not really much end game right now..

    So the power creep is real in reaper mode after you do your 30 RPL.... but that is another thread......
    Yeah I agree finally ddo found a purpose to every class and make also tr's past life finally worth for something there was not much challenge once you run thru 10-14 time then now even with 62 life I have some challenge! I just love REAPER and the biggest reward is having an M3/R3 named items! But still think they should lock quest at base level to get a chance on these reward a bit stupid to allow even over level to get a shot without real challenge! IMO!

  11. #11
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Ayspy View Post
    Thanks to those who helped me, in no specific order:


    Congrats your buddy Sandois!

  12. #12
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    Congratulations Ayspam! Keep up the grind!
    Teth - Ascendance

    Old School n00b that used to be pretty good at the game.

  13. #13
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Invalid_103 View Post
    Sorry but I still don't see the point of this... Looks like vanity pets so whats the point of doing Reaper if this is the "End reward" ?
    Playing the game because you think playing the game is fun is the only sensible reason for playing DDO and any other game. If you play only for the rewards, but dont enjoy playing the game then you are wasting your time.

    Reaper is more fun then elite, that is why I play reaper, and I hope that is why OP is playing too. Though I am faaaar behind, and will probably never unlock those vendors

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragavon View Post
    Playing the game because you think playing the game is fun is the only sensible reason for playing DDO and any other game. If you play only for the rewards, but dont enjoy playing the game then you are wasting your time.

    Reaper is more fun then elite, that is why I play reaper, and I hope that is why OP is playing too. Though I am faaaar behind, and will probably never unlock those vendors
    I took a 4 year break from this game from 2012 till Jan this year, I quit because I didnt enjoy it anymore, had everything, reached my goals.

    4 years later I m having just as much fun as I had before. So yes enjoying it.
    Last edited by Ayspy; 05-21-2017 at 04:11 PM.
    Ayspam, Aycare, Ayslave

  15. #15
    Founder LawfulGood's Avatar
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    Default Reaperling tricks

    In case anyone's wondering, here's all the tricks the Reaperling pet can do...

    Frets warchanter ¤ Haemorrhage reaper killer ¤ Humbucking mechanic ¤ Coercive warlock ¤ Hemolytic paladin ¤ Thwart tree ¤ Incise fury-shuri ¤ Carpal monk ¤ Unhealer cleric
    Leader, ~Elite Raiders~ of Khyber ...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawfulGood View Post
    In case anyone's wondering, here's all the tricks the Reaperling pet can do...

    Grats Frets, you unlocked it too, good going, see you at 5.625m
    Ayspam, Aycare, Ayslave

  17. #17
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Well done.

    Tags along well behind the leaders, but enjoying Reaper anyway.

  18. #18
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    Default Gratz!

    Max Gratz!

    May I ask how many real life (not in-quest) hours this has taken? Just wondering if you play DDO pretty much full time or only weekends or some nights only etc...trying to see how efficient you need to be with a full time job and a family to achieve this much reaper xp so fast

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