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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Litany of the Dead

    Another life and another 17 runs to get flagged for Litany of the Dead.

    Come on guys fix this already, its ridiculously annoying. Its an easy fix, add pieces into the end reward list and or make it so there is a chance to get a 2nd piece in the end chests. Jesh we shouldn't have to run these this much to flag. Every life I have to run these 15 or 20 times to fill a sigil. Last life I had to run Inferno 9 times, Vol 4 times, Flesh 3 times and Ghost once. Enough already. Im on my 4th run of Vol, my 4th run of ghost already and I still need 2 pieces this life . Im begging you.

  2. #2
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    Give up on it this life (unless you really want to run Abbot), save the Sigil pieces, and see if you get enough in a future life.

    Though the devs relaxing the restriction on Litany would be a good idea.

  3. #3
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    I haven't run this quest in several years now.

    I could run it over level if I chose to.
    I could make it a specific point to farm for pieces.

    But my three life away from completionist toon, has not been able to completely flag yet....
    all of those lives....
    and never acquired a full sigil.
    (actually, I do believe she was flagged her first life.... way before TRing came out, and with level caps to give us time to rerun and not advance in level.... but never since then)

    This is wrong! Period.

    Yes, yes, yes,.... I know..
    If I really wanted to grind I could get flagged.
    I could get friends to help... just so I could get flagged....

    .... but then what?
    Then another TR...
    and then.... another grind.
    for what? for what reason?


    I like this quest......

    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  4. #4
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    and if I did get flagged?!

    ...wouldn't be anyone at level that could run it with me.... because none of them would be flagged!

    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery Hutoth's Avatar
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    Fully agreed. Lower the barrier, it's not the "just released" raid - it's really old... 4 flagging quests to access the pre-raid (that you still need to run four times) should be enough
    Anaplian and Csimian
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  6. #6
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    Default Yeaaah

    Well it only took 2 more runs of Ghost and 1 more run of Vol. So thats 12 runs between the 4 quests to flag. Thats actually the least amount of times Ive had to run these in the last 10 or so lives. at least make them bound to account so we can pass them.

  7. #7
    Community Member Enguebert's Avatar
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    Another way to help flagging for this raid would be the possibility to exchange piece of sigils

    To avoid too many combinations in the UI barter, add a blank sigil and have the 16 possible exchange
    Sigil# => Blank Sigil (8 recipes for the 8 differents sigils)
    Blank Sigil => Sigil# (8 recipes for the 8 differents sigils)

    With this, you are sure you can fill your sigil by running 8 quests (you still need to run each of the quest to unlock litany)

  8. #8
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdmag View Post
    Another life and another 17 runs to get flagged for Litany of the Dead.

    Come on guys fix this already, its ridiculously annoying. Its an easy fix, add pieces into the end reward list and or make it so there is a chance to get a 2nd piece in the end chests. Jesh we shouldn't have to run these this much to flag. Every life I have to run these 15 or 20 times to fill a sigil. Last life I had to run Inferno 9 times, Vol 4 times, Flesh 3 times and Ghost once. Enough already. Im on my 4th run of Vol, my 4th run of ghost already and I still need 2 pieces this life . Im begging you.
    Agreed. Sigil should be scrapped (or used as a trade in). Litany flagging should
    be four and done as with all new(ish) quest chains.

  9. #9
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    In the last lives I was more lucky in the wilderness than in the quests tbh. So I extended my stay in the wilderness a bit . I hit it for s/r/e quite early and after I did the quests I was set.
    But it would be awesome if there was an easier way. Running Litany 4 times is enough tbh.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arctigis View Post
    Agreed. Sigil should be scrapped (or used as a trade in). Litany flagging should
    be four and done as with all new(ish) quest chains.
    Should probably go to the each quest once and flagged setup. Down sides to this though: I've run litany at 13 before using sigil from previous lives. Can make a sigil without running all 4 quests, if you had to run all 4 soloers would be S.O.L.

    I really like the idea of making the sigil trade for something else. Could trade to any of the orchard trade-in item?

  11. #11
    The Hatchery NytCrawlr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TitusOvid View Post
    In the last lives I was more lucky in the wilderness than in the quests tbh. So I extended my stay in the wilderness a bit . I hit it for s/r/e quite early and after I did the quests I was set.
    But it would be awesome if there was an easier way. Running Litany 4 times is enough tbh.
    Yeah, this life I was far more lucky on getting the sigil pieces I and some friends needed in the wilderness than in the quests, and running s/r/e can be good XP.

    That being said, having to farm for these sigil pieces, praying that you get more of right pincer, or whatever, when you and two others in the group still need theirs as well, is a bit of an unneeded grind, on top of having to run Litany back to back four times once you complete your sigil. Making the sigil pieces unbound and even having them show up in the end reward list (all of them), would help with this as well.

    This helps more with people wanting to run Abbott at level and not over leveling past it, which I have also done this life, including a couple of R1 runs.

    Nyess Malwyss Daireann Tylesia Shideh

  12. #12
    Community Member awar1234's Avatar
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    Default I do not understand......

    I almost ALWAYS get the piece on my first run...
    The only one I really need is the frame piece from INFERNO. I get this everytime I run inferno..... there is always a piece in the chest...

    I do run in group. So I am passing the pieces others need.

    Are you running orchard solo?? If so why?? Put up LFM. You will mostly have full group in minutes.

    If your problems persist, then I recommend moving your toons to Arrgonesson.

    LFM always will for orchard and people pass pieces... everytime this happens for me....

    Now maybe if you make a first life toon this can be a problem, but just run in gruop on Arrgonesson and problem solved

  13. #13
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cantor View Post
    Down sides to this though: I've run litany at 13 before using sigil from previous lives. Can make a sigil without running all 4 quests, if you had to run all 4 soloers would be S.O.L.
    The only one of the four quests which is even slightly problematic to solo is Fleshmaker's (IMO). It
    can done fairly easily with a hire and bit of luck on ele. respawns. I've even pulled all the runes myself
    on a Monk before. It can *very* easily be duo'ed.

    I'd like to say that they should loosen up the timing and/or drop one of the runes but,
    even though I am almost exclusively a soloist, I don't like to see the group mechanics
    dropped from the game entirely. Having said that, it's not exactly challenging and feels like
    an obstacle just for the sake of it.

    I really like the idea of making the sigil trade for something else. Could trade to any of the orchard trade-in item?
    I wouldn't be against that. Pages are already much easier to get and the loot is
    now merely 'not terrible' instead of best in slot.

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