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  1. #1
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Default Where have the Alts gone? Also problems for new players.

    Why are Alts good?
    1. Alts increase how easy it is to get a group with an LFM or private channel. Players have access to a larger level range, more of the game, and more people.
    Quote Originally Posted by Epicstorms View Post
    ... the population is even lower right now as people are not filling several spots at several levels.
    2. Alts allow people to experience the build diversity that DDO offers in spades. We have probably the most complex, interesting, silly character creation on the internet. Path of Exile gets an honorable mention, as do a few others, but really, we’re dominating this. It’s our strength, so stressing it is good. Alts increase immersion, and enjoyment of the game.

    There are 668,000 posts in the builds section. That’s about ½ the size of the General Discussion section. People love builds here.

    3. Our overlords charge a decent amount of money for the privilege to skip a life, with a box, or speed it up with a pot. We all know that incentivizing Alts incentivizes consumption.

    Why don’t many people have alts?
    1. Alts are a zero sum game, in many ways. Either you get XP on your main, or on your alt. BTA gear is not a zero sum game, but most stuff is. Tomes are a zero sum game. Raid gear is a zero sum game. Destiny, Epic, Reaper, Cannith Crafting, Iconic, Heroic, and Racial experience are all a zero sum game. Like it or not you are losing min/maxers.

    Raid runes were an awesome way to incentivize raiding across several characters. The affect it had was largely positive on incentivizing alts. Shroud gets a big +1 as well. This is a perfect example of something that’s not a zero sum game.

    2. Alts can be a pretty large time and/or monetary investment.

    600 DP, for 1 tab of inventory or bank space
    5000 DP, for +6 Tome of Supreme Ability
    1600 DP, for Greater Tome of Learning
    1300 DP, for Greater Tome of Epic Learning
    1000 DP, for +2 Tome of Fate
    500 DP, for a Large Cookie Jar

    These are the nice things you’ll want if you wanna sink some real time into a toon. That’s about 10,000 DDO points, or $100. Do you need all that stuff? No absolutely not. I’m just putting it into perspective for people who get serious about a character. Not counting boxes, xp pots, slayer pots, etc. SSG needs our money for their services, but can’t we monetize the game without putting a massive premium to “keep up with the Jones?” I’m all for making our whales feel exceedingly special, important, and loved, but making new players have a chance at competitiveness without charging them $300 is very important. Its tied up with the issues of having multiple characters as well.

    Moving Towards a Solution, TL;DR to Here
    SSG makes money on experience. If experience were shared, then they would be losing out on potential profits. If people feel that there’s a $300 pay wall combined with a broken who panel in Korthos then WHY WOULD THEY STAY? As a community, we benefit from making experience less important for new players and characters. Do we want to be another failed Daybreak Games endeavor, or do we want to be the second most steady horse behind Everquest?

    The more open the game is to its real content, i.e., character creation, the less money the devs make on it. The price of boxes has to stay high. The price of tomes and other QOL things so that your friends aren’t constantly out leveling you should probably drop. The length of the grind for a Solar Whale should be infinite, but the New Guy (or toon) should feel competitive.

    Making some forms of experience transferable, or shared, between toons would be helpful to the community as a whole. Make it a premium service, but reduce the height of that pay-wall a bit. I don’t want to spend $300 just to make a decently competitive toon without any gear. It’s too high. You just gave yourselves a new past-life system. It’s time to ease up the old one since most of us have already done it, and new players would benefit. XP needs to be more like loot. Some of it needs to be BTA to encourage the use of multiple characters.

    Spaghetti on the Wall
    1. Make Cannith Crafting XP shared on an account. Create a new starter area for the expansion and streamline the new player experience. Fix the WHO panel or demolish it into something else. Reduce the cost of ability Tomes, but not learning Tomes. Generally reduce monetization of events that have not received developer influence in over 3 years.
    2. Next year allow “some” heroic past-life sharing or trading on an account. It speeds up the grind for a new player and does not affect the new grind for an old player. Watering down old things is good.
    3. The year after allow some epic past-life sharing.
    4. Some indefinite time later allow some other form of XP sharing as you introduce more forms of XP.

    Last edited by Sam-u-r-eye; 03-28-2017 at 01:14 PM.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  2. #2
    Community Member DrowsworD's Avatar
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    Another idea, to boost Alt XP, increase money for SSG, add to player enjoyment, and help the problem of not enough folks for a group.

    Allow users to buy the right to run an Alt as a hireling. If you could run your own Alt as a hireling with another character, for say 100+ SSP or some shards, you could boost the XP of the main and Alt (or two Alt's). You could do a better solo run, or fill two spots in a group.

    Granted, it would take some programming to increase the Alt/Hireling AI, among other things. You would not have full access to all the Alts abilities, but the Alt would get full XP for the quest and possibly gear, either through the standard chest interface or by the main getting an extra treasure list to choose something for the Alt.

    Limit it to only one Alt/Hire per character, not usable in raids, etc, etc.


  3. #3
    Community Member SerPounce's Avatar
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    If you can get past the idea that you need to have everything maxed on every toon then running alts can be plenty fun. In fact I think if some of the triple/triple types out there rolled up an alt from time to time they'd realize it can be a lot of fun to play an alt BECAUSE they don't have everything max out.


  4. #4
    Community Member Epicstorms's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SerPounce View Post
    If you can get past the idea that you need to have everything maxed on every toon then running alts can be plenty fun. In fact I think if some of the triple/triple types out there rolled up an alt from time to time they'd realize it can be a lot of fun to play an alt BECAUSE they don't have everything max out.
    Understandable, and I understand that you enjoy that.

    But I join the people that are complaining lately. Part of my fun was to aim for a goal, achieve a certain amount of power before I get back into that endgame. But the recent powercreep hamster wheels are too much.
    If you go for it, enjoy your huge grind.
    If you don't go for it, you lose out on quite some power (and for people like me that means you enjoy the game less). Also, enjoy sitting around at a certain level and wait for players (of which most are playing solely 1 toon nowadays and probably somewhere between 1-20) :P

  5. #5
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    You're misusing "zero-sum game," but in general I agree that the combination of power creep, "pay-to-win" elements, and difficulty scaling (now with Reaper Mode for extra party wipes!) "encourages" players to focus on minmaxing a single toon rather than having a diverse mix of alts. In particular, good point about the combination of BtA items / ingredients (like the old epic seals) and the absence of raid timers encouraged people to have multiple toons they could use to run raids back-to-back.

    That said, I don't think XP sharing or more BtA items really addresses the social issues: namely some people have way the hell more time & resources to spend on DDO than others. Which would be fine, except DDO's relatively small player base (or at least the PUGing scene) is dominated by vets who insist on running quests on the highest difficulty available. It's tough enough for newer or more casual players to keep up in Elite runs, good luck not getting one-shotted every time you go into Reaper Mode. You can just solo DDO, of course, but curiously some people insist that an MMO means you ought to be able to play with other players if you want...and not just in static groups.

    IMO, the only way to fix the power disparity between those at the top and those at the bottom is to flatten the power curve entirely so more casual players don't feel locked out of most content. But good luck doing that without the vets screaming bloody murder about how they've been nerfed-by-proxy and all their time was wasted and LOL WHY NOT JUST HAVE A "CLICK TO WIN" BUTTON etc.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  6. #6
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    That said, I don't think XP sharing or more BtA items really addresses the social issues: namely some people have way the hell more time & resources to spend on DDO than others. Which would be fine, except DDO's relatively small player base (or at least the PUGing scene) is dominated by vets who insist on running quests on the highest difficulty available. It's tough enough for newer or more casual players to keep up in Elite runs, good luck not getting one-shotted every time you go into Reaper Mode. You can just solo DDO, of course, but curiously some people insist that an MMO means you ought to be able to play with other players if you want...and not just in static groups.

    IMO, the only way to fix the power disparity between those at the top and those at the bottom is to flatten the power curve entirely so more casual players don't feel locked out of most content. But good luck doing that without the vets screaming bloody murder about how they've been nerfed-by-proxy and all their time was wasted and LOL WHY NOT JUST HAVE A "CLICK TO WIN" BUTTON etc.
    Totally agree. The devs had a chance to implement the relative flat power curve with reaper but failed. The focus of the game at this point appears to be squeezing as much as possible out of the vets that want a max character.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  7. #7
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Well if they squeeze them till they leave maybe Unbongwah will get his way.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  8. #8
    Community Member Epicstorms's Avatar
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    I agree with most of the posts above, but I do think that sharing XP will address most issues.

    People will play multiple toons again at several level ranges
    30 lifes for racial PLs, even if account shared, is really plenty for current players as a hamster wheel.

    It is only normal for new players to have a learning curve and that you 'need' to play several lifes before you have a good toon. You can obtain quite some 'low hanging fruit' pretty fast if you're a new player. For example +1 DC from wiz PL for a caster, is a huge bonus and easy to obtain.
    Last edited by Epicstorms; 03-28-2017 at 02:21 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam-u-r-eye View Post
    Alts can be a pretty large time and/or monetary investment:

    600 DP, for 1 tab of inventory or bank space
    5000 DP, for +6 Tome of Supreme Ability
    1600 DP, for Greater Tome of Learning
    1300 DP, for Greater Tome of Epic Learning
    1000 DP, for +2 Tome of Fate
    500 DP, for a Large Cookie Jar

    These are the nice things you’ll want if you wanna sink some real time into a toon. That’s about 10,000 DDO points, or $100. Do you need all that stuff? No absolutely not.
    Personally speaking, on my main character I have both Greater Tomes (bought on sale) and that's it. My opinion is that buying ability tomes is cheesing the system, and they're pretty available and not really necessary to be competitive (even for a super min-maxer 50 vs 56 in a stat is pretty small) outside of a few builds (TWF paladin/cleric or something). I won't fault you for buying them, but it doesn't seem "required" to me.

    Do you really need a Cookie Jar per character? I get by somehow without even one on my entire account. Or a Fate Tome, although I might pick one up if they go on sale. Or bank/inventory pages for that matter.

    I bought shared bank space 1, shared plat 2, and shared crafting 2 (mostly on sale). That honestly covers most of my bank space needs, and is fully usable across my alts (in fact is a huge QoL upgrade for them). 100% would recommend, even for those who barely use alts.

    From my end, the full requirements to make a character as viable as my main account cost 2900 (unless you get a sale on tomes). In fact, MotU Collectors edition ($20 on Black Friday sale, but 2k DP = ~free) will save you 1k DP per alt (free lesser xp tome on everyone) as well as giving one Greater tome per server and a bunch of other free things. With that, you're down to 1900 DP per alt, which is a competitive $20 to bring your character up to top-tier.

    Spaghetti on the Wall:
    1. Make Cannith Crafting XP shared on an account. Create a new starter area for the expansion and streamline the new player experience. Fix the WHO panel or demolish it into something else. Reduce the cost of ability Tomes, but not learning Tomes. Generally reduce monetization of events that have not received developer influence in over 3 years.
    2. Next year allow “some” heroic past-life sharing or trading on an account. It speeds up the grind for a new player and does not affect the new grind for an old player. Watering down old things is good.
    3. The year after allow some epic past-life sharing.
    4. Some indefinite time later allow some other form of XP sharing as you introduce more forms of XP.
    *Numbers not correlated*

    1. I would agree to shared Cannith Crafting XP per server, but not per account. With Shared Crafting Storage this is a pure QoL upgrade, but if you make it account-wide you remove the need to invest the effort at least once/server as it currently stands.
    2. I would argue more for updating Korthos than creating a new area entirely.
    3. Ability Tomes are not requisite to be competitive. Why should they be cheap? People who -need- them will spend the money either way. People who don't will either not worry, or get them in-game via favor or plat or shards or -heaven forbid- actual questing.
    4. When you say "some" do you mean like if you get all three of a given HPL on any character all your characters on that server benefit from +1 of that HPL (max 3 still obviously) or what? Otherwise I agree, making old things more available makes them more attainable/viable/interesting.
    5. How would XP sharing work? If you have 5% shared xp, and your main goes across a single HPL, any lvl 1 will suddenly be a lvl 7? Seems almost disastrous outside of epic levels where gearing is easier and EPLs don't change your build much.
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  10. #10
    Community Member SerPounce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    IMO, the only way to fix the power disparity between those at the top and those at the bottom is to flatten the power curve entirely so more casual players don't feel locked out of most content. But good luck doing that without the vets screaming bloody murder about how they've been nerfed-by-proxy and all their time was wasted and LOL WHY NOT JUST HAVE A "CLICK TO WIN" BUTTON etc.
    Of course they're bellyaching now about how there's not enough reward to run "HIGH SKULL!!! reaper." It kills them that there's filthy casuals out there running r3 and getting decent xp. Some people are just going to throw a tantrum no matter what.

    But aside from that I think you guys are really overstating how much grind is "needed." If you use a respectable build with cannith crafted gear and understand the basics of how your toon and the game works you can hang just fine in 90% of LFMs. And the other 10% are frankly better avoided even if you can keep up with them.

    The idea that you "need" to have all this grindy stuff is mostly in people's heads.


  11. #11
    Founder Laggin's Avatar
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    I have 22 character slots. Before reincarnating they each were a character. Most were at level cap, but I would switch around depending on what the guild/party needed. I had my favorites they were usually better.

    I played this game for so long at max xp, it was about getting gear, helping guildies.

    All the raid loot I passed on because why would my cleric Laggin need SOS? Who knew.

    If you want to play alts, then play alts. I don't understand you asking the game to give you incentive to play alts.
    Don't be mean to me or my guild leader will kick your ^*&
    13th Circle, been saving your raids since '06

  12. #12
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    When I came back to the game a year and a half ago,
    A lot had changed
    Mainly past lives
    Before, I had a dozen alts of all different makes
    But I soon realized that if I wanted a super toon,
    I would have to play one
    So I choose Kil, my most iconic name
    Since then I have benn putting on epic lives,
    And slowly working through the classes
    It's the only way to achieve completionist in a short time,
    Play one character

    Now I still got a couple others
    Vish, my 30 cleric, has 3 cleric pl
    36 pt build with one epic pl
    But I stuck +6 tomes on him
    And slaver gear,
    And he's kicking ass
    I'll camp him at 30 while I tr Kil
    That's the method I use

    Everything generally seems to be in accord
    I would prefer a game where one person runs one toon
    And you get to know them by that name
    It makes them legendary
    And so much easier to recognize consistently
    It breaks the nets anonymity problem
    Especially if they talk
    Then it's real person running great toon time
    Otherwise, you never know...

    And about xp,
    I think things are fine
    The separation drives people to play only one,
    If they want to max it out
    And believe me, it makes a difference
    And opens up lots of options
    And let's you see the game at the top tier

    I'm only about half way to completionist
    Closer to epic completionist
    And I really see the difference
    Especially now in reaper
    Reaper points per toon
    That should keep us 1-3 for awhile
    But there are some monsters roaming out there now

    Ya and about new player
    I'm kinda scared if there is such a thing
    They gotta reap right off the bat in pugs mostly,
    I suggest they get guided pronto
    Lots of casuals running together
    And I know elite is still being done
    And I do see occasional lfm for normal
    So they're trying
    But we just dont got the population...
    Seems after reaper,
    Lots disappeared.
    Last edited by Vish; 03-28-2017 at 03:38 PM.
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  13. #13
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    I play different characters (I have 6) because I want to. Sure I could get more power if I played only one. But for me it is not fun. Fun for me is being able to decide a type and even a level range to play in for that session. Or being able to switch to group with friends/guildmates.

    But why I don't see the need to consolidate all this to make Alt characters "worth it" is because I see all of these characters as different entities each deserving of their own journey through DDO.

  14. #14
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    How about dramatically decreasing the amount of XP required on the first three lives only?

    That would be both alt and new player friendly. It would be an easy on to the hamster wheel for those so inclined.

    The current chart looks like this:

    1st Life 1.9M
    2nd Life 2.85M
    3rd Life+ 3.8M

    What if the chart looked like this:

    1st Life 400K
    2nd Life 650K
    3rd Life 850k
    4th Life 1.9M
    5th Life 2.85M
    6th Life+ 3.8M?

    From my point of view the answer is that everybody who seriously tries the game will reincarnate at least once and most people will get to 36 point builds. I think retention would go up some for new players and I think existing players would create a ton more alts than they have now and even put many of those on the TR wheel.

    I think it would be a win-win for the game system, the players and SSG.

  15. #15
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    people may not have many alts because they want to partake in the many grind systems the game offers and focus on 1 character. how I read these complaints is that there are too many options for players and they don't have the time to play more than 1 character to finish getting through all those hoops. this is what they choose to do and choose not to play alts. this goes hand in hand with what I have been warning about for a long time. deviate from the game aspect of DDO and encourage a fast paced game and the players will respond in kind. players complained there wasn't a lot to do in the game, but now complain there is. its hypocritical. sharing experience with alts does not encourage playing alts. solution would be to do what some players have done in the past if you don't want to play alts is to make box alts and pike quests while focusing on 1 character.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  16. #16
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Where are the "but it can be earned in game, so its fine" folks at? It never used to matter that some previous iterations of "earning it in game" such as tomes for instance, which can also be store bought, have similar "in game" drop rates as the odds of seeing a unicorn. Now it apparently matters when the ability to earn it in game cant happen realistically on more than a few characters, in any reasonable time frame. The overlap grows.
    Last edited by Chai; 03-28-2017 at 04:04 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  17. #17
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    at the moment i am playing skyforge... a mmorpg game very bland, action fps type, similar to ddo but not so deep...

    what i like is... you can switch from 1 class to another just in 1 easy move, even inside a quest, but as long as party is out of combat.


    here is how ddo could improve...

    imagine you buy 1 iconic... now your character can be level 1-20 with that i mean, if you want to join a level 4 party your character becomes a level 4 character, if you want to join a level 15 party your character can become level 15

    no more (i am too high level, i am too low level to join)


    imagine you can customize your character, for every level... so when he becomes level 4 you gain the spell you wish to use at level 4, when you swap to level 15 you gain the spell and quickbar of your choice.
    if you do not like to customize, you get an optimized preset for each level.


    now imagine you were an iconic cleric, you collected enough xp to level to 30 and tr into another class... you pick an iconic paladin...

    as a second lifer iconic you can join any level 1-30 party by being a level 1-30 cleric or a level 1-20 paladin...

    for example, in a level 7 quest you can be a level 7 cleric, a level 7 paladin...

    imagine you level up to 30 paladin and tr again... you choose a non iconic barbarian and are level 1

    you play a bit and become level 2 barbarian... in guild they need a cleric for a raid... you convert yourself into a level 30 iconic cleric (the one from your first life) and join them

    after the raid you go back to level 2 barbarian and level up to 4 barbarian...

    there is a lvl 10 group looking for 1 more body to trigger a pressure plate... you swap you third lifer level 4 barbarian into a level 10 paladin of your second life... and join them....

    as you can see... this could help joining party tremendously...

    and basically is somehow how skyforge works... no matter what level are other people... you can join them, and if you are lower level, you automatically get upscaled to their level... once the quest/mission is done, you return to your level... this means that solo you can't play high level quests... but when grouped with someone high level enough, you get boosted to his level...

  18. #18
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    The ridiculous drop rate on +7s resulted in Pay 2 have for 7s.
    Before they hit the store I spent ~2000 shards to get 2 of them from TOEE.

    After they hit the store I was pretty annoyed.

    I haven't bought a tome since then. I would honestly hand them $50 if they said they needed it right now in a kind of "yearly drive." I would much prefer that, to what happens with some of the P2PowerUp items they advertisin.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  19. #19
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nayozz View Post
    at the moment i am playing skyforge... a mmorpg game very bland, action fps type, similar to ddo but not so deep...

    what i like is... you can switch from 1 class to another just in 1 easy move, even inside a quest, but as long as party is out of combat.
    If anyone hasn't played Skyforge or watched a lets play, it has excellent character customization. You can swap between radically different roles and builds in the middle of a quest.

    I stopped playing when they introduced $50 temples though =p
    Same principle as why I will no longer buy tomes.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  20. #20
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Where are the "but it can be earned in game, so its fine" folks at? It never used to matter that some previous iterations of "earning it in game" such as tomes for instance, which can also be store bought, have similar "in game" drop rates as the odds of seeing a unicorn. Now it apparently matters when the ability to earn it in game cant happen realistically on more than a few characters, in any reasonable time frame. The overlap grows.
    My issue isn't with current or future store items. My issue is that they can't find a way to monetize the game except through hamster wheels and hamster wheels are getting old. I have no problem paying money to a company that is producing a quality product and understand SSG needs to make a profit to stay in existence.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

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