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  1. #1
    Community Member krimsonrane's Avatar
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    Default So apparently If I don't sit and wait all day online I'll get no refund/compensation

    Yesterday I bought a +6 tome of Int. Ate it and nothing happened. Logged out and in and still no change.
    I sent in a ticket at about midnight and waited 2 hours. No reply. So I logged out. I get on today and there's a ticket telling me that if i'm not online I can't be helped. So... I submitted another ticket, played for about 3 hours with no reply.
    I suspect I'll get another "if you are not online we can't help you" message.

    Listen. I can't sit on this game all day waiting for help that never comes and I want my int tome or my money back.
    So what are we going to do now?

    Problem solved. I recieved a new tome in the mail. Thank you.
    Last edited by krimsonrane; 05-16-2017 at 06:35 PM.
    Sometimes I pull one out just to watch it die over and over. That's how much I hate hires.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    If I could reiterate the "it's not fair to make us wait 4ever and then close the ticket". I had a character with a screwed up tr where I couldn't even play the character. So after waiting more than half an hour I logged off and got the ticket closed. I put in a second ticket asking them to send my alt a tell when they got the ticket and I would immediately relog the appropriate toon. Nope. Ticket was just closed, apparently a little courtesy is too much to ask for.
    Annikka (Sorc), Dannikka (F), Jannikka (Rgr)
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  3. #3
    The Hatchery IntrepidBear's Avatar
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    Default i know the feeling...

    Quote Originally Posted by RobbinB View Post
    If I could reiterate the "it's not fair to make us wait 4ever and then close the ticket". I had a character with a screwed up tr where I couldn't even play the character. So after waiting more than half an hour I logged off and got the ticket closed. I put in a second ticket asking them to send my alt a tell when they got the ticket and I would immediately relog the appropriate toon. Nope. Ticket was just closed, apparently a little courtesy is too much to ask for.
    I tried for three days...
    three tickets, waited hours on end, only to have my ticket 'closed' in the middle of the night, or the second I logged onto other toon to check something,.. and also mentioned that I would log onto affected toon if specified time would be mentioned.. and was very courteous about it all.
    I finally got worn down and gave up.
    Made me so depressed I could not play for a bit.
    I know they are short staffed, but, let us know what is happening please.
    I won't be buying extra points anymore for hearts or stuffs, if cannot use the way I wished/hoped.
    Am VIP since 2007
    *sad face
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  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Yeah, it seems like the GMs have a way of telling which tickets have players who log off, considering how quickly they close a call.

    I guess it boosts their metrics, getting a quick and easy close, and the players will have to log another ticket.

  5. #5
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoffWatson View Post
    Yeah, it seems like the GMs have a way of telling which tickets have players who log off, considering how quickly they close a call.

    I guess it boosts their metrics, getting a quick and easy close, and the players will have to log another ticket.
    It seems so. I'm going to have to take a day of work to log into game to get our ship buffs back that I paid for on EST time.

    Seems too much has to be handled in-game and not enough people in-game to handle all the requests.

    For me the worst part of losing the ship buffs is having to deal with the hassle of getting them back, because it's one of the ships I bought the buffs out right from the ship menu.

    Perhaps when time and resources permit, it would be best to fix the bugs that cause the most tickets/complaints of having wait online in-game. Solid bug fixes may see CS request go down to a more managable level?

  6. #6
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    I got helped wedsney, 15 minutes before downtime Lol.
    I guess they hadn't much requests at the time.
    Though i waited about one week for help, no problem, just log play few hours, maybe get help.

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