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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blessedwynd View Post
    Just happened last night.

    In my case i bought a silver greataxe from the auction house and deconstructed it. I prepped it with a level 7 shard, added good, and went to make another shard. When I came back to add the second shard I noticed it was outlined in red. It was now a min level 18 BtA +3 silver greataxe with 2d6 good damage. So the stats matched the level 7 shard, but a min level of 18. I then deconstructed to see what happened, and now have a min level 18 BtA silver greataxe. The deconstruction should have removed the min level (not sure about the BtA) but the item is transformed. I added another lvl 7 shard to see if it might remove the ML 18, but it didn't have that effect.

    Is this just a "happens every so often" thing that others are experiencing? Sounds like a known bug with red slots and keen, but this item had neither. I'm not sure what the enhancements were before I deconstructed it the first time.
    I made 2 kukris, both were adamantine. No slots, no keen. These are the enchantments: ML17, vampirism 2, slashing 4, impactful 4. After logging 1 lost adamantine but retained enchantments. The other kukri is still adamantine, but name is changed and stats are now: ML17, vampirism 1, slashing 1. impactful 1.

  2. #42
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    Just happen to me - Cedrian on Thelanis.

    Yesterdsay i cannith crafted 4th level rapier +2, holy 2, keen with Red augment slot and I socked Ruby of Ghostbane in. Today, just after log in, I noticed, that I am encumbered by over-level item wearing and saw that in my hand is 6th level rapier +2 holy 1(only) without keen and without augment slot.
    Last edited by Xario; 10-19-2017 at 12:53 PM.

  3. #43
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    Happened to me on 10-14-17. Crafted a keen, good, red-slotted rapier at level 10. Transferred it to another toon and it became a blank unslotted paragon rapier. Logged out and back in and it shifted again to a blank non-slotted rapier. Made another, thinking must have glitched, let's try it again (as I hadn't heard of this yet), and the same thing happened.

  4. #44
    Community Member adrian69's Avatar
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    Default Weapon and Gloves

    Had this happen with a Keen scimitar of Ghostbane w meteoric ruby. I crafted it before a TR and the blank was there after. I thought at first I had tossed it away by mistake until at next TR I noticed the extended threat range on the blank and realized after reading about this some time back that my weapon had lost its affects. I haven't done anything w/ keen since and haven't had any other weapon I have crafted do this,


    I recently made some ML 17 Staunch Bracers of Constitution with +1 Armor Agility for an alt. I transferred them to the alt, equipped them, and played a few hours. I only play this one a few hours every other week, but when I logged back in the whole item was gone. Didn't notice until midquest, but I have been paying closer attention to all CC items now.

  5. #45
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    This happened to me late last year, I think. It was a +13 Cannith-crafted keen metaline flame-touched iron throwing axe (min level 30, loot level 34, no augment slot). At some point (and it may have involved the shared bank), it was changed to a plain +13 flame-touched iron throwing axe with min level 22.

  6. #46
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    Keen effect before wipe (Crit roll 14-20):

    No Keen effect after wipe (Crit roll 17-20):

  7. #47
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    Problem with KEEN, not with red slot!!!
    This it Great XBow after Keen shard applyed - there is no Keen effect at all, but suffix sign was disappeared:

  8. #48
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    Default Problem persist


    I tried crafting a level 4 holy keen repeating heavy crossbow with a red augment in it. I did not have anything slotted when i crafted it. When i crafted it there was no keen in the name but the threat range was doubled. Then after logging out and in again the keen was removed and i am left with a level 2 holy crossbow with a red augment slot in it.

    I am gonna bug report it.

    I still have the crossbow but i have no prove as i did not take a picture along the way.

  9. #49
    Community Member kamimitsu's Avatar
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    Default Didn't know about this bug, 'cause I never did much crafting

    Ok. Needed some ML1 daggers for my umpteenth racial reincarnate. Guess I accidentally vendor trashed my previous ML1s. Nothing on the AH at that level, so grabbed my crafter.

    Bought two generic daggers from the AH. Disjuncted. Crafted BOUND ML1 shards, Crafted a BOUND FORCE Shard and and BOUND LIGHT Shard, Crafted 2 BOUND KEEN shards. Applied FORCE. No issues, showed open Suffix slot. Applied KEEN. Repeated for 2nd Dagger with LIGHT. Neither dagger got keen. And no suffix slot was now showing. Now... here's the interesting bit. I noticed the dagger now had a base crit range of 17-20 instead of 19-20. Thought, "Oh, so it just expanded the base. That's fine". Sent daggers to alt. Showed up with 19-20 base crit range. Dammit.

    Is it worth putting a ticket in to recoup ingredients?
    Shiz - Ghallanda > Orien (Pharoah let my people go!)
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  10. #50
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Wonder if that was their temporary fix for the bug where Keen on a crafted weapon with a red slot can eat the slot, applied augment, and crafted attributes leaving you with a useless bound weapon dud.

    I've never heard of that issue being fixed, and haven't crafted any Keens in last couple years because of it.

    (Still waiting on that before requesting a replacement Meteoric myself)


    Edit: Just went looking for the original thread regarding this bug. *facepalm* Finding that we were already in the thread I was looking for... See post #25 above for Steel's last input on this bug.
    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 04-17-2020 at 02:34 PM.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  11. #51
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kamimitsu View Post

    Bought two generic daggers from the AH
    Tell me more about these daggers. What effects were on them? Or where they on the AH already disjuncted? My latest (albeit old now) theory was that if random loot had keen on it already, that it would cause the failure when cannith crafting keen on the disjuncted. But who knows. The more info you have about the daggers you started with, the better! What min level, what effects present, slots, etc.

    If we can pool our resources and don't mind losing our, uh, resources, maybe we can finally find a pattern to this madness. So grab some random loot, take a screenshot before anything, and try to reproduce! (the bug

  12. #52
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    so much necro
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  13. #53
    Community Member kamimitsu's Avatar
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    I avoided crafting because it seemed too time consuming and confusing. But a guildie convinced me to try for twink gear, so I leveled up crafting on a character. This was like my 1st time ever crafting, and it really put a sour taste in my mouth. Wasted materials is no bueno. If something doesn't work (apparently so for many years), I'd have hoped SSG would just remove it.

    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Edit: Just went looking for the original thread regarding this bug. *facepalm* Finding that we were already in the thread I was looking for... See post #25 above for Steel's last input on this bug.
    Steel's post says it's related to red slots, when in my case it clearly wasn't. Keen crafting is just bugged.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    Tell me more about these daggers. What effects were on them? Or where they on the AH already disjuncted? My latest (albeit old now) theory was that if random loot had keen on it already, that it would cause the failure when cannith crafting keen on the disjuncted. But who knows. The more info you have about the daggers you started with, the better! What min level, what effects present, slots, etc.

    If we can pool our resources and don't mind losing our, uh, resources, maybe we can finally find a pattern to this madness. So grab some random loot, take a screenshot before anything, and try to reproduce! (the bug
    I wish I had made note prior to crafting, but I never crafted before and didn't know about this bug. After it happened I came to the forums and found this thread. As I recall one dagger was a lowish level (7ish?) anarchic of something melee (no keen, no augment slots). The other was higher level (10ish maybe) and had caster stuff on it (paid no attention), only prefix and suffix with no augment slots. I'd try again, but I think I'm out of the right ingredients to make a keen shard again.

    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    so much necro
    Maybe, but it's still an issue and better to update here than start a new thread, I figured.
    Shiz - Ghallanda > Orien (Pharoah let my people go!)
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  14. #54
    Mmm... purple!
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    so much necro
    Yes, but the bug still persists and still wastes people's time and resources.

    If this isn't going to be fixed at the very least there should be an entry in the game's known issues that says if you craft keen on a weapon don't be surprised if it doesn't work. Then people would know not to do it. I learned this lesson the hard way three years ago and now I don't craft keen, but how are new players expected to know this?

  15. #55
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Default It's a Display Bug

    ************************************************** ************************************************** ***************

    Got on my main crafter and followed Kam's steps. AH dagger of random stats, deconed myself. Made the appropriate shards, Level 1, Force, and Keen.

    Applied level 1 and then Force, no problems. Applied Keen and noticed it did not note the effect in the description.


    The crit range on the weapon did change to 17-20. This is a display bug.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** ***************

    Edit: I still wouldn't craft any Keen onto red-slotted weapons until we hear for sure that that bug has been found and killed.
    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 04-18-2020 at 08:49 AM.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  16. #56
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    so much necro
    Since the issue still persists despite the devs being fully aware of it for years its not so much a dead thread being necroed as a slumbering monster awaiting some uninformed innocent to awaken it with a sacrifice of ingredients and goodwill.

    Thinking about it, it might be that giant scrag on Korthos. *nom nom nom* "Your tears of frustration are nourishing."
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  17. #57
    Mmm... purple!
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    ************************************************** ************************************************** ***************

    Got on my main crafter and followed Kam's steps. AH dagger of random stats, deconed myself. Made the appropriate shards, Level 1, Force, and Keen.

    Applied level 1 and then Force, no problems. Applied Keen and noticed it did not note the effect in the description.


    The crit range on the weapon did change to 17-20. This is a display bug.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** ***************

    Edit: I still wouldn't craft any Keen onto red-slotted weapons until we hear for sure that that bug has been found and killed.
    I'm glad that your item is still "working," despite the display error. This hasn't been the case for me. I crafted two weapons and they appeared to be working correctly until I logged out and back in again. After logging in both were reduced to +0 weapons with no effects on them, but still having the crafted minimum level (one ML6 with keen and light damage the other ML9 with good damage and undead bane). I'm not trying to start an argument here, just warning that the bug you experienced may not be exactly the same as the bug others have.
    Last edited by PurpleTimb; 04-23-2020 at 08:24 PM.

  18. #58
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    Cannith crafting has lots of hidden features waiting to be discovered.

    On the bright side it levels you up pretty quickly in the wailing and gnashing of teeth department.

    I farmed the mats for an unbound astute/search hat at max attributes. Then I foolishly crafted them onto a hat with a green slot, put a heavy fort aug into the slot and wham! bound to account.

    It's the things that are obvious upon reflection that are most agonizing at the point of discovery.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Since the issue still persists despite the devs being fully aware of it for years its not so much a dead thread being necroed as a slumbering monster awaiting some uninformed innocent to awaken it with a sacrifice of ingredients and goodwill.

    Thinking about it, it might be that giant scrag on Korthos. *nom nom nom* "Your tears of frustration are nourishing."
    Speaking of Tears of Frustration:

    3 years... 3 years of adding more code and assets rather than bothering to make the game actually work...
    That's It! I'm done being patient and forgiving.
    I regret spending money on this game and I'm not spending another cent until the devs give some sign that they actually care about making the game work.
    Last edited by Szling; 06-10-2020 at 12:36 PM.

  20. #60
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    so much necro
    as long as it is not fixed, no necro, duh
    storage solution suggestion: Collection

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