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  1. #1
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Question Modern Monk Manufacturing

    Howdy all!

    It's been a long time since I've played a Monk, let alone built one. But... I had the hankering to go back and try one. But, I freely admit, I am behind the times on how to make an effective Monk nowadays. The Monk I have currently in existence is a Str-based, Fire Stance, handwraps monk. But, as I said - they've been parked for years.

    So I was wondering, what is the conventional wisdom (ha!) on how to best make a Monk these days? What race/stance/stats/enhancements... the whole shebang. I've read that Wind Stance is preferable for the double-strike, and that Water is also a pretty good option. What about weapons, handwraps or quarterstaff... short swords, kamas, or even long swords (with the feat)? I've seen the phrase Moncher around for years now - but have no idea what makes one work or are they fun to play.

    How to make the class workable?

    This is a general request on what makes a Monk work well in today's DDO. I don't have a lot of past lives to lean on, and Tomes have eluded me since this game launched - so I don't have a library of em, nor used a lot of em. I'd just like a peak at what people who know the class better then I do have going on - and then I'll perhaps cook up a build.

    Thanks in advance! I very much bow to your superior wisdom (ha!).
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  2. #2
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Hey Mem, so I'm no authority, but after some gearing my monk has been doing pretty well in EE and some R1-3 content at endgame, so here's what I've got:

    Handwraps build: Wis/Dex based seems to be the way to go. I'm human, but I would say that halfling is probably better (more starting Dex, penalty to a dump stat, small bonus to attack and saves). Enough Dex to get GTWF with whatever tomes you have, 16 or 18 Wis (+ level ups), whatever else you have into Con. Wis is where you're getting your DCs, and those are important for tougher content. Spend all my time in Ocean for the Dodge and Max Dodge (the bonus to DCs doesn't hurt). If I'm doing easier content where my survivability isn't a real issue, I'm in Wind for the extra doublestrike.

    Skipped Power Attack in favor of Precision, but could see someone taking Combat Expertise instead.

    As for enhancements, 41 points in Shintao for the capstone (I took Elemental Curatives for Lesser Resto and Remove Curse, Deft Strikes, Ki Shout--for when I want aggro--, the whole chain of Smite Tainted Creature up to Kukan-Do, Iron Skin, Conditioning, Fists of Iron, 2 Wis, Instinctive Defense, and all of tier 5 except Violence Begets Violence); Ninja Spy cores to Shadow Veil, Subtlety, Stealthy (for the Ki gen when sneaking), Acrobatic (would drop this if I could hit Dodge cap without it), Agility and some SA Training. Torn on whether I want No Mercy more than I want more Melee Power from Henshin. Speaking of, I went first 4 cores, Way of the Tortoise (but can see other options being preferable), filler to get AP spent, Unbalancing Strike, Contemplation for passive Ki regen (not a necessity, but good to have), filler for AP spent, Focus. Could definitely see dropping some points from Henshin to get No Mercy in Ninja Spy and/or some racial enhancements.

    Other than GTWF, Improved Crit, and Stunning Fist, I think your heroic feats are pretty open to taste. For epics, definitely want the monk ones (although it seems like Vorpal Strikes is broken and not applying the vorpal ability, but having slashing is helpful in places), and Epic TWF. I really like Dire Charge.

    In Ocean, my monk has a Dodge/Max Dodge of 50, AC is around 120 (could be higher with some gear, and a swap to Combat Expertise), but I don't know how valuable that actually is, and PRR is a little under 100 (again, gear). Got my DCs to just over 100, which lands solidly in most content I've played. I prefer GMoFlowers for destiny, with Balanced Attacks twisted in. About 120 melee power, and around 40% doublestrike in Ocean, with some room to improve. With a Devotion item and ranks in Heal, Fists of Light finisher hits me for about 600-700. More gear could put that higher. Typically just use FoL most of the time. Stunning Fist, Kukan-Do, and Dire Charge for CC, Tomb of Jade on susceptible bosses, especially tough monsters (champions especially), and stuff immune to stunning. Jade Strike on anything with a lot of HP and a chance of having Fortification. Unbalancing Strike if I have aggro, or if I'm beating on something with someone else who might have sneak attack damage. Sometimes cycle Earth IV and Fists of Iron with 3x Earth finisher on bosses. Or cycle Iron, Unbalancing, Light, if I'm being lazy for a little extra damage.

    Monkcher: Monk with a bow, used to be something like 12 monk/6 ranger, or 12 ranger/6 monk, but with the change to Ten Thousand Stars (doubleshot equal to 5x monk level, Ranged Power equal to Wis score), more monk levels is better. I have had both the ranger-heavy and monk-heavy versions and liked them both. Ranger gets some better self-healing and access to deeper Deepwood Stalker enhancements, while the monk-heavy version gets Improved Evasion and Abundant Step as notables. I think you could probably do a solid pure monk archer, but my inclination would still be to take at least 2 levels in ranger or something else. For this, you would want to be an elf or half-elf for access to the Arcane Archer tree/capstone, going Wis/Dex based for attack/damage, respectively. Go all-in on archery feats, 41 points in AA, the 14 requisite points in h/elf to get AA unlocked, and then you have some decisions to make, like whether you want Shadow Veil for defense from NiS, Contemplation from HeM for passive Ki regeneration (important!). Always in Greater Ocean stance for the passive Ki gen. Since you're using a bow, you don't get any on-hit Ki, and you need to have enough coming in to hit 10K Stars when its off cooldown, plus Shadow Veil if you have it.

    This basically cycles 10k Stars and Manyshot for bursty DPS with a lot of up-time, along with enough Wis for a reasonable DC on Paralyzing Arrows.

    Recommend picking one elemental arrow imbue and improving that with extra dice, then work a spell power item into your gear for that element. Use Force Arrows as a backup for highly resistant/immune enemies. Plink away, stay safe, have fun.

    There are versions/variants that work in shuriken throwing, since there's a lot of overlap, and it looks like you get more shots with throwers when Manyshot is on timer than you do with bows, but I can't be bothered to juggle that. I really liked my archer--TR'ed him to pure ranger for a life, and not sure what my final plan is--and archers are easier to take through tough content undergeared than probably any other character: you need to-hit, some HP, and DPS. Don't need to worry about DCs or defenses all that much.

    Just note that archers are very weak early in the game. The benefit of the 6 ranger levels is in having free TWF and ITWF, plus getting Manyshot ASAP. Without that, I would probably spend the first several levels leaning on Ninja Spy Dex for to-hit and damage with some melee weapon (probably a quarterstaff if NiS works with that). Ranged attack speed is just soooo slooow to begin with. However, I have played the character from level 1 using only a bow, and it was doable. Definitely easier in a decent party than solo.
    Last edited by sephiroth1084; 04-09-2017 at 10:18 PM.
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  3. #3
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    I'm certainly no monk expert, but I've been theory crafting a few different monk builds recently so I can share a bit of what I've learned.

    All types of melee monks can get dex to hit and damage, so there really isn't a reason to go str based, although you still might want to with the right kind of multiclass build (e.g. something using divine might).

    Henshin now makes for a decent staff build. While I don't believe splashing is mandatory now, I don't know if it is desirable for any reason. I haven't theory crafted any staff monks, so I can't really comment further on them.

    Handwrap monks are much more viable now with a boost to both crit range and multiplier in shintao tier 5. Weaponized monks got the short end of the stick during the monk pass. The ninja spy tree is still rather lackluster and the crit multiplier is in the capstone, so it's a long wait to get it.

    Henshin offers 10 melee power in each core, so a handwrap monk using shintao primarily, or a weaponized monk using ninja spy primarily, will want to invest heavily (i.e. 21 AP) into henshin for 40 melee power (and 12 PRR).

    Iron skin (shintao tier 2) was changed to grant 5/10/20 PRR and not be dependent upon earth stance, so it's available to all. Shadow fade (or whatever it's called, the ninja spy core 3) is still awesome.

    Both handwrap and weaponized monks have good reason to go wis based for DCs, while not neglecting dex or con.

    Whirlwind attack still only works (well) with handwraps but also still requires a five feat investment, so it's questionable whether it's worth it.

    Racial choices are pretty open for melee monks.

    Fire stance is the best option to build ki. Wind stance is the best option for dps. Earth stance is the best option for defense. Water is primarily used by monkchers and shuriken builds to generate passive ki since ranged attacks do not generate ki. The contemplation enhancement (henshin tier 2) and enlightenment (grandmaster of flowers tier 1) both also generate passive ki and are good options for ranged monks, especially if they want to use a stance other than water.

    A monkcher is a bow wielding monk (requires the feat zen archery to stay centered with a bow). These builds will take both manyshot and ten thousand stars, both of which will work with a bow. Some monkchers multiclass with ranger for free feats. The racial arcane archer tree from elf, half-elf, or morninglord is the preferred tree so that a monk, whether multiclassed or not, can get the AA capstone.

    Shuriken builds will want to go dex based with wis and con secondary. The second ninja spy core and shuriken expertise both allow you a percentage chance to throw an extra shuriken based on you dex score, and they stack. This means you can throw up to 3 shuriken per throwing animation, and up to two more with ten thousand stars and your normal doubleshot. So dex is far and away the most important stat for a shuriken build. Ten thousand stars grants doubleshot equal to your monk level times five, so the more monk levels the better. However, ranger's deepwood stalker and rogue's mechanic offer permanent doubleshot and/or ranged power. From what I've read, the multiclass builds will out-dps the pure monk shuriken builds, but the pures are still viable. Ninja spy is the tree for pure shuriken monks. The capstone grants +1 crit multiplier while tier five grants +2 crit range to shuriken. For multiclass builds, kensai core 3 (6 levels minimum) grants +1 crit multiplier while halfling tier 4 (16 AP minimum) grants +1 crit range with thrown weapons. Shuriken throwing speed caps out at 84 animations per minute, so stacking more and more ranged alacrity eventually becomes pointless. I do not know what the ideal combination is.

    If I understand correctly, the secondary imbues in arcane archer (e.g. elemental arrows) currently (and have for a very long time now) work with thrown weapons, but it has been dev confirmed that they aren't supposed to. Many ranged monks will therefore build for both bow and shuriken with the AA tree.

    The best destinies for melee monks are grandmaster of flowers or dreadnaught. For monkchers who take tier five in AA for slayer arrow, fury is ideal for furyshotting. For shuriken builds, primal avatar is good for trash and CC while dreadnaught or fury are good for boss dps.

    I think that about sums up my recent research on monks. Hopefully someone will correct me if any of it is wrong.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  4. #4
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    Torn on whether I want No Mercy more than I want more Melee Power from Henshin.
    I debated this as well and decided the permanent benefit of melee power was more valuable than the conditional and limited (i.e. doesn't affect boss dps) benefit of more helpless damage. But again, I'm only theory crafting. Heh, I haven't even played in about six months or so.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  5. #5
    Community Member Gargoyle69's Avatar
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    Well I'm not sure that there's a lot left to say, Sephi & CThru have painted a pretty complete picture already !

    My take in a nutshell of the current state of monks after the pass is:
    * For melee, unarmed is currently in best place. Go Wis then Dex then Con then Int, Human for the extra feat and Hamp, and stay pure monk. Pick up Stunning Fist, the WWA line (can now get by L6), GTWF, Imp Crit and Precision and that's your heroic feats. At least 11 in Henshin for 30 MP, at least 11 in Ninja for Shadow Veil, and at least 41 in Shintao for cap and T5s, remainder into Human and/or Harper for KtA. Run in Earth for physical defense, Ocean for defense vs magic & traps, Fire for offense & Ki (if needed), Air for dps.

    * For ranged, you have two choices: chuckers (shurikens) and monkchers (bows). Be human again, or drow for shurikens, or gnome for Wis bonus. Go all out Wis & Dex and stay pure monk, 6 monk / 6 ranger / 8 fighter, or 14 monk / 6 ranger. Pick up all the usual ranged feats plus Ten Thousand Stars. Spend most points in Ninja if pure monk, or AA / DWS if monk / ranger (T5 in AA), add points in Kensai if going with fighter. Run in Ocean Stance for passive Ki regen and combine with either Contemplation (T2 Henshin) or Enlightenment (T1 GMoF) for enough ki to use TTS on CD. Fury if bows (Manyshot + Dmg Boost + Unbridled Fury = any boss dead in a few seconds), Shiradi for shurikens (Manyshot/TTS + Dmg Boost + Shiradi Procs = DPS + CC spam filling your screen).

    Not sure I've really added much to the two above but there you go.

  6. #6
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    I did monk as a deep gnome
    See dark Phoenix and dark shaman in monk
    For Shintao and henshin versions

    But most monk builds are wisdom, dex, con
    Feats are general set list
    Gear makes the difference
    The Shintao stunning fist build I would recommend
    It rocks
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  7. #7
    Community Member nomaddog's Avatar
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    Hey Mem,

    I've got a monk in the other guild. If you wanna chat some time, I'd be more than happy to go over what I have. I'm usually on around 9pm your time. Not sure if that's too late for you. Let me know.
    Livestream at

    High Rollers Alts: Brighton, Compleat, Aggrotech
    +5 to Sexterity Alts: Ruffintumble, Soulmistress, Spellmann

  8. #8
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CThruTheEgo View Post
    Earth stance is the best option for defense. Water is primarily used by monkchers and shuriken builds to generate passive ki since ranged attacks do not generate ki.
    Do you think Earth is better than Ocean for defense? Is +20% AC and +15 PRR better than +12 Dodge/+8 Dodge cap and +5 to saves? AC seems like its hard to get a lock on how effective a point is, but depending on where you are with PRR, +15 is probably about a 5% reduction in actual damage taken, whereas, just looking at the Dodge cap increase, that's an 8% bump, right? This was my thinking anyway.

    For monkchers who take tier five in AA for slayer arrow, fury is ideal for furyshotting.
    Shiradi is also solid for archers if for no other reason than Nerve Venom, especially if you don't have the stats/gear to get Paralyzing Arrows into reasonable range. I would rather have a 7% chance to activate while firing with Elemental Imbued Arrows for DPS than have a 5% (rolled 1) chance without the Elemental Imbue or have both the 7% and 5% active for when I really need stuff to get stuck. Plus, Shiradi gives both more ranged power (24 vs. 6) and some additional base damage and to-hit on your ranged attacks. Fury is far and away the better destiny for boss DPS and parties that already have solid crowd control, but if the group is a bit lackluster in CC, or the boss fights aren't your biggest concern for a quest, I would go with Shiradi. Also, LD is probably (not definitely) best for a prolonged beatdown fight, or a quest with a lot of stuff to kill that is immune to your CC (I liked running Blitz in Wiz-King, for example).

    On my archer, I have Sense Weakeness twisted in for extra damage vs. enemies made "helpless" by Pin, Otto's Whistler, and Nerve Venom.
    I think that about sums up my recent research on monks. Hopefully someone will correct me if any of it is wrong.
    You make a lot of great points!
    Quote Originally Posted by CThruTheEgo View Post
    I debated this as well and decided the permanent benefit of melee power was more valuable than the conditional and limited (i.e. doesn't affect boss dps) benefit of more helpless damage. But again, I'm only theory crafting. Heh, I haven't even played in about six months or so.
    I think that was my thinking as well.

    What are you looking at in terms of twists on the wraps monk? I went Balanced Attacks, Lithe, Legendary Tactics, and Brace for Impact, but think I would prefer Sense Weakness, Balanced Attacks, Legendary Tactics, and either Unearthly Reactions or Dragonhide if/when I have enough fate points to do a 4/3/1/1. Still up in the air on these.
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  9. #9
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    How good is Whirlwind Attack really?
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  10. #10
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    Do you think Earth is better than Ocean for defense? Is +20% AC and +15 PRR better than +12 Dodge/+8 Dodge cap and +5 to saves? AC seems like its hard to get a lock on how effective a point is, but depending on where you are with PRR, +15 is probably about a 5% reduction in actual damage taken, whereas, just looking at the Dodge cap increase, that's an 8% bump, right? This was my thinking anyway.
    You may be right about this. As I mentioned, I haven't even played DDO in about 6 months. So my knowledge is based solely on what I've read from others. You have an actual build, so you probably know better than I do.

    Earth also gets the hp boost. However, damage avoidance may be more valuable in reaper than damage mitigation. Again, I haven't played reaper so I have no idea about current game conditions. 50% dodge is pretty sexy though, I gotta admit, especially with 25% incorp on top of it. I had near that on my assassin along with 25% incorp and constant displacement for a total miss chance of about 80%. It's fun being untouchable.

    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    Shiradi is also solid for archers if for no other reason than Nerve Venom, especially if you don't have the stats/gear to get Paralyzing Arrows into reasonable range. I would rather have a 7% chance to activate while firing with Elemental Imbued Arrows for DPS than have a 5% (rolled 1) chance without the Elemental Imbue or have both the 7% and 5% active for when I really need stuff to get stuck. Plus, Shiradi gives both more ranged power (24 vs. 6) and some additional base damage and to-hit on your ranged attacks. Fury is far and away the better destiny for boss DPS and parties that already have solid crowd control, but if the group is a bit lackluster in CC, or the boss fights aren't your biggest concern for a quest, I would go with Shiradi. Also, LD is probably (not definitely) best for a prolonged beatdown fight, or a quest with a lot of stuff to kill that is immune to your CC (I liked running Blitz in Wiz-King, for example).

    On my archer, I have Sense Weakeness twisted in for extra damage vs. enemies made "helpless" by Pin, Otto's Whistler, and Nerve Venom.
    All good points. I agree with all of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    I think that was my thinking as well.

    What are you looking at in terms of twists on the wraps monk? I went Balanced Attacks, Lithe, Legendary Tactics, and Brace for Impact, but think I would prefer Sense Weakness, Balanced Attacks, Legendary Tactics, and either Unearthly Reactions or Dragonhide if/when I have enough fate points to do a 4/3/1/1. Still up in the air on these.
    Assuming running in grandmaster of flowers, I'd go with sense weakness, balanced attacks, legendary tactics, and extra action boost. That was my plan on a human monk, so it would have melee power boost from ninja spy and human damage boost. Even though these cannot be activated simultaneously anymore, that's a total of 18 action boosts for much sustained oomph.

    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    How good is Whirlwind Attack really?
    Again, theory-crafting, so I don't know. I do know that whirlwind attack is gimp for use with weapons. If I understand correctly (someone please correct me if this is wrong), it still works with handwraps and hits more than once even against single targets. That means the only build that would use whirlwind attack is a handwrap monk. There is no other build that should or would bother with it. For that reason alone, if I ever do play an unarmed monk, I'll take whirlwind attack just to try it out because it might be my only opportunity to do so. It's certainly not mandatory and is even questionable with the five feat (and 13 int requirement of combat expertise) investment. I've seen some builds take it and others not.

    Also, something else I forgot to include in my initial post, due to synergy between the monk trees and different fighting styles, handwrap monks will (pretty much always) go fists of light, weaponized monks make more sense with fists of darkness but can go fists of light, and staff monks can go either, although have better synergy with fists of light.
    Last edited by CThruTheEgo; 04-10-2017 at 03:44 PM.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  11. #11
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CThruTheEgo View Post
    You may be right about this. As I mentioned, I haven't even played DDO in about 6 months. So my knowledge is based solely on what I've read from others. You have an actual build, so you probably know better than I do.

    Earth also gets the hp boost. However, damage avoidance may be more valuable in reaper than damage mitigation. Again, I haven't played reaper so I have no idea about current game conditions. 50% dodge is pretty sexy though, I gotta admit, especially with 25% incorp on top of it. I had near that on my assassin along with 25% incorp and constant displacement for a total miss chance of about 80%. It's fun being untouchable.
    When I was in Unyielding Sentinel, I could take a hit on EE or R1 some of the time, as I had 1500 HP, but in other destinies I'm around 950, and often one blow is all it takes to drop me, so maximizing avoidance seemed like the way to go. I don't have Displacement (although Elf might be a good way to go for that), but I do have an item with Lesser Displacement 25% on it. On another race, and maybe with some other Destiny tweaks, I could get Dodge to 53% or higher, but I'm not sure the investment would be worthwhile at that point. Right now, I'm trying to figure out what level of AC is actually meaningful in reaper and EE/LE content.

    The +4 Con from Earth is nice, but 60 HP isn't going to make or break anything most of the time.

    Assuming running in grandmaster of flowers, I'd go with sense weakness, balanced attacks, legendary tactics, and extra action boost. That was my plan on a human monk, so it would have melee power boost from ninja spy and human damage boost. Even though these cannot be activated simultaneously anymore, that's a total of 18 action boosts for much sustained oomph.
    I'm not a huge fan of Action Boosts, I guess, and didn't have the spare AP to spend in Human, but can see taking Extra Action Boost in a twist. My reasoning on Unearthly Reactions is that I wasn't hitting over 80 Reflex without it, and it's my understanding that that is the watermark for no-fail in most endgame stuff. Plus, 3% Dodge there is probably saving me either 3 AP in class enhancements, or 3 points in GMOF to spend on something else. As for my thought of Dragonhide, if I can get no-fail-on-1 Fort via a twist, then I can afford the same for Will in the GMOF tree.

    While DPS is important, I find that the real issue in reaper and EE/LE is survivability, so that's what I've been aiming at shoring up.

    Again, theory-crafting, so I don't know. I do know that whirlwind attack is gimp for use with weapons. If I understand correctly (someone please correct me if this is wrong), it still works with handwraps and hits more than once even against single targets. That means the only build that would use whirlwind attack is a handwrap monk. There is no other build that should or would bother with it. For that reason alone, if I ever do play an unarmed monk, I'll take whirlwind attack just to try it out because it might be my only opportunity to do so. It's certainly not mandatory and is even questionable with the five feat (and 13 int requirement of combat expertise) investment. I've seen some builds take it and others not.
    May have to try this out...

    Also also, due to synergy between the monk trees and different fighting styles, handwrap monks will (pretty much always) go fists of light, weaponized monks make more sense with fists of darkness but can go fists of light, and staff monks can go either, although have better synergy with fists of light.
    Oh, yeah, I would definitely recommend Fist of Light over Darkness on any build at this point. The healing is just too valuable, not to mention the flexibility on buffs you get. Casters really like a 25% SP discount (15% if they already have 10 from something like Pansophic, I think), and it's nice to gain stun-immunity for the few places where that's relevant (maruts spring to mind), although it does not work for the end fight of Rackam's Trial.
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by CThruTheEgo View Post
    Also, something else I forgot to include in my initial post, the damage portion of know the angles is not currently working with wraps, but the DC bonus is. So this has to be taken into account when considering whether or not it is worth investing in.
    The damage and DC boost from kta both work with wraps since the handwrap overhaul

  13. #13
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peng View Post
    The damage and DC boost from kta both work with wraps since the handwrap overhaul
    Nice. Wiki needs updating then. Thanks for the info.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  14. #14
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    To all:

    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  15. #15
    Community Member Gargoyle69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    How good is Whirlwind Attack really?
    Quote Originally Posted by CThruTheEgo View Post
    Again, theory-crafting, so I don't know. I do know that whirlwind attack is gimp for use with weapons. If I understand correctly (someone please correct me if this is wrong), it still works with handwraps and hits more than once even against single targets. That means the only build that would use whirlwind attack is a handwrap monk. There is no other build that should or would bother with it. For that reason alone, if I ever do play an unarmed monk, I'll take whirlwind attack just to try it out because it might be my only opportunity to do so. It's certainly not mandatory and is even questionable with the five feat (and 13 int requirement of combat expertise) investment. I've seen some builds take it and others not.
    CThru is correct, it is sub-optimal on weapons builds, but on wraps builds it's sheer brilliance. I've played several monk lives with it and now I won't play wraps builds without it, it's that strong. Even after the wraps recoding, it still hits multiple times on everything around you and even with such a short cooldown I find I'm hovering over the key waiting for it to light up again every time. Even when you're not AoE-ing, it's a significant DPS boost on just a single target, and if used on a target marked by your Fists of Light healing curse, it's a nice trickle of green numbers too.

    Also, for people who say the feat investment is steep, yes it is, but IMHO it's totally worth it. 7% Dodge plus 10% AC (stacks with the 20% from Earth Stance) and gives access to 20 PRR in Epics, might not be enough to justify it on it's own if WWA weren't then available on top of it. But combine with WWA and it's a lay down Misere IMHO.

  16. #16
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    To all:'re welcome...although I'm not sure I want a "thank you" from Hannibal Lechter. Way to make it creepy, Memnir. Way to make it creepy.

    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  17. #17


    Henshin is fun with SWF, not a staff! If pure monk, then go tier 5 Henshin and ninja capstone. PSWF gives you an instakill 10% of hits with void strike on all non-bosses; it is insanely fun (using this now) and noticeable in the tougher content with HP bag mobs. If splashing, maybe 6 henshin/14 paladin for holysword on a Brush hook; or perhaps do WSS and just use an Oathblade for great base W damage and crit range.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  18. #18
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    Way to make it creepy, Memnir. Way to make it creepy.

    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  19. #19
    Community Member ThreadNecromancer's Avatar
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    Whirlwind Attack is awesome on a handwrap monk. Combine it with a solid DC on Dire Charge and watch all the big numbers fly around. I have so much fun with that combo.

    Also, I'm finding that I do loads of damage when I combine the sneak attack dice from Ninja with the sneak attack dice from the halfelf rogue dilly, plus Scion of Ethereal.

    You can pretty much figure out my build from those two sentences. Although, my twists/destiny aren't what you'd expect. I took Epic Reflexes to get the no-fail on a 1 roll for reflex... and...

    I have Piercing Clarity (4), A Dance of Flowers(1), Dragonhide(1), Unearthly Reactions(1), and Impregnable Mind(1).

    That's no-fail-on-1-rolls for every save, plus tumbling thru enemies (which is handier than you'd think) and incorp/conceal/fort bypass for sneak attacks and crits. I'm also running in Shadowdancer for the level drain immunity and more fort bypass, plus more sneak dice, and +6 Dex.

    On second thought, Legendary Tactics may be better than Unearthly Reactions. DC bumps are awesome, it put my Fist at 83, Jade at 88, Charge at 91. That's enough for me.
    Last edited by ThreadNecromancer; 04-11-2017 at 08:11 PM.

  20. #20
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    Are there any updated links for handwraps, wisdom (stun dc), whirlwind, Human monks ?
    I got +3 tomes all around, so how much dex/str/int do I need ?

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