i clearly imagine this was discussed already. but now it is my time. watched game, classes, known players, good(some stellar players on gland) and not so good and class as a whole is even in worse situation as it was before.
from my prespective of view, i can not even recall any game where one class would be so overpowered.
why? everyone knows why, players by taking powers, devs hiding eyes from problem.
to my sense, problem is worse than it was when we had similar thing with monks.
rationally, i have zero good choices if i want tr races. only best choice is variation of warlock.
i told before what you need to do, to balace it.
1. make all and every lock power be dependant of spell points. and. every and any walrock power under all caster weaknesess, spell level, cost, etc.
2. no hyper hp. it may be still viable ability, but it have to have downsides. my suggestion is negative levels. what would affect spell ability. every and each time warlock takes hitpoints from nowhere, it loses its sp, it loses level.
3. reduce so op warlock tree aoe hit. reduce it seriously in terms of cooldown AND spell power + spell level. make monsters to able save from it heavily. make it as spell as it should be.
there is zero excuses for warlocks be as it is. situation what we have now is worst class disbalance i can remember, save monkshuri/muri some years ago.
ty for time reading. not going into heavy discussions, not want, do not have time for this. we all love our game, i wish possibilities. choices. this is major flaw is see so far.