I finally got around to trying this quest out and thoroughly enjoyed it.
The atmosphere was great, and I loved the storyline.
It would be great to see more like this in the Ravenloft expansion.
I finally got around to trying this quest out and thoroughly enjoyed it.
The atmosphere was great, and I loved the storyline.
It would be great to see more like this in the Ravenloft expansion.
The only problem I have with Sable is with the end fight. It's 10 times harder than the rest of the quest and seems to we that success depends on the character types in the group. ( specifically I think it requires a tank )
Absolutely does not require tank.
There are several variations of tactics
It'ss about tactics. Sable's aggro cannot be held and will shift at random.
You need to kill Sable in the light. Best if you break a pillar and the group mobs him in the light. Then he won't run all over the place with his shifting aggro, since the whole party is mobbing him in one location. Have someone who can mass heal, spam a mass heal, but not nesc. I like to buff Protection From Evil prior to the fight.
Save all of the thrawls and you won't have to fight them in the end fight and get an extra trash chest at end.
Kill rats when they spawn, so they don't shred the party, then go back to mobbing Sable in the light.
End fight can be done and over in no time. There are other nuances of tactics, but not going to type them all out.
I was just solo'ing it on normal....so I am not sure how crazy it gets on hard and elite.
My third run I finally figured out all the thralls and that run went smooth.
Just a side note the Golem Heart augment only has a chance to drop in the main end reward chest on Epic Elite.
Also, I use this guide for thrawll identification whenever I have a brain freeze, https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...identification