Quote Originally Posted by Odysseus2011 View Post
If you have a meatshield that doesn't get 1-shot, and can in fact survive a mob on Reaper 10 then it actually works quite well.
In framing my response I was talking about playing in a low-reaper heroic PUG, since that's where I expect most of the game's reaper play to take place. If you're at a point where you're considering taking on Reaper 10 then you have more gear, past lives, and expertise than I, and in the thousands of hours it took to accumulate all that you must have bumped into someone who would be willing to TR into a healer to get an optimal team together for R10 runs.

That being said, if you've got a meatshield that doesn't get 1-shot in Reaper 10 then you're probably dealing with someone who has the combination of equipment, past lives, and expertise that would enable them to play a ranged character who doesn't get hit in the first place and therefore doesn't need a healer. It's a chicken and egg problem - in order for healers to be viable, tanks who can survive (but only with healing) need to be commonplace, and in order for these more heavily defensive tanks and the build sacrifices they make to get there to be viable, healers need to be more commonplace.

Heck, maybe all it'd take is preventing hirelings from being summoned in Reaper. Then someone would have to do it and clerics would be welcomed despite all their flaws instead of patted on the head and left in the dust while the team zergs their way to the mission end without a scratch.