Hello all, the guild Equip Bees is looking for new members. A brief about the guild, we're a small small guild, (Only 2 of us right now) that is now looking to expand to do more content. Right now we're casual, as you'd expect of two people, but wish to start trying end game content and all the other fun things DDO has on offer. The guild leador, Kreytor, has been playing the game on and off for a few years now, and I, Aisira, have been playing on and off since DDO came out. You can find us on either those characters or the ones we're currently leveling Taraxon and Psirillian. We do have an airship, the best one Astral Shards can buy (Kreytor couldn't help himself) and at level 38 we have all the amenities we can get at that level. We're looking for pretty much anyone that wants to join a guild. So PM us on the characters above if you're interested.
*A quick note: Kreytor handles most of the guild interaction since I have some social phobias. Don't worry though, after I get used to more people, I'll be just as active as everyone, just takes me some time.
*Quick note 2: This is probably not a guild for kids, as we do have a discord and we aren't exactly innocent, we can be rather foul mouthed in fact lol. So keep that in mind.
Thanks for your time everyone ^.^