If you're trying to do this on a first life without tomes, this is probably the easiest option:
Human Shintao
Monk 20
Lawful Neutral Human
32pt Level Up
---- --------
Strength 8 4: DEX
Dexterity 15 8: DEX
Constitution 14 12: WIS
Intelligence 13 16: WIS
Wisdom 17 20: WIS
Charisma 8 24: WIS
28: WIS
Feats (Errors)
1 : Dodge
1 Human : Mobility
1 Monk : Two Weapon Fighting
2 Monk : Stunning Fist
3 : Combat Expertise
3 Monk : Path of Harmonious Balance
6 : Whirlwind Attack
6 Monk : Spring Attack
9 : Improved Two Weapon Fighting
12 : Improved Critical: Bludgeoning
15 : Greater Two Weapon Fighting
18 : Precision
21 Epic : Overwhelming Critical
24 Epic : Improved Martial Arts
26 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
27 Epic : Epic Damage Reduction
28 Destiny: First Blood OR Elusive Target
29 Destiny: Dire Charge OR Deific Warding
30 Epic : Vorpal Strikes (requires WIS tome)
30 Legend : Scion of: Astral Plane OR Plane of Earth
Enhancements (79 of 80 AP)
Shintao (41 AP)
- Bastion of Purity, Protection from Tainted Creatures, Iron Hand, Argent Fist, Touch the Void Dragon, To Seek Perfection
- Difficulty at the Beginning, Deft Strikes III
- Lifting the Veil, Smite Tainted Creature, Iron Skin III, Fists of Iron
- Restoring the Balance, Jade Strike, Dismissing Strike, Wisdom
- The Receptive Earth, Tomb of Jade, Instinctive Defense III, Wisdom
- Empty Hand Mastery, Kukan-Do, Meditation of War, Rise of the Phoenix
Ninja Spy (26 AP)
- Basic Ninja Training, Advanced Ninja Training, Shadow Veil
- Sneak Attack Training, Acrobatic III
- Agility III, Sneak Attack Training, Knock on the Sky, Melee/Ranged Power Boost III
- Sneak Attack Training
- No Mercy III
Henshin Mystic (11 AP)
- Riddle of Fire, Ki Bolt, Sounding Staff
- Winter's Touch, Negotiator II, Way of the: Patient Tortoise
- Static Charge, Unbalancing Strike
Human (1 AP)
Leveling Guide
- Spy0 Basic Ninja Training; Hen0 Riddle of Fire; Shi0 Bastion of Purity; Shi1 Deft Strikes I
- Spy1 Sneak Attack Training; Spy1 Acrobatic I, II
- Spy0 Advanced Ninja Training; Hum0 Damage Boost; Shi1 Deft Strikes II, III
- Shi1 Difficulty at the Beginning; Shi0 Protection from Tainted Creatures; Shi2 Fists of Iron
- Spy2 Sneak Attack Training; Spy2 Knock on the Sky
- Spy0 Shadow Veil; Shi2 Smite Tainted Creature; Shi0 Iron Hand
- Shi3 Jade Strike; Shi2 Iron Skin I, II
- Shi2 Iron Skin III; Shi2 Lifting the Veil; Shi3 Dismissing Strike
- Shi3 Restoring the Balance; Shi4 Tomb of Jade; Shi4 The Receptive Earth
- Shi3 Wisdom; Shi4 Wisdom
- Shi4 Instinctive Defense I, II; (Bank 2 AP)
- Shi0 Argent Fist; Shi5 Empty Hand Mastery; Shi5 Meditation of War; Shi4 Instinctive Defense III
- Shi5 Kukan-Do; Shi5 Rise of the Phoenix
- Hen1 Way of the: Patient Tortoise; Hen1 Winter's Touch; Hen1 Negotiator I
- Hen0 Ki Bolt; Hen2 Static Charge; Hen2 Unbalancing Strike
- Hen1 Negotiator II; Hen0 Sounding Staff; Spy3 Sneak Attack Training
- Spy2 Melee/Ranged Power Boost I, II, III; Spy1 Acrobatic III
- Shi0 Touch the Void Dragon; Spy2 Agility I, II, III
- Spy4 No Mercy I, II
- Shi0 To Seek Perfection; Spy4 No Mercy III
If you buy a +2 DEX tome to start, you can put the first two level-ups into WIS instead. Not sure what to do with that last AP; I'm sure you'll think of something.