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  1. #1
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    Default Warlock Spells, Aura and Blasts

    What do I need to focus on to increase the DPS of my Aura, Spirt and Eldtritch Blast and evards?

  2. #2
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccd1977 View Post
    What do I need to focus on to increase the DPS of my Aura, Spirt and Eldtritch Blast and evards?
    Are you Fiend, Fey or GOO?

    Combustion, Fire Lore, Radiance, Radiance Lore, Impulse, Kinetic Lore {Force is still for Evards and possibly Ruin even if you take Utterdark Blast}.
    Spell Focus: Evocation and Enchant

    Resonance, Sonic Lore, Radiance, Radiance Lore, Impulse, Kinetic Lore {Force is still for Evards and possibly Ruin even if you take Utterdark Blast}.
    Spell Focus: Evoc and Enchant

    Corrosion, Acid Lore, Radiance, Radiance Lore, Impulse, Kinetic Lore {Force is still for Evards and possibly Ruin even if you take Utterdark Blast}.
    Spell Focus: Evoc and Enchant

    Evards is Conju but I'd always get Evoc and Enchant Focuses first personally.

    And of course Spell Pen and any other Spell Based Gear/Enhancements and Feats.

  3. #3
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    I am Fey. Thanks for the breakdown.
    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Are you Fiend, Fey or GOO?FiendCombustion, Fire Lore, Radiance, Radiance Lore, Impulse, Kinetic Lore {Force is still for Evards and possibly Ruin even if you take Utterdark Blast}.Spell Focus: Evocation and EnchantFeyResonance, Sonic Lore, Radiance, Radiance Lore, Impulse, Kinetic Lore {Force is still for Evards and possibly Ruin even if you take Utterdark Blast}.Spell Focus: Evoc and EnchantGOOCorrosion, Acid Lore, Radiance, Radiance Lore, Impulse, Kinetic Lore {Force is still for Evards and possibly Ruin even if you take Utterdark Blast}.Spell Focus: Evoc and EnchantEvards is Conju but I'd always get Evoc and Enchant Focuses first personally.And of course Spell Pen and any other Spell Based Gear/Enhancements and Feats.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Are you Fiend, Fey or GOO?

    Combustion, Fire Lore, Radiance, Radiance Lore, Impulse, Kinetic Lore {Force is still for Evards and possibly Ruin even if you take Utterdark Blast}.
    Spell Focus: Evocation and Enchant

    Resonance, Sonic Lore, Radiance, Radiance Lore, Impulse, Kinetic Lore {Force is still for Evards and possibly Ruin even if you take Utterdark Blast}.
    Spell Focus: Evoc and Enchant

    Corrosion, Acid Lore, Radiance, Radiance Lore, Impulse, Kinetic Lore {Force is still for Evards and possibly Ruin even if you take Utterdark Blast}.
    Spell Focus: Evoc and Enchant

    Evards is Conju but I'd always get Evoc and Enchant Focuses first personally.

    And of course Spell Pen and any other Spell Based Gear/Enhancements and Feats.
    Mostly agree, especially as the OP was asking about auras and blasts, but for a Fiend I would take necro focus and get spell pen. Too many necro instakills to pass up that opportunity. Finger + enlarge means you can kill stuff before they can even see you.

    For Fey I would also mention not to forget to put points in perform as it boosts your sonic spell power.
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  5. #5
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlcoArgo View Post
    Mostly agree, especially as the OP was asking about auras and blasts, but for a Fiend I would take necro focus and get spell pen. Too many necro instakills to pass up that opportunity. Finger + enlarge means you can kill stuff before they can even see you.

    Fiend doesn't have any Necro Pact Spells - I looked.
    Hurl doesn't take Necro boosts according to Wiki.
    Howl of Terror is Enchantment
    Binding Chains is Evoc.

    FoD is available as a standard spell choice but that's a lot of gear and feats just to have a worthwhile FoD? {I take Tenser's and Mass Prot Ele as my two level 5 spells anyway}.

    With all the Enchantment Spells a Warlock gets access to and the sheer amount of extra damage helpless gives well I feel Enchant is just blatantly the best option with Evoc to boost your Pact Damage.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlcoArgo View Post
    For Fey I would also mention not to forget to put points in perform as it boosts your sonic spell power.
    Oh Absolutely.

    I always put 2 in Perform at Lvl 1 and .5 in Perform every level up to 11 at Lvl 19 {can't get to 12}.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 03-27-2017 at 01:29 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Hmmmm

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post

    Fiend doesn't have any Necro Pact Spells - I looked.
    Hurl doesn't take Necro boosts according to Wiki.
    Howl of Terror is Enchantment
    Binding Chains is Evoc.

    FoD is available as a standard spell choice but that's a lot of gear and feats just to have a worthwhile FoD? {I take Tenser's and Mass Prot Ele as my two level 5 spells anyway}.

    With all the Enchantment Spells a Warlock gets access to and the sheer amount of extra damage helpless gives well I feel Enchant is just blatantly the best option with Evoc to boost your Pact Damage.

    Oh Absolutely.

    I always put 2 in Perform at Lvl 1 and .5 in Perform every level up to 11 at Lvl 19 {can't get to 12}.
    slow down a moment

    In practice if you take the 2 necro feats and spell pen + good necro gear the FoD is good on the warlock. what is great about fiend is you can hit the champ with HtH while hidden and the 1st mover, smack with FoD. HtH has a long cool down so FoD is a nice 2nd revolver. Of course you want to draw them into your Tenticles and finish of the rest with other Wail fo the Banshee. There is other strategery as well. You could sneak in and hit Tenticles, then Wail, and HtH on the worst baddie still standing and you still have back up gun in FoD while HtH recharges, etc. Lots of nifty combos.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccd1977 View Post
    What do I need to focus on to increase the DPS of my Aura, Spirt and Eldtritch Blast and evards?
    While Fran has given you good advice on your Pact and Warlock innate blasting power the answer for Aura, Spirt Blast and Eldritch Burst is that these are powered by Light/Alignment spell power. You will find this in Radiance (Spell Power) and Radiance Lore (Critical chance).

    This is the same spell power used when changing your Force damage to Evil damage using Tainted Scholar's Utterdark blast stance.

    So based on the Pact you can consolidate your spell power to the Element of Pact (Has a Save) and Radiance (Does not have a save)

  8. #8
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    While Fran has given you good advice on your Pact and Warlock innate blasting power the answer for Aura, Spirt Blast and Eldritch Burst is that these are powered by Light/Alignment spell power. You will find this in Radiance (Spell Power) and Radiance Lore (Critical chance).

    This is the same spell power used when changing your Force damage to Evil damage using Tainted Scholar's Utterdark blast stance.

    So based on the Pact you can consolidate your spell power to the Element of Pact (Has a Save) and Radiance (Does not have a save)
    Note: Doing this and not bothering with an Impulse and Kinetic Lore item/s leaves your Evard's doing pretty weak damage comparatively - I'm still not sure about Utterdark Blast though I use it most of the time as the Impulse/Kinetic Lore is still needed for Evard's anyway.

    TBF Warlocks are probably the least gear intensive Class in the game and utilising two caster sticks + Spellpower Armour easily allows for 3 different Spellpowers and 2 different Spell Lores.

  9. #9
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livmo View Post
    slow down a moment

    In practice if you take the 2 necro feats and spell pen + good necro gear the FoD is good on the warlock. what is great about fiend is you can hit the champ with HtH while hidden and the 1st mover, smack with FoD. HtH has a long cool down so FoD is a nice 2nd revolver. Of course you want to draw them into your Tenticles and finish of the rest with other Wail fo the Banshee. There is other strategery as well. You could sneak in and hit Tenticles, then Wail, and HtH on the worst baddie still standing and you still have back up gun in FoD while HtH recharges, etc. Lots of nifty combos.
    So FoD + Wail because Wiki states that HtH is....
    Considered a Necromancy effect; however, it is not affected by items, feats and abilities that improve Necromancy DCs.

  10. #10
    Community Member DANTEIL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post

    Resonance, Sonic Lore, Radiance, Radiance Lore, Impulse, Kinetic Lore {Force is still for Evards and possibly Ruin even if you take Utterdark Blast}.
    Spell Focus: Evoc and Enchant

    This is really useful, thanks. I've been leveling a Fey-lock and have been a bit confused about what kind of damage I am doing when using mostly Utterdark Blast (Chain) and Evard's (love. that. spell!) I know the basic Fey Blast is Sonic (helped by Perform, too), but I'm guessing that Utterdark blast (although "Evil" in the tooltip) is actually alignment-based so is helped by Radiance? And it didn't occur to me that Evard's might be improved by Kinetic, but that makes sense.

    Am going to try Fiend next life.

    edit: noticing replies above that speak to this.

  11. #11
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Note: Doing this and not bothering with an Impulse and Kinetic Lore item/s leaves your Evard's doing pretty weak damage comparatively - I'm still not sure about Utterdark Blast though I use it most of the time as the Impulse/Kinetic Lore is still needed for Evard's anyway.

    TBF Warlocks are probably the least gear intensive Class in the game and utilising two caster sticks + Spellpower Armour easily allows for 3 different Spellpowers and 2 different Spell Lores.
    I don't disagree that it potentially weakens the force damage of Evard's, but keep in mind that Evard's can serve quite well as a "some damage" but mostly stop/slow effect allowing the Radiance side of your damage to do the heavy lifting. Basically, focus more on Conjuration DCs of Evard's then on its damage. In my opinion Evard's strongest part is the hold/slow effect the damage is simply extra.

  12. #12
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    I don't disagree that it potentially weakens the force damage of Evard's, but keep in mind that Evard's can serve quite well as a "some damage" but mostly stop/slow effect allowing the Radiance side of your damage to do the heavy lifting. Basically, focus more on Conjuration DCs of Evard's then on its damage. In my opinion Evard's strongest part is the hold/slow effect the damage is simply extra.
    Fitting in Conju feats is tough.

    I like using Wizard Active Past Life as that gives +1 to everything then taking Spell Focus: Enchant for an extra +1 to that.

    Non-Human Fey Lock
    Lvl 1: Force of Personality
    Lvl 3: Wizard Past Life or Spell Focus: Evoc. {Enchant doesn't come in till much later}.
    Lvl 6: Maximise
    Lvl 9: Empower
    Lvl 12: Spell Focus: Enchant
    Lvl 15: Quicken
    Lvl 18: One from Spell Pen, Toughness, Mental Toughness, Gtr Spell Focus, Augment Summon, Extend, Insightful Reflexes as Int is likely to be much higher than Dex and maybe something else I've missed.

    Warlocks aren't Feat Starved but they're not replete with Feats and I find Force of Personality non-negotiable!

  13. #13
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Fitting in Conju feats is tough.

    I like using Wizard Active Past Life as that gives +1 to everything then taking Spell Focus: Enchant for an extra +1 to that.

    Non-Human Fey Lock
    Lvl 1: Force of Personality
    Lvl 3: Wizard Past Life or Spell Focus: Evoc. {Enchant doesn't come in till much later}.
    Lvl 6: Maximise
    Lvl 9: Empower
    Lvl 12: Spell Focus: Enchant
    Lvl 15: Quicken
    Lvl 18: One from Spell Pen, Toughness, Mental Toughness, Gtr Spell Focus, Augment Summon, Extend, Insightful Reflexes as Int is likely to be much higher than Dex and maybe something else I've missed.

    Warlocks aren't Feat Starved but they're not replete with Feats and I find Force of Personality non-negotiable!
    That list is fine, where I would be different is in Quicken but I understand why with fey as you get Dancing ball which has a long cast time.

    But having that Wizard Past Life for +1 to all Schools is a big boost in you don't need to get too many focus feats, in many cases you can stop with that one and at worst be 2 DC behind some that takes 3 feats in that school. So much of the DC bonuses have moved to gear especially at the 25+ range.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    That list is fine, where I would be different is in Quicken but I understand why with fey as you get Dancing ball which has a long cast time.
    Yes Quicken is pretty much mandatory if you use Disco Ball!

    A Fey Lock gets Disco at 17 so you want Quicken at 15.

    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    But having that Wizard Past Life for +1 to all Schools is a big boost in you don't need to get too many focus feats, in many cases you can stop with that one and at worst be 2 DC behind some that takes 3 feats in that school. So much of the DC bonuses have moved to gear especially at the 25+ range.
    Yes Wizard Past Life is awesome but it's not really available to 1st lifers or a lot of 2nd,3rd,4th lifers either.

    I would take Completionist over it though if I had it because +2 to all stats pretty much does the same thing and more.

  15. #15
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post

    I would take Completionist over it though if I had it because +2 to all stats pretty much does the same thing and more.
    In your list there actually would be no need for a completionist to choose one over the other, as taking both and replacing the SF: Enchantment at level 12. Because if you are a completionist you would have both. I think the only downside would be if you use Magister's SF Twist as that requires a SF Feat to unlock.

  16. #16
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    In your list there actually would be no need for a completionist to choose one over the other, as taking both and replacing the SF: Enchantment at level 12. Because if you are a completionist you would have both. I think the only downside would be if you use Magister's SF Twist as that requires a SF Feat to unlock.
    Good point - Perhaps I should have said I'd take Completionist over it at Lvl 3 and Wizard Past Life at 12 instead of Spell Focus.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccd1977 View Post
    What do I need to focus on to increase the DPS of my Aura, Spirt and Eldtritch Blast and evards?
    At endgame a light focused warlock will be sub-optimal to a force focused warlock. If you need proof, just look at warlock videos of the comparisons between the two; at endgame a HUGE amount of your DPS should be coming from ruins and arcane pulse, so much so that the blast is basically just for clearing out weak trash enemies. For heroics it's fine to take Utterdark Blast to consolidate spellpowers and since the extra 10d6/3d6 light damages from enlightened spirit are actually relevant, but if you're playing at cap I'd definitely focus on force.
    Dazling of Cannith

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    So FoD + Wail because Wiki states that HtH is....
    You just want to boost the necro spells. Jump into or sneak into Mob and hit with Tenticles, then Wail (before FoD if possible), then FoD/HtH. Wail first for neg levels.

    Also when I said good gear, I meant stuff like this. Keeping mind I have the yellow necro topaz slotted into ring:

    EDIT ~ The yellow topaz may be Enhancement bonus, so all 3 stack. I like to play mostly first lifers, so I need all the help I can get on the DCs.
    Last edited by Livmo; 03-27-2017 at 07:16 PM.

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