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  1. #1
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Default Information Needed: Keen

    Hey, folks.

    I'm working on a particular bug we've had reported in recent months. It seems to entail Cannith Crafted weapons with Keen added to them having most of their effects disappear (and their Minimum Level change) seemingly at random. We haven't been able to reproduce this internally, which in this case makes it difficult to tell if any changes we're making will impact the bug. We're looking for more information. Here's what we know, based on what we've gathered from bug reports and forum threads:

    • This happens to Cannith Crafted weapons.
    • Those weapons (in all reported cases) had Keen crafted onto the Suffix slot.
    • Keen is kinda buggy in its own right (we're working on that as well. It doesn't display effect information, among other things.)
    • All of the reports we've gotten had Red Slots on the items in question.
    • The vast majority had Meteoric Star Rubies in those slots at the time the effects were lost.
    • Many mentioned that the Shared Bank was involved (The item in question either being in the Shared Bank, or having recently been removed from it, when the effects disappeared).

    • Most mentioned both the Keen and whatever was in the Red Slot disappearing, but were less clear as to which other effects disappeared. (We would like to know specifically!)
    • Almost none mentioned exactly what the base craftable items were (Melee weapons? Ranged?) or where they found them (it can make a difference sometimes).
    • Almost none mentioned Bound or Unbound crafting specifically (this is also info we need to know).

    If you've experienced this bug, and can provide us with greater details about the item (including all the information mentioned above, even if yours doesn't match what's listed here), please post so here. It'll be a huge help in getting this bug fixed. In addition, we're looking for a few characters we can copy in order to take a look at affected gear - If you're interested in doing so, send me a PM with your character/server information, the relevant information about the broken item, and put it into your character's backpack in-game.
    We don't only build for the builds that exist.
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  2. #2
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    (...Now moved to a Forum section people other than me can reply in!)
    We don't only build for the builds that exist.
    We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.

    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

  3. #3
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Hey, folks.

    I'm working on a particular bug we've had reported in recent months. It seems to entail Cannith Crafted weapons with Keen added to them having most of their effects disappear (and their Minimum Level change) seemingly at random. We haven't been able to reproduce this internally, which in this case makes it difficult to tell if any changes we're making will impact the bug. We're looking for more information. Here's what we know, based on what we've gathered from bug reports and forum threads:

    • This happens to Cannith Crafted weapons.
    • Those weapons (in all reported cases) had Keen crafted onto the Suffix slot.
    • Keen is kinda buggy in its own right (we're working on that as well. It doesn't display effect information, among other things.)
    • All of the reports we've gotten had Red Slots on the items in question.
    • The vast majority had Meteoric Star Rubies in those slots at the time the effects were lost.
    • Many mentioned that the Shared Bank was involved (The item in question either being in the Shared Bank, or having recently been removed from it, when the effects disappeared).

    • Most mentioned both the Keen and whatever was in the Red Slot disappearing, but were less clear as to which other effects disappeared. (We would like to know specifically!)
    • Almost none mentioned exactly what the base craftable items were (Melee weapons? Ranged?) or where they found them (it can make a difference sometimes).
    • Almost none mentioned Bound or Unbound crafting specifically (this is also info we need to know).

    If you've experienced this bug, and can provide us with greater details about the item (including all the information mentioned above, even if yours doesn't match what's listed here), please post so here. It'll be a huge help in getting this bug fixed. In addition, we're looking for a few characters we can copy in order to take a look at affected gear - If you're interested in doing so, send me a PM with your character/server information, the relevant information about the broken item, and put it into your character's backpack in-game.

    I'mn not at home so can't screen shot but made a heavy repeater, ML4 I believe, which I put Light Damage and Pierce Damage on. I don't believe it even had a slot but I will double check that.

    As soon as I crafted it, it became ML23, totally inexplicably. I will post screenshots tonight here.
    good at business

  4. #4
    Community Member ChadB123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Hey, folks.

    I'm working on a particular bug we've had reported in recent months. It seems to entail Cannith Crafted weapons with Keen added to them having most of their effects disappear (and their Minimum Level change) seemingly at random. We haven't been able to reproduce this internally, which in this case makes it difficult to tell if any changes we're making will impact the bug. We're looking for more information. Here's what we know, based on what we've gathered from bug reports and forum threads:

    • This happens to Cannith Crafted weapons.
    • Those weapons (in all reported cases) had Keen crafted onto the Suffix slot.
    • Keen is kinda buggy in its own right (we're working on that as well. It doesn't display effect information, among other things.)
    • All of the reports we've gotten had Red Slots on the items in question.
    • The vast majority had Meteoric Star Rubies in those slots at the time the effects were lost.
    • Many mentioned that the Shared Bank was involved (The item in question either being in the Shared Bank, or having recently been removed from it, when the effects disappeared).

    • Most mentioned both the Keen and whatever was in the Red Slot disappearing, but were less clear as to which other effects disappeared. (We would like to know specifically!)
    • Almost none mentioned exactly what the base craftable items were (Melee weapons? Ranged?) or where they found them (it can make a difference sometimes).
    • Almost none mentioned Bound or Unbound crafting specifically (this is also info we need to know).

    If you've experienced this bug, and can provide us with greater details about the item (including all the information mentioned above, even if yours doesn't match what's listed here), please post so here. It'll be a huge help in getting this bug fixed. In addition, we're looking for a few characters we can copy in order to take a look at affected gear - If you're interested in doing so, send me a PM with your character/server information, the relevant information about the broken item, and put it into your character's backpack in-game.
    I crafted a BTA ML8 Greataxe with Keen and Stunning on it, but no augment slot. It was not in a shared bank, but equipped. I logged on a day after crafting and it was stripped of all effects. I no longer have the item.

  5. #5
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    If you've experienced this bug, and can provide us with greater details about the item (including all the information mentioned above, even if yours doesn't match what's listed here), please post so here.
    Many months ago I tested this to see if I could reproduce it. I did on the first try and sent in a bug report at that time. Therefore, you should already have the details from that incident, at least as one example. I don't have the bug report number written anywhere but I kept the screenshots. I kept the item until February or so but after that I figured it was taking up space for no good reason.

    As I recall, I bought the base item off the AH already disjuncted and ready to craft so I have no information where the base item originated. The item in question was a melee weapon, a bastard sword, it was of no special material and I did not bother crafting anything besides Keen on it nor putting anything in the Augment slot. I set out only test whether or not Keen was bugged.

    This is an image of the item after I first crafted on it in my test. As you can see by the critical threat range in the items details it has Keen crafted on it. Keen did not show up in the item's name nor does it says so in the item description but notably the Cannith Crafting Suffix Slot is missing (filled invisibly with Keen).

    I'm not sure if I used the Shared Bank at all on this item. I believe after I crafted it I immediately logged out of the game and logged back on the same character. After the first log out the item appeared thusly in my inventory:

    As you can see it became BTC, lost Keen, the augment slot, and the empty cannith crafting slots. It also strangely went from level 29 to level 22, but there is no obvious reason for it to even be that level because its even missing its enhancement bonus.

    I logged out and back on one more time to complete the test and then it became a BTC blank item with absolutely nothing on it. I either didn't make or didn't keep a screenshot of the completely zeroed out item.

    In case you missed it this was an example of BOUND TO ACCOUNT crafting.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  6. #6
    The Bashful Balladeer nazgul748's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Hey, folks.

    I'm working on a particular bug we've had reported in recent months. It seems to entail Cannith Crafted weapons with Keen added to them having most of their effects disappear (and their Minimum Level change) seemingly at random. We haven't been able to reproduce this internally, which in this case makes it difficult to tell if any changes we're making will impact the bug. We're looking for more information. Here's what we know, based on what we've gathered from bug reports and forum threads:

    • This happens to Cannith Crafted weapons.
    • Those weapons (in all reported cases) had Keen crafted onto the Suffix slot.
    • Keen is kinda buggy in its own right (we're working on that as well. It doesn't display effect information, among other things.)
    • All of the reports we've gotten had Red Slots on the items in question.
    • The vast majority had Meteoric Star Rubies in those slots at the time the effects were lost.
    • Many mentioned that the Shared Bank was involved (The item in question either being in the Shared Bank, or having recently been removed from it, when the effects disappeared).

    • Most mentioned both the Keen and whatever was in the Red Slot disappearing, but were less clear as to which other effects disappeared. (We would like to know specifically!)
    • Almost none mentioned exactly what the base craftable items were (Melee weapons? Ranged?) or where they found them (it can make a difference sometimes).
    • Almost none mentioned Bound or Unbound crafting specifically (this is also info we need to know).

    If you've experienced this bug, and can provide us with greater details about the item (including all the information mentioned above, even if yours doesn't match what's listed here), please post so here. It'll be a huge help in getting this bug fixed. In addition, we're looking for a few characters we can copy in order to take a look at affected gear - If you're interested in doing so, send me a PM with your character/server information, the relevant information about the broken item, and put it into your character's backpack in-game.
    I had this happen twice. Both times it was a melee weapon (Dwarven Axe) with a red slot. I bought them off the Shard Exchange. Crafted, bound to account, with Keen, Acid effect, and deadly in the extra slot (that may have been insightful, it's been awhile), with the Ruby of the Endless Night installed

    I was actually running a quest, switched to my ooze beaters and when I switched back to find all the effects and the red slot were gone. I was left with a blank weapon, even the icon had changed. It turned to a plain white background instead of the blue one that was present when I prepped it for crafting.

  7. #7
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    I still think this bug has to do with the automatic running scripts that update items upon login. I think keen is sometimes flagging an item then it gets changed upon next login. Otherwise, wouldn't the bug occur whenever the item is moved from bank to toon regardless of login/off?

    Thats one of the original threads about this problem/bug.
    Last edited by Mindos; 04-12-2017 at 07:13 PM.

  8. #8
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post

    Thats one of the original threads about this problem/bug.
    Thanks Mindos. That's the thread that I posted in fresh after testing the bug so the details there should be the most accurate. I post a lot so its difficult sometimes to find earlier posts, unless its my own thread.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  9. #9
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
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    Default wraps had same experience

    Crafted wraps (level 10) +4 Keen and Force with Vampirism and red ruby slot with meteor. Next time I logged in it was completely wiped. Not aware of this thread I made a second pair thinking maybe a one time fluke and it happened again but this time in stages...wiped part of the crafting one time and another log in wiped the rest off including the augment I sent in a bug report.

    I thought to myself, hmmm, maybe if I go to Stone of Change and bind it to character before logging out it might not get wiped. So made a 3rd pair (didn't put a meteor ruby in it but it did have the augment slot) and bound it at Stone of Change. I was delighted that in logging back in the wraps were still the same. I played 2 days with those wraps thinking I had found away around the issue. But logged in on the 3rd day and bam! It was wiped. Weird that it didn't wipe as quickly as the first two.

    Once they were in the bank, once not. I found that after logging back in is when they usually disappeared. First time on the first pair i logged in, the second time lasted a 2-4 logins before disappearing.

    Thanks for working on this.
    Last edited by Paisheng; 04-12-2017 at 11:00 PM. Reason: corrected info

  10. #10
    Mmm... purple!
    PurpleTimb's Avatar
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    I had this happen to a khopesh that had neither keen nor an augment slot.

    I crafted a ML 9 weapon using the Cannith crafting station on my airship. I crafted it with a Good shard and an Undead Bane shard. After logging out and back in the weapon changed to a +0 Khopesh with no effects on it. It retains it's bound to account status and the ML 9, but it has no bonus to hit and no prefix or suffix. The original item was a plain weapon I purchased from the auction house and disjuncted myself. There was neither an augment slot nor a metal type on the weapon.

    I did not place the item into a bank; it was in my character's backpack the entire time. I don't know if it matters or not, but the shards I used to craft the item were in my shared crafting storage and were auto-pulled into the crafting station from there, not in my character's inventory/bag.

  11. #11
    Mmm... purple!
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    I may be off base here, but I think that we should consider the possibility that the keen & red slot relationship is a red herring.

    I don't have any empirical evidence, but at lower levels I would guess that a larger than average percentage of crafted weapons would be made with the keen suffix for the simple reason there isn't much else worth as much damage as keen in levels before you take the improved critical feat. So too with red slots; as it doesn't add to the ML of a weapon anymore there's no reason not to craft a weapon with a red slot as long as you can find one.

    From Steelstar's post it does seem like there are issues with the keen attribute, but as the problem of disappearing crafting info isn't limited to that shard I think it wise to not get too focused on that one attribute.

  12. #12
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    (...Now moved to a Forum section people other than me can reply in!)
    *Chuckle* Yeah that always helps. Thanks for moving forward on this.

    I do still have the borked Repeater in my character's backpack.

    I don't recall where I got the base weapon, but I did decon it myself. I should have made more notes when the bug first hit me.

    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 04-13-2017 at 05:45 AM.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  13. #13
    Community Member kmoustakas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Hey, folks.

    I'm working on a particular bug we've had reported in recent months. It seems to entail Cannith Crafted weapons with Keen added to them having most of their effects disappear (and their Minimum Level change) seemingly at random. We haven't been able to reproduce this internally, which in this case makes it difficult to tell if any changes we're making will impact the bug. We're looking for more information. Here's what we know, based on what we've gathered from bug reports and forum threads:

    • This happens to Cannith Crafted weapons.
    • Those weapons (in all reported cases) had Keen crafted onto the Suffix slot.
    • Keen is kinda buggy in its own right (we're working on that as well. It doesn't display effect information, among other things.)
    • All of the reports we've gotten had Red Slots on the items in question.
    • The vast majority had Meteoric Star Rubies in those slots at the time the effects were lost.
    • Many mentioned that the Shared Bank was involved (The item in question either being in the Shared Bank, or having recently been removed from it, when the effects disappeared).

    • Most mentioned both the Keen and whatever was in the Red Slot disappearing, but were less clear as to which other effects disappeared. (We would like to know specifically!)
    • Almost none mentioned exactly what the base craftable items were (Melee weapons? Ranged?) or where they found them (it can make a difference sometimes).
    • Almost none mentioned Bound or Unbound crafting specifically (this is also info we need to know).

    If you've experienced this bug, and can provide us with greater details about the item (including all the information mentioned above, even if yours doesn't match what's listed here), please post so here. It'll be a huge help in getting this bug fixed. In addition, we're looking for a few characters we can copy in order to take a look at affected gear - If you're interested in doing so, send me a PM with your character/server information, the relevant information about the broken item, and put it into your character's backpack in-game.
    I was affected by this bug. I had an old cannith crafted item which I deconstructed under the new system. Before, it was a fire touch repeater with red slot meteoric and masterful. I made a minimum level 1 flaming repeater of keen if I remember correctly (+red slot with meteoric ruby). I made it on my crafter then moved it through shared bank to my artificer. When I went to pull it out of the bank it was a minimum level 4 with absolutely nothing on the description. Moved it to invetory, logged off, logged back in it was a minimum level 1 with nothing on it.

    The exact same thing happened with an old flametouched rapier with a red slot. Crafted it as a minimum level 1 flaming of keen and the exact same thing happened. Thankfully, I hadn't slotted anything on it.

    I wonder if the fact this was an old rand-gen rather than new rand-gen played a part? Or that the minimum level shard of the item was 1? Unfortunatelly this was quite some time ago and I no longer have the affected items (neither in my buyback, I checked).
    Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers

  14. #14
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Many months ago I tested this to see if I could reproduce it. I did on the first try and sent in a bug report at that time. Therefore, you should already have the details from that incident, at least as one example. I don't have the bug report number written anywhere but I kept the screenshots. I kept the item until February or so but after that I figured it was taking up space for no good reason.

    As I recall, I bought the base item off the AH already disjuncted and ready to craft so I have no information where the base item originated. The item in question was a melee weapon, a bastard sword, it was of no special material and I did not bother crafting anything besides Keen on it nor putting anything in the Augment slot. I set out only test whether or not Keen was bugged.

    This is an image of the item after I first crafted on it in my test. As you can see by the critical threat range in the items details it has Keen crafted on it. Keen did not show up in the item's name nor does it says so in the item description but notably the Cannith Crafting Suffix Slot is missing (filled invisibly with Keen).

    I'm not sure if I used the Shared Bank at all on this item. I believe after I crafted it I immediately logged out of the game and logged back on the same character. After the first log out the item appeared thusly in my inventory:

    As you can see it became BTC, lost Keen, the augment slot, and the empty cannith crafting slots. It also strangely went from level 29 to level 22, but there is no obvious reason for it to even be that level because its even missing its enhancement bonus.

    I logged out and back on one more time to complete the test and then it became a BTC blank item with absolutely nothing on it. I either didn't make or didn't keep a screenshot of the completely zeroed out item.

    In case you missed it this was an example of BOUND TO ACCOUNT crafting.
    I don't know if it matters...but check out the durability of the two images.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

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  15. #15
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loromir View Post
    I don't know if it matters...but check out the durability of the two images.
    Who knows? It might matter. Clearly behind the scenes something had to be making the item still think it was an epic weapon and specifically that level too. What I think is crazy weird is how does logging off make effects disappear? And more than once? Because shouldn't everything have happened after just one log out? Why did it go from level 29 to 22 after the first log out and then from 22 to nothing after the second log out? The whole thing is mind boggling.

    Has anyone tried crafting something on one of these jinxed blanks to see if happens again? Obviously you wouldn't have anything in the augment slot because thats gone but maybe we would then know if the bug is attached to the blank itself.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
    Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd

  16. #16
    The Hatchery IntrepidBear's Avatar
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    Default keen shard

    yes, had problem...

    Prepared a Great axe with empty red augment space for crafting.
    Added lvl 25 shard, no problem,
    Added 'extra', no problem,
    Added light effect damage shard, no problem,
    Added the suffix keen shard, it took it, but did not show at all on the weapon,
    cannot add a new suffix, have to re-prep the weapon for crafting was only solution,
    have not tried keen since,
    but would like to add it to a weapon someday...
    ~ Littlemama Whooopass ~
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  17. #17
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IntrepidBear View Post
    yes, had problem...

    Prepared a Great axe with empty red augment space for crafting.
    Added lvl 25 shard, no problem,
    Added 'extra', no problem,
    Added light effect damage shard, no problem,
    Added the suffix keen shard, it took it, but did not show at all on the weapon,
    cannot add a new suffix, have to re-prep the weapon for crafting was only solution,
    have not tried keen since,
    but would like to add it to a weapon someday...
    The keen applies, if you look at the crit range of the weapon it does increase. the suffix however does not display.

    I also just built a ML9 (since most of the issues seemed to be with low ML weapons) force/keen longsword with an empty red augment slot.

    logged off and back in, still good.

    put it in the shared bank, logged off, back on, still good.

    took it out of the bank, logged off, back on still good.

    Now many of the reported problems were with good/keen weapons, I was just short on the comps for good at the time so went with something else...

  18. #18
    The Hatchery IntrepidBear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenicis View Post
    The keen applies, if you look at the crit range of the weapon it does increase. the suffix however does not display.

    I also just built a ML9 (since most of the issues seemed to be with low ML weapons) force/keen longsword with an empty red augment slot.

    logged off and back in, still good.

    put it in the shared bank, logged off, back on, still good.

    took it out of the bank, logged off, back on still good.

    Now many of the reported problems were with good/keen weapons, I was just short on the comps for good at the time so went with something else...
    Dang... I'll have to remake one, (just used up all my essences tho, will have to wait a bit) .. thx for the heads up
    ~ Littlemama Whooopass ~
    MysticMountain DragonRiders

  19. #19
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    In my case, it was two items:

    Repeating Heavy Crossbow
    ML 2 on both items
    Seeker of Keen

    When I logged out for the day and logged in the next day, they were both +1 Seeker items with no slot
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  20. #20
    The Emperor Mornyngstar's Avatar
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    The base item was a densewood quarterstaff with red slot, unsure where I got it from. (have lots of similar items saved)

    Made it a Ml 20 Metalline, Aligned and Vampirism unbound. It lost the red slot at some point, unsure exactly when it happened.

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