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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default A specific request. (Party of 5?)

    I haven't played DDO in quite some time, but I remember enjoying it a fair amount- even with the mostly lonely setting. (I've been in a few guilds over the years but they haven't quite filled the niche I was hoping for- through no fault of their own.)

    What I am looking for: Party of 5. (Well... 4+ me.)
    I'd like to find 4 people that fit these qualities:

    Play the game often. (I tend to play computer games every evening, and sometimes on weekend mornings- with few exceptions.)
    Play between 7pm-10pm Central US time. (Weekends would be even better.)
    Use Teamspeak or Ventrilo. (I have a personal teamspeak server, but just the ventrilo client.)
    Play the game at a casual pace. (Smell the roses a bit, willing to laugh with the failures as much as the successes.)
    Play the game for a challenge. (I've made plenty of min/maxed characters that chew through content at light speed...but that necessarily shortens the fun.)
    Have access to most or all of the content. (not worried about VIP.. but it does make it easier.)
    Willing to roll a character expressly/solely for the purpose of rolling with the "Party of 5."
    (Not really interested in Hardcore "Delete on Death" characters that I've heard of... dying hysterically is part of the fun sometimes.)
    Since I would be rolling a new character, and not giving it anything from any of my other characters- I'm not bound to any particular server.

    Basically to put what I envision into words is five average, if a little designed towards their class, characters that, combined, solve all of the problems we might encounter- taking on dungeons in an organic manner. All while laughing and enjoying the challenge.
    I don't even care who is, or if there is a party leader. I just want to have fun. (Not having every dungeon memorized would also be a bonus- I like problem solving.)

    (What I expressly don't want is marathon dungeons where people are competing for most KBs, or doing mechanical "dungeon runs.")

    So there it is. I haven't played in a long time, and don't currently play. (Though it is up to date) So I'm not really at a loss putting this out there, I hope to get interest in such a party and pick the game back up.

    I would prefer to be a druid, whatever role left to be filled- but I can play the part of trapper or whathaveyou. Basically, I'm just so tired of playing effectively alone.

    Thoughts? Interest?

  2. #2
    Community Member ShinobiKitten's Avatar
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    Nov 2014


    From my guild, theres about 4 of us that i know are vip and have access to all content but only 2 of us are on nearly daily. The 2 of us who are on nearly daily have both been playing about 6 years and know most quests pre-wheloon update fairly well, though there are some things we havent done much (ex. i dont know restless isles at all - never even done 1 quest). we tend to build characters that compliment each others since we typically run just us two, or with other guildies, and only join lfms when we're having trouble. ex, last life he was a clr who could grab aggro and i was an uber-dps rogue lol. im not sure that we can provide exactly what you are looking for but we like to play the game to enjoy the game and don't like zerging ahead, leaving enemies behind, etc and try to do all opts and such. if you ever want to join us or want us to join you in playing in game, let me know and we'd love to c: we both play on Cannith and my main is Zylitsuki. lately, hes been playing on Necrofist.
    Leader of The Thousand Swords, a Cannith-based guild. We are always recruiting people who enjoy playing the game as much as we do. Contact 'Zylitsuki' in game for more info.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by SavySolo View Post
    From my guild, theres about 4 of us that i know are vip and have access to all content but only 2 of us are on nearly daily. The 2 of us who are on nearly daily have both been playing about 6 years and know most quests pre-wheloon update fairly well, though there are some things we havent done much (ex. i dont know restless isles at all - never even done 1 quest). we tend to build characters that compliment each others since we typically run just us two, or with other guildies, and only join lfms when we're having trouble. ex, last life he was a clr who could grab aggro and i was an uber-dps rogue lol. im not sure that we can provide exactly what you are looking for but we like to play the game to enjoy the game and don't like zerging ahead, leaving enemies behind, etc and try to do all opts and such. if you ever want to join us or want us to join you in playing in game, let me know and we'd love to c: we both play on Cannith and my main is Zylitsuki. lately, hes been playing on Necrofist.
    Sent you a PM.

  4. #4
    Sovereign Vorpal Halfling of Supreme Good scipiojedi's Avatar
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    Dec 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by LivusWyren View Post
    I haven't played DDO in quite some time, but I remember enjoying it a fair amount- even with the mostly lonely setting. (I've been in a few guilds over the years but they haven't quite filled the niche I was hoping for- through no fault of their own.)

    What I am looking for: Party of 5. (Well... 4+ me.)
    I'd like to find 4 people that fit these qualities:

    Play the game often. (I tend to play computer games every evening, and sometimes on weekend mornings- with few exceptions.)
    Play between 7pm-10pm Central US time. (Weekends would be even better.)
    Use Teamspeak or Ventrilo. (I have a personal teamspeak server, but just the ventrilo client.)
    Play the game at a casual pace. (Smell the roses a bit, willing to laugh with the failures as much as the successes.)
    Play the game for a challenge. (I've made plenty of min/maxed characters that chew through content at light speed...but that necessarily shortens the fun.)
    Have access to most or all of the content. (not worried about VIP.. but it does make it easier.)
    Willing to roll a character expressly/solely for the purpose of rolling with the "Party of 5."
    (Not really interested in Hardcore "Delete on Death" characters that I've heard of... dying hysterically is part of the fun sometimes.)
    Since I would be rolling a new character, and not giving it anything from any of my other characters- I'm not bound to any particular server.

    Basically to put what I envision into words is five average, if a little designed towards their class, characters that, combined, solve all of the problems we might encounter- taking on dungeons in an organic manner. All while laughing and enjoying the challenge.
    I don't even care who is, or if there is a party leader. I just want to have fun. (Not having every dungeon memorized would also be a bonus- I like problem solving.)

    (What I expressly don't want is marathon dungeons where people are competing for most KBs, or doing mechanical "dungeon runs.")

    So there it is. I haven't played in a long time, and don't currently play. (Though it is up to date) So I'm not really at a loss putting this out there, I hope to get interest in such a party and pick the game back up.

    I would prefer to be a druid, whatever role left to be filled- but I can play the part of trapper or whathaveyou. Basically, I'm just so tired of playing effectively alone.

    Thoughts? Interest?
    Sounds like what you want is a static group, could post in the static group section of the forum as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Working for free makes it very difficult to spend money on swords.
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    -My main is Jobus on Khyber but I do play my alts regularly -

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