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Two ways to redo E Aura to be more melee-centric:
1. Have it be a damage shield that both prevents and does damage, albeit at a significantly lower level for each than the current aura. Maybe does half-Eldritch Blast damage when struck and prevents a quarter of Eldritch Blast damage level, both scaling with melee power not spell damage.
2. Have it be a passive cleave that does non-active damage (auto attacks and twitch attacks) to every mob in melee range in a 360 radius around the Warlock. Have the range be determined by the weapon(s) in hand - so a Greatsword, Maul or Staff has maximum range and Swords, Axes, Maces, etc, have medium range, and Shortswords, Daggers and Handwraps have lowest range.
Now throw in Eldritch Burst and Spirit Blast as 360 cleaves with the same range requirements and you have a melee-centric Enlightened Spirit unlikely to be exploitable via TWF or Monk split.