Moving Towards a Solution, TL;DR to Here
SSG makes money on experience. If experience were shared, then they would be losing out on potential profits. If people feel that there’s a $300 pay wall combined with a broken who panel in Korthos then WHY WOULD THEY STAY? As a community, we benefit from making experience less important for new players and characters. Do we want to be another failed
Daybreak Games endeavor, or do we want to be the second most steady horse behind
The more open the game is to its real content, i.e., character creation, the less money the devs make on it. The price of boxes has to stay high. The price of tomes and other QOL things so that your friends aren’t constantly out leveling you should probably drop. The length of the grind for a Solar Whale should be infinite, but the New Guy (or toon) should feel competitive.
Making some forms of experience transferable, or shared, between toons would be helpful to the community as a whole. Make it a premium service, but reduce the height of that pay-wall a bit. I don’t want to spend $300 just to make a decently competitive toon without any gear. It’s too high. You just gave yourselves a new past-life system. It’s time to ease up the old one since most of us have already done it, and new players would benefit. XP needs to be more like loot. Some of it needs to be BTA to encourage the use of multiple characters.
Spaghetti on the Wall
1. Make Cannith Crafting XP shared on an account. Create a new starter area for the expansion and streamline the new player experience. Fix the WHO panel or demolish it into something else. Reduce the cost of ability Tomes, but not learning Tomes. Generally reduce monetization of events that have not received developer influence in over 3 years.
2. Next year allow “some” heroic past-life sharing or trading on an account. It speeds up the grind for a new player and does not affect the new grind for an old player. Watering down old things is good.
3. The year after allow some epic past-life sharing.
4. Some indefinite time later allow some other form of XP sharing as you introduce more forms of XP.